5 FEMININE TRAITS Men Find Irresistible In WOMEN! 😍

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5 FEMININE TRAITS Men Find Irresistible In WOMEN… In this dating advice video, I will help you to understand men better and give you the five feminine traits men find irresistible in women. You may want to know the feminine qualities that men love when you're on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips and be sure to watch the entire video.

I don't want you to be unattractive to men and in this relationship advice, I will be explaining the feminine traits and feminine qualities men love. I want you to understand men better and be aware that feminine energy is very important. I will explain how to be feminine and the best ways to use your feminine energy when you are dating or while you’re in a relationship.

I want you to understand that divine feminine energy is very powerful and once you understand men and be able to know how to be feminine then you will start to see improvement in your dating and relationships overall. Be sure to embrace the feminine traits that I share in this video so that you can improve the overall quality of your life.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– 3 Feminine traits men find irresistible
– Feminine traits
– Feminine traits that guys love
– Feminine traits that men love
– Online dating
– Feminine qualities
– Feminine qualities men love
– How to be feminine
– Feminine energy
– Divine feminine
– Understand men
– Dating
– Dating advice
– Dating advice for women
– Dating expert
– Dating coach
– Dating coach for women
– Life coach
– Relationship advice
– Relationship advice for women
– Relationship expert
– Relationship coach for women
– Relationship coach
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video 5 FEMININE TRAITS Men Find Irresistible In WOMEN!

Watch this dating advice video next 9 Feminine Qualities Men Love In Women! πŸ‘‰


#FeminineTraits #FeminineQualities #FeminineQualitiesMenLove #FeminineTraitsThatMenLove #DivineFeminine UnderstandMen #DatingAdvice #DatingAdviceForWomen #FeminineEnergy #StephanSpeaks


  • Natasha B. says:

    There’s power in submission. I wish more women understood that. However it only works with a man that makes you feel secure in that way.

  • Whisper Warrior says:

    As a woman who does not mind being submissive, i choose to be single because being submissive to the wrong man has deeply wounded me! I am now afraid to be that vulnerable again

  • Stephan Speaks says:

    ❀️ Join my SPECIAL coaching program here πŸ‘‰ http://www.receivingmyblessings.com – so many women are experiencing AMAZING results!

    • Annette Pringle says:

      @Suzy Girl <≀

    • Patricia Rogers says:

      I Thank God for all your inside point that helps alot of women God Bless you

    • Patrice Parker says:

      Love how you are giving advice based around God’s principles. God give instructions in the Bible how women and men are to treat one another in a relationship(marriage) because the goal should always be to date with a purpose..which is marriage to ensure you are obedient to God’s laws..because let’s be honest you can’t expect God to bless a union between any man and woman if they choose to engage in a union without following God’s laws(example: engaging in dating while also fornicating without true repentance). God states his people perish from a lack of knowledge..and some women and men allow the perspective of the “world” to define their definition of how to treat their partner. The Bible states the man is head and the stronger vessel and a man who submit himself to God should not have any issues with a woman of God submitting to him! This is the order that God speaks of in the Bible.

    • Lois Minnis says:

      Women need to hear a man’s point of view as it pertains to relationships

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      @Lois Minnis Absolutely!

  • S A says:

    “The issue is not about submission, it’s about trusting a man to lead” YES! If you show me you can’t be a provider and protector… My spirit will NOT allow me to be submissive to that individual, even if I want to. If the man is a natural provider, it flows with ease.

  • MegaP says:

    πŸ“1.Be Expressive- communicate how you feel and want.

    2.Willing to show(express) desire- accommodating / men want to feel wanted and desired..

    3.Being open minded and not judgmental.

    4.Being submissive

    5.Being Grateful and Appreciative down to earth (freeflowing, happy, laid back) and not entitled , / appreciate the choices a person makes to do right by you, No one owes you .. Welcome and celebrate the nice things.

    6. Knowing and loving self- Being Secure

    7.emotional intelligent,. In tune (aware) with emotions to control it.

  • NoraH says:

    I’m so happy I finally understand this! It comes so natural to submit to the right man. I think a lot of women, including myself, struggle with the idea of submission because toxic men try to dominate us. There are women and men who believe submission means that you should be broken down when it couldn’t be further from the truth. Thank you Jesus that I finally have the peace and joy that comes with being able to trust a man leading me who’s led by God.

  • C Davis says:

    Thank you Stephan for your insight and educating us. I feel for myself as a women I lost the feminine part of myself along the way. Trauma, hurt, isolation, feeling alone, abandoned. Thank you for giving us this masculine understanding in a way that we can receive it. It takes a while, for me at least, to undo all the layers that had stored up, that I didn’t even know were there, to receive a message like this, but I’m grateful to God that He continues to work on me and has opened me up to receive this, to better myself and my relationship. πŸ™πŸ½

  • She knows says:

    Whatever you want in your partner, make sure it exists in you. Relationship goals β™₯️

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback.

    • Human Engineer says:

      I’m loyal AF, so triggered when she texts kisses to another man…”guy mate”

    • Chez M0i says:


    • 2BeOrangeSunshine says:

      2 Corinthians 6:14
      β€œBe ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”

    • Chrissy B says:

      @Human Engineer did you tell her? If you have and she still does it, it’s time to move on. Healthy relationships have healthy boundaries.

  • Marzz says:

    I just realized I have always had these traits, even more now than before. I’ve been single my whole life. I realized I was pursuing the wrong guys so I stopped and started to focus on myself and my personal relationship with God. When he mentioned that the problem isn’t expressing yourself it’s about who you express yourself to, it hit home. I realized that the guys I pursued didn’t care about the feminine energy I possessed. None of them took me seriously. They turned out to be a different person than what they initially portrayed.

  • Yolanda Hart says:

    Yes, #3!!! I get kick-back from women about this, but men who truly want a good relationship with a good woman, understand, respect and will even reciprocate the submissiveness!!! It does allow us as women, to walk more in our femininity. I’m so glad that you addressed this!!!!

    • The Nutritarian Nurse says:

      So true if Christian both parties understand to submit to the spirit within them as he says 3 layers , ultimately both submit to God❀

  • NadΓ¨ge Shima says:

    1. Expressing yourself
    2. Being open minded (not judgmental)
    3. Submissive
    4. Appreciative& grateful
    5. Emotional intelligence

    • Intuitive Pixie says:

      Ahhh!!! That’s why I’m winning!!! I totally agree with this.

    • tammi corner says:

      I feel like I had all 5 of them but still, after he made out he was “really connected” with me, he called me, no I called him after no reply only 4 him 2 say he wants 2 chill out.. Haven’t heard from him since.. I don’t let people in but I let my guard down with him.. I asked at the beginning if he only wanted sexton, 2 tell me but he said it wasn’t. So, I am confused af here as 2 what happened.. All that mind fucking I can’t deal with. It’s made me put the walls up even higher now. Why do u think he did this? I’m curious. Tx

    • Nat Thee Brat says:

      @tammi corner he’s probably hesitant because as you said he felt a connection. If you’re truly interested in him back, I would advice for you to reach out to him and communicate your feelings with him pulling back. From his response and actions, you can then decide if you want to continue, or end it before emotions enter the chat. I wish you luck my love, trust your intuition and ask the Holy Spirit for discernment ❀️

    • Brunetta Ward says:

      Thank You!!!!

    • Sarah Robertson says:

      Ladies, if a man wants you to be submissive, he’s not the guy for you. Real men want equal partners.

  • A Rivera says:

    To me “submissive” means to surrender to a loving man I trust, love each other and makes me feel respected, cherished and safe.

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your feedback ❀️ πŸ™

    • Annie Amy Davies says:

      If you want to define it in this way, then he surrenders to me too. Then we do not need “a woman to surrender” to “a man who takes the lead”, (which is what is being said in the above post), but both need to surrender to each other equally.

  • Jennifer Schultze says:

    Yes, 1 million times! β€œWhen a woman feels comfortable and safe in a relationship, it’s easier for her to open up … whether it be sexually or in other ways … β€œ Yes.

  • Kai says:

    Submission is about trusting him to take the lead and take care of you. Don’t submit to weak men, they’ll lead you astray.

    • Bukky Kazzem says:

      Men who take care of his needs, not you taking care of him….that’s a Good piont, any woman would submit to a man who cares.

    • Erika Coleman says:


    • Annie Amy Davies says:

      I donΒ΄t need my man to “take care of me” or “take the lead”! I am not a child, I am a grown woman who can take care of herself, I have overcome many, many struggles totally by myself throughout my life so far. My man is supportive by being by my side, loving me as I am. He has never made the impression or said that he wanted “to take the lead” in our relationship, and that does not make him weak in any way. And if he did, he wouldn’t be a partner to me. He is he, I am I and we love each other for it, eye to eye and in mutual respect. And that is exactly what makes it a loving relationship!

    • Blair Holder says:

      ​@Annie Amy Davies there is an exception to every rule. If that works for you guys it works, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

    • Annie Amy Davies says:

      @Blair Holder Of course each relationship is an individual one and different from the next. But whatever makes you say that “the rule” is what is described here as submission vs. leading? I strongly doubt that, what that means and describes is simply the antiquated societal model called patriarchy.

  • Denise Frank says:

    The key is… IF the man is emotionally available and ready to allow you into his world, then these attributes are necessary. I’ve done all of these things because they are part of who I am as a woman. It’s what draws men in, however, only a quality man can accept and embrace them. ❀

  • TA says:

    I was told on a job interview that my aura was coming through the screen. I got hired on the spot. Women be yourself and keep your energy positive- don’t try to change yourself so other people can accept you.

  • Candice says:

    I’m in an 18 year marriage.
    When I was 30 I asked my aunt who’s been married for 40 years what’s the secret to a long successful marriage. She told me straight up that you have to learn how to submit. At the time I was appalled! I had too much pride and considered myself somewhat of a feminist. I am 40 now and I understand this with so much clarity now.

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❀️

    • GUnitKimmie says:

      Submission, it’s possible..if I feel safe, loved and appreciated.. the problem isn’t always women not being submissive it is men taking advantage of that submissiveness.. that’s part of why being the right man for that woman is so important

    • Candice says:

      @GUnitKimmie yes πŸ’― agree! We (men and women) shouldn’t give that privilege to anyone that isn’t deserving of it. Being submissive when it’s needed is out of showing love and respect. Not out of fear. ❀️

    • Annie Amy Davies says:

      “too much pride and considered myself somewhat of a feminist”- as if being a feminist was some kind of flaw, how ridiculous! If being a feminist is a hindrance to a happy and longterm relationship with a man, then that is definitely a very weird and dodgy man!Β And real men are feminists, too, did you know? πŸ˜‰ Because feminism means believing in equality between the sexes.
      And why “too much pride”? Why should you not have pride in yourself, as a woman/wife?!

    • Candice says:

      @Annie Amy Davies this style dynamic isn’t for everyone. Period. Just like with pretty much everything in life.
      If whatever you’re doing works for your relationship then why waste your time on a thread and a video that doesn’t serve you?
      Just keep it moving. Let people who are seeking other options to help them figure life out by offering some insight on what has worked for them/others. 😊✌🏼

  • Andrea Viola says:

    It took years of revising myself to be able to sit in my feminine energy. Honestly everything in my life got so much better and so much easier. What I really had to master was my tone, my speaking rhythm and the words I speak. Additionally I learned to listen to understand. In my relationship I am grateful for every single thing my man does for me and I tell him all the time. Once I understood that him taking my car for an oil change and wash to buying me flowers all the time (flowers are one of my very most favorite things) was him showing me he loves me. He does it in a million tiny ways. I always want to be an asset to him.

  • Brandy Moore says:

    Being submissive can even make him be submissive as well, because he’s not seeing you as threatening so he can be more open and soft with you as well when you show submissiveness to him.

  • AlwayzaTopKnotch says:

    Emotionally intelligent? That’s a good one! I’ve learned over the years to not feed into anyone’s negativity because it does me no good! That’s why my relationship work with my fiancΓ©. I look at positive things and attributes in him and I’ve known him to be an outstanding man! God thank you! You blessed US! πŸ’™πŸ’™

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