7 BOUNDARIES With Men You Must Set WHEN Dating

7 BOUNDARIES With Men You Must Set WHEN Dating… In this dating and relationship advice for men, I will explain the seven boundaries you must set with men to maintain mutual respect, emotional well-being, and healthy communication throughout the relationship. I want you to know how to set boundaries with men on first dates, online dating or elsewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating and relationship advice video to learn the boundaries you must set with men when dating.

If you don’t set proper boundaries with men earlier in the dating process, you risk compromising your well-being, potentially leading to misunderstandings or harm. When you set boundaries with men early, it helps establish clear expectations, laying the groundwork for a healthier relationship dynamic. Always take the time to reflect on your own needs and limits, and set boundaries with men from the beginning.

I want you to know what boundaries with men you must set when dating so that you can prioritize your well-being and create a foundation for a fulfilling relationship. Learn the
boundaries you must set and avoid tolerating behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or disrespected. Embrace this dating advice to learn the boundaries you must set when dating.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Boundaries with men
– Boundaries when dating
– Boundaries you must set
– Boundaries to set when dating
– Dating boundaries
– Online dating
– Dating tips
– Dating advice
– Dating tips
– Boundaries to set
– Dating tips
– Dating advice
– Relationship advice for men
– Relationship expert
– Dating boundaries
– Dating
Relationship coach and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "7 BOUNDARIES With Men You Must Set WHEN Dating "

Watch this dating advice video next, "The 5 Questions To Ask Before You Start Dating" 👉

#BoundariesWithMen #DatingBoundaries #DatingAdvice​ #DatingAdviceForWomen​ #DatingTips #OnlineDating #BoundariesinDating #DatingCoachForWomen​ #DatingExpert #DatingCoach​ #StephanSpeaks


  • @Petra.80 says:

    I felt led in the spirit to say this, having sex before marriage, especially with the one you have connection, the one that God chose for you can be dangerous! I was reading the book of genesis, chapter 3 yesterday and I got a revelation that I never had before. Sex is meant to open our spiritual eyes, that is why when two people that have a connection with a purpose come together they do great things, but if they engage before marriage it can throw them off their purpose… Sex is a spiritual thing and we should stop taking it lightly.

  • @1966wilky says:

    Thank you for your guidance. Looking back on my relationships your words would have helped me enormously. I came from an abusive home life and entered into relationships without a clue of my own self worth and what a good relationship looked like. Oh how I wish I’d known then what I know now.

  • @jacquelinewoodard4435 says:

    Whew. Leaving a 13 year relationship & marriage that was started in high school. This is so helpful because I feel so lost in how to jump back into dating.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I’m sorry to hear about that. I pray that you heal from all that you have been through and be able to keep moving in faith 🙏 ❤️

    • @jacquelinewoodard4435 says:

      @@MeetStephanSpeaks Hopefully. I haven’t lost faith in him and we are spending time together (which you should make a video on 😉), BUT I’m not sure where it’s headed and I want to be prepared in the event that we go through with the divorce. Thanks for the great content.

    • @biancamirambeau8882 says:

      Omg 11 years
      I feel your pain but I’m making myself available for the right man

  • @shai-racreates251 says:

    I so needed this! 🙌🏾 Keep doing God’s work! I’ll definitely implement these tips whenever i decide to get back out there.

  • @donnamathis9191 says:

    Dating is so hard

  • @nikitaiggo7135 says:

    Great video!! Please never stop posting you’ll be helping a lot of people so much thank you for your work💖💖💖💖

  • @i.i.a says:

    Stephan laugh is contagious. 😂 Love all your work. Stay blessed!

  • @ChrisW1019 says:

    As a man, I feel very strongly about having financial boundaries with women. Paying 100% for dates is one thing. Paying a woman’s bills, especially if you’re not yet exclusive, is a no go area.

    • @heather7119 says:

      That would be an interesting video: What boundaries men should have when seriously dating 🙂

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate hearing from you ❤️

    • @JStig12 says:

      @ChrisW1019 Your boundaries look similar to and possibly exactly the same as mine. As a general rule, if it comes to bills, unless there is an extenuating exception, I want to know what their financial belief systems are if they want money for them. Are they trusting politicians to fix their life? Are they in debt for things they don’t need to be in debt for? Are they not spending wisely? Are they enabling people?

    • @ckl5801 says:


    • @bellehealingmusic434 says:

      If you are not exclusive and not sleeping with her, don’t pay the bills. And don’t pay the bills for LV

  • @1Terry says:

    Thank you so much Stephan . I really needed to hear these boundaries. My lack of boundaries in my prior relationships have cost a lot and I don’t ever want that for myself again. I want God to have complete control and be #1 in my relationship.

  • @milliemill3782 says:

    Great info regarding abstinence and when it comes to spiritual boundaries we have to be VERY selective when letting people/spirits into our homes . Looking forward to the video ❤…

  • @krishashine says:

    ..i needed to hear that. “If a man is expecting sex after doing nice things for you, its a PERSONAL PROBLEM “. Iam someone who has extreme anxiety surrounding this topic.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback 🙏

    • @rebelissima8915 says:

      If a man is expecting ANYTHING from you for doing nice things “for” you (unless you’re paying him
      back money you owe), RED FLAG. No one should feel like they owe someone something just because the other person decided to do something nice you didn’t ask them to in hopes you’d give them want they want in return. Being generous isn’t about treating the person like a vending machine hoping to get a prize in return.

  • @MzLena2You says:

    I am using 2024 to focus on me. It is going to take bells, whistles and a burning bush for me to recognize the man who is truly meant for me, because toxicity and love b0mbing along with everything in between has me exhausted. I am using my single season to grow spiritually, and to travel more since I have no romantic or parenting obligations.

  • @jerzygrl8896 says:

    First conversation after hello is “How’s your relationship with Jesus?”. Anything after that is contigent upon the response to that question which will reveal a lot all in that one inquiry….if they are honest. If not, that will be revealed quick too. Love that you mentioned not letting whoever in the home, which IS your sanctuary. I’m 💯 about that pre-screening 👏👏👏

  • @princesscrockett says:

    This is such great and insightful information. I am almost 70 years old and I promise you IF i had known to set these boundaries I would not had wasted so much of my life trying to figure stuff out. I do give myself credit for the last relationship I was in in 2021, I knew immediately he was not as attentive as I needed, I told him so and left him alone, he then pursued me and like a fool i gave in and i cant tell you how much i regret wasting my time in a relationship I knew from the start was lacking in attention to my needs. Even though he did say certain things up front, his actions were ALWAYS confusing. But its my life and i am taking charge and stop ignoring the signs to simply say…No thanks, im worth more

  • @StaunchSheep says:

    A lack of boundaries invites a lack of respect – so true!

  • @MamaSherbear69 says:

    Dating is exactly what it means. No sex, no Netflix nights. Now exclusively/Girlfriend/Boyfriend is something entirely different

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❤️

    • @latoyahogan8428 says:

      See dating is a whole now adays. This where I am confused. See dating is a whole now days. This where I am confused or over thinking it. We are monogamous and exclusive but I haven’t been given to title and I don’t know how to have that conversation. We are monogamous and exclusive but I haven’t been given the title and I don’t know how to have that conversation. Any advice?❤

  • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

    Join my SPECIAL coaching program here 👉 http://www.receivingmyblessings.com – so many women are experiencing AMAZING results!

  • @11080698 says:

    Dating is hard…because it’s hard to find a match especially if each person is used to their own ways…and now have to integrate for a life together…habits die hard…

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I feel you, it definitely isn’t an easy situation, but the focus needs to be on doing what is truly best 🙏

  • @user-ni2nx7pk2g says:

    “Walls keep everyone out but boundaries show them where the door is”. Mark Groves

  • @enaalexis92 says:

    I can’t wrap my head around the notion of dating multiple people at once. This is the only time as a female that I have no wish to multi task 😊

    • @JStig12 says:

      @enaalexis92 Me either. I do pray about more than one person if I feel like I have options that I need to decide between, but I don’t even talk to more than one at the same time.

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