3 Secret Signs that a Woman LIKES YOU | How To Know If a Girl Likes You


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  • @ankitgambhir670 says:

  • @shanenolan5625 says:

    Cheers kezia

  • @johnwilliam384 says:

    True enough. Yum to the Thumb.

  • @Chris-Roberts says:

    Keep it coming 👍

  • @elena_m19 says:

    If I ever date Kezia I watched all her videos so I know what she wants.

  • @jefftaylor1905 says:

    👁 OK.

  • @Athletics70 says:

    Kezia; Excellent, very informative presentation. Yes, I understand when you say, if a woman asks me about my family, my relationship with my parents, friends, relatives, etc…she is definitely showing interest. Also, pay close attention to a woman’s non-verbal communication.

  • @Alcamyst says:

    I feel another good one is, if she goes out of her comfort zone, like if she watches a movie by herself you mentioned , even if the movie is boring to her or she reads a book you mentioned even if she isn’t a reader at all or something like this.

  • @rebirthofthecool5619 says:

    I’ve done this a couple of times, when their eyes light up like they have been hit by a drug. One time was very subtle, telling her I remembered her name from a previous interaction. I guess that’s why they love simps on Instagram, but that probably wears a bit thin and meaningless the amount they get.

  • @guntertorfs6486 says:

    2:02- Black girl move. Preach , sista ! lol

  • @Milessavestheday says:

    I’m always amazed at how much I never learned about wom3n. Thank you for giving out free info Kezia. I would be one challenging student to teach! 😂I’m absorbing as much as I can. Keep up the great work!

  • @petermitchell1881 says:

    That’s good too know thanks 👍👍👍

  • @joebritto574 says:

    I’m completely fine, ish, knowing if a woman is into me or no. Nor is it a confident thingy because I’m always ending up getting into long conversations with women naturally every day, I can flirt, ish, and I 100% do not have a boring sense of humor. But dam, I just cant seem to get past this invisible forcefield or something. Can anybody else relate?

  • @stephenforeman2989 says:

    Excellent video Miss Noble

  • @HarryCarlton says:

    Kezia! 😍

  • @jimarray2607 says:

    Another brilliant video

  • @MagicSchool-iu9ru says:

    Finding the Winner Effect Girlfriend Game book by Kyrie Dotts should be your top priority, even if it’s the last thing you do in life

  • @adegbenroagoro5180 says:

    Thank you very much Kezia

  • @spyblue3 says:

    Very good points, Kezia! Indeed these are a few of the many subtle, yet classic IOIs out there. Also, well done on wearing black in here, it suits you much better!

  • @johnmcfetridge3974 says:

    Very cute

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