5 REASONS Why A Man Needs To EARN Your Love
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5 REASONS Why A Man Needs To EARN Your Love… In this dating advice video, I breakdown how five reasons why a man needs to your love. Making him earn you may sound good, but it can create a lot of issues. I want you to know the healthy ways to build a great relationship, so take heed of this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.
As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.
If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
A man needs to earn your love
Why a man needs to earn your love
How to make him earn you
Make him earn your love
Make him earn you
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U can’t earn love!! But u can earn trust
Yes indeed 🙏
We’re in a new age 💯
Healthy relationship with your yourself 💯
Relationship guys 💯
Awareness 💯
Excellent points!👍🏼👏🏼
Great information!💯💯
I really love your discussion on these topics!👏🏼💯❤️
I love the quote!💯💯💯❤️
You’re absolutely right!
You don’t have to chase what God sent!❤️💯💯💯
I appreciate your kind words! 🙏
@ you’re welcome 😉👍🏼🙂
Mr. Fine, thank you for affirming in this video a lot of things I had to go through to be aware of in the relationship/ dating/situationship scene. I learned that having no guidance dealing with guys when they start popping up in your life can definitely throw you for a loop, especially when your focus was never on them. Thank you for your insights and wisdom, most importantly. 🙏🏽 ❤💯
You can’t force someone to love you ,sometimes you need to block that bullshit to let someone right in your life….the best this is to love yourself.
Simply and wonderfully stated
Conclusion: interest and investment must be in both ways.
Yes! He pursues, she agrees to the pursuit. Same advice for a man, if he’s pursuing and she’s not receiving, move on
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with counseling….you can help yourself and get to the root of why you make the decisions that you do and you he type of people that you attract & CORRECT what needs correcting before pursuing a relationship
Love & relationship are totally different. I agree 💯 with you on that Stephan
Discernment can let you know what a person’s intentions are. Listen to what they’re saying and what they’re NOT saying! And the words in between the words that are not spoken. Pay attention to his actions and consistency
Actions over words—always
Excellently put, donnatownsendp! 🌠
Holding back is not going to make a man earn your love. Like Stephan said, it will run a good person away.
Everyone that gets in relationship with you are not the same. Don’t make the next one pay for the last ones mistakes!
In any relationship, I don’t give all of me nor reveal what I’m capable of doing immediately…..even if the vibe between us is right, I’ve learned to slow it down & at the “appointed time”, then I’d let some things out…..withholding on some things will allow him to see that you’re not “thirsty & desperate.”
I do the same thing but withhold my wallet, i rarely give out husband treatment until we like each other and move to the next level, i think the sad part about it is women have dropped their standards so low i dont have to buy them anything to sleep with them.
@h8h215sad truth 😢
So the next level only consists on sleeping with a woman? Couldn’t you say the same vise versa? “Oh is standards are so low I don’t have to do much of anything to sleep with him.” It’s low standard to engage in the exact behavior you’re judging and condemning. The fact that you’re talking about it as low standards shows you don’t really respect these ladies so I highly doubt you’re going to remain attracted and committed. If you were truly someone who valued high standards you wouldn’t be behaving the way you are. You have a false perception of who and how you exist in the world.
well the first thing i do i understand and accept that men and women are different, we are not the same or equal, all men value s3x at a higher level then women, if i end up having s3x with women without doing much its my way of vetting the quality of a woman.
A woman worth their salt for long term commited partnership is not a 304, if she falls into easy access she cannot be trusted for a long term relationship, from my perspective however the outcome is a win win for me.
Womdn control access to s3x men control access to relationships, it has always been mens goal to get s3x, since the s3zual liberation movement and the pill women have been liberated and allowed to sleep with whoever they want without shame, this is a decrease in female standards.
Because women are now freel allowed to engage in s3x without commitment from men the movement has accidentally liberated men from responsibilities, all of this degeneracy rests on the shoulders of women not raising their standards so men will take what is available until the standards return, or as alot of men are doing now getting their passports and trying other places.
Show up as your authentic self. Don’t be timid with love. Just wacth to see if his words match his actions. His energy say a lot. Be confident. Find out what his values are. Ask the right questions to find how he thinks.
That part, you don’t have to chase what God has for you, facts, love it❤
Very true and much agreed✨♥️
In essence ,relationships has to be a two way thing ,which involves
meeting each other half way ,hopefully everyone understands
Many will disagree but its true,some people are just ment to be alone
plain and simple !!!!!
In the sence that we live in a time where individuals choose who they wish to engage with yes i believe you are correct but not necessarily by their choice but by rejection.
The only way around it would be to make those choices a parents choice rather then the individual, the competition is high today for both men and women, i hope everyone is enjoying the equality.
I love the clarification that the “hunter” does not apply to true feelings. Thank you for this.
17:31 I hate how people asked about my relationship and asked about my partner’s information. And then they have to have the doubt and asked “is he really for you?” Like bruh what kind of answer do you expect me to give? “No he’s not for me” ??? Do they think I’m gonna answer this about my partner??? So I never told someone especially people who are older because they acted like they care about me but always put the doubt in me and view my partners in the negative since in my past relationship and you know it created insecurities in me. I told them “this is why I don’t like to let anyone know about my relationship”. Then I walked away
I agree with everything, but honestly, many women find it challenging to ask a man to earn their love when all they really want to do is freely love💕.
Thats how we strted hokup culture in the first place, and no not all women want to freely love, 1/3 dates are foodie calls from women you think this is freely loving the man they are with?
Thank you so much for this piece sir Stephen you’re indeed a blessing 🎉
Watching this captivating video stirs up painful memories of the recent end of my 4 year relationship. My beloved partner chose to depart, leaving me with an unyielding ache. Despite my relentless efforts to reconcile, I find myself grappling with frustration and an inability to envision a future without him. Despite attempts to purge him from my mind, I remain haunted by his absence, feeling compelled to express my longing here.
It’s hard to let go of someone you love; I went through a similar experience when my 12-year relationship ended. I tried everything to get him back, and eventually I had to turn to a spiritual counselor for assistance.
Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?
His name is Father Akunna, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.
he is father akunna, he has great powers, he can help you.
I appreciate you providing this important information; I’ve just checked Father Akunna online, and wow, he’s really genuine. Thank you so much again ❤