5 Topics “ALL” Women Love To Talk About


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Charlie Page

  • @guitary says:

    The zodiac is a move it along for me. But I support psychoanalysis by self and others because it teaches a person how to talk to themselves. It gives them the words of things that make them less isolated in their journey.

  • @coltongarber8087 says:

    DAMN ❤💓❤️💗💖💞😍 looking amazing

  • @stephenforeman2989 says:

    Amazing video Miss Noble

  • @jimarray2607 says:

    Another great video that Youtube will hide

  • @HarryCarlton says:

    Kezia! 😍

  • @colincrypto89 says:

    So lie, lie and lie to women over and over again, got it! I have 10 puppies. I have values, if you don’t like them I have others.

  • @Butlins14 says:

    Oh regency style radiator cover! I’ve been thinking of getting them 😂

  • @spyblue3 says:

    Wow! What a fantastic video…for more reasons than one, Kezia! I definitely will need to watch it multiple times before I remember everything…Anyway, I believe women also really enjoy talking about relationships, as they seem to do it all the time amongst their friends.

  • @JackCoombs-iy8vz says:

    Never thought about adding like in a conversation in that way, thanks Kezia.😘

  • @Athletics70 says:

    Kezia; Excellent, very informative presentation. I like the topics of childhood, pets, and current events. Yes, with the topics you mentioned, this will allow her to reveal more about herself, as compared to the usual topics (travel, work, etc…).

  • @Alcamyst says:

    I was exüecting some cooky cutter video, cause videos with this title often feel very generic. But I feel this is spot on, and this are very good topics to get into light but non-shallow conversations. And you are an ENTJ right? Like if I’m correct 😀

  • @madwax1360 says:

    Kezia is the only female dating coach I actually listen to

  • @Milessavestheday says:

    Thank you Kezia, I’ve had a lot of pet talks with women. They almost always light up. Pets, hot topics, something unique about them, reads, and childhood stories. Got it!

  • @ArneAsada69 says:

    That ad to learn the love/relationship program is the most basic Ai edited with generic stock footage ever. 3:57

  • @Michael_Saidon9988 says:

    It’s honestly unsettling how effective the techniques in this book are. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, but after applying what “Winner Effect Girlfriend Game” teaches, my life started shifting so fast it scared me. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re ready for serious change.

    • @NihilisticOrgasm says:

      Yeah, I read that book. It ruined my life. It actually convinced me to turn gay. I date only men now.

  • @pianoLee-sx9dx says:

    Thanks for another update and you always dress very well… so beautiful..

  • @pianoLee-sx9dx says:

    Thanks and you always dress very well and so beautiful…

  • @DanielLen-m4b says:

    How many of us are getting sick of all of these bot fake books comments!??? Years ago I was among men who were falling for such lies and wasted so much time and money. Book after book and I did not learn anything. Now if I could go back, it would be only two books for me. Energenosa Women Magnet by Tristan De Gaul for dating and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill for money,

  • @rebelstudio2720 says:

    Seeing her sure does make my eyes feel good.

  • @kiqueenbees says:

    I’ve figured out who pays for a date. Both, until marriage, then the family income pays.

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