7 FEMININE Ways To KEEP A Man’s Interest

7 FEMININE Ways To KEEP A Man's Interest… I want you to know the different feminine ways to keep a man's attention. This relationship advice will help you understand men and explain the secrets to keeping a man's interest through embracing feminine energy. Watch the entire video and learn to embrace your unique feminine energy and nurture a lasting connection.

One of the best feminine ways to keep a man's interest is by embracing your femininity and celebrating the unique qualities that make you who you are. I want you to learn how to be more feminine so that you can fully embrace your identity and tap into your inner strength and beauty. Pay attention to these feminine ways and learn how to keep a man's interest.

I want you to understand that your path to femininity is deeply personal and should reflect your true self. You can inspire others and foster positive change in your own life and the lives of those around you if you can learn how to be more feminine. Embrace this relationship advice to learn more about femininity and the different ways to keep a man's interest.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Feminine ways to keep a man's interest
– Feminine energy
– How to be more feminine
– How to keep a man's attention
– How to keep a man's interest
– How to be feminine
– Online dating
– Keep a man's attention
– Increase feminine energy
– Feminine
– Feminine ways
– Dating expert
– Dating coach
– Relationship expert
– Feminine tips
– Understand men
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video "7 FEMININE Ways To KEEP A Man's Interest"

Watch this dating advice video next, "How To Be A Man's PEACE (These 7 Things WORK Every Time!)" 👉


#FeminineWays #FeminineEnergy #HowToBeFeminine #HowToBeFeminine #FeminineWays #OnlineDating #Feminine #KeepAMansAttention #UnderstandMen #FeminineTips #StephanSpeaks


  • @hc7092 says:

    Feminine *energy* is positivity and being loving. Great summary. Thank you 🤍

    *Speak* with love & kindness. Practice this with other people. Great advice. Thank you 🤍

    Continuously flirt and show *desire*. Do what works for him. Putting effort in looking good for him. Show him *appreciation*. *Laugh* with him. All excellent points 🤍

    Btw Stephan your laugh is contagious! I love when you make little jokes in your videos. Keep doing you.

  • @melaniesimpson6322 says:

    It’s so much about the tone of your voice in so many ways when you talk to a man. The love of my life whom I lost to a motorcycle accident told me , 20 years ago, in the beginning of our relationship, that I needed to watch my tone. I took him at his word and it made such a difference in our relationship!!!

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing your experience! Hopefully, it will help others learn from it. I appreciate that 🙏

    • @Jean-qf1qq says:

      So sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing about how our tone does make a difference.

    • @melaniesimpson6322 says:

      Thank you Jean!!

    • @jenniferspence7092 says:

      I have a son that just turned 11 and we have had so many struggles the last few years. He has actually physically attacked me multiple multiple times and is crazy strong and he’s got severe adhd and mild autism as well as dyslexia and discalculia and social delays. And I also have severe adhd I found out in October 2020 and struggle emotionally and with timelines and organization etc. But I’ve done triple p parenting and other programs trying to work on our relationship and I can’t tell you how eye opening it was to realize I am the problem. My son sure can be unruly at times but realizing that a huge chunk of the issues just lies with my tone when I’m asking him to do something or trying to discipline him. And just learning to be mindful of that and instead of nagging him about what he hasn’t done or has done wrong or not quite to my expectations but to stop and just say like I really love how you always make sure to let me know when you’re going out to play or I like that you asked my permission to do something. Little praises and making sure to always word them positively. So rather than saying I’m really happy I don’t have to remind you to put away your coat and backpack each day after school say good job cleaning up after yourself every day after school. It’s so awesome when I can actually see for myself that just those adjustments make all the difference in the mood in our house and I can see that he actually doesn’t hate me because I truly believed he did for a long time. And our day wasn’t complete without having that screamed at me at least 2 or 3 times. So sorry for my novel lol I guess I’m just saying some of these things totally totally apply to parenting and other relationships as well.

    • @janegreiser5465 says:


  • @UniqueWiggins5920 says:

    I was at the gas station after church yesterday about to pump my gas, and a man walk up asking me to allow him to do it for me. I would usually go in defense mode and say I got it, but this time I allowed him. It felt really good! To sum it up…I am completely surrendering to true power..Feminine Energy.
    Thank you Stephan💛

  • @lukas4016 says:

    I am a grown man and I can cook and clean my house myself. But I cannot create on my own sincere female smile, a gentile touch or a hug full of love after a hard day

  • @missyme3932 says:

    To be honest feminine energy is our power every where even in the stores. Thanks 🙏🏾

  • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

    ❤ Join my SPECIAL coaching program here 👉 http://www.receivingmyblessings.com – so many women are experiencing AMAZING results!

    • @wrotem2461 says:

      I just want to give an honest fedback and say that, this course change my life for the better! Almost a half year has passed since I finshed the course, and I live healthy emotionally life, and my wole aproch of dating man has changed for the better. Less gets hurts, taking stuff in proportions. And I think that the biggest winning is that I won myself. I AM LOVING MYSELF so much, and appreciate every things about who I am. After years being in battels with myself I am finally in peace. And a great sing that Stephan’s program is working is that now when I watch his Youtube videos- all the tips he gives are already known to me, and I notice that I already applied them in my life! I’m really greatful for all of that- Thank you Stephan you are amazing❤

    • @yahzerahsstar3954 says:

      How does one distinguish the difference between intuition and fear in a relationship? During my research I was told that fear is an instant feeling you feel it right there in the present moment. Intuition on the other hand is more of a lingering feeling that doesn’t go away…
      May you break that down for your sisters one day king man sir.

    • @NM-kj5ck says:


    • @maryfields2169 says:


    • @tracythai7594 says:


  • @brigetteafia3843 says:

    You see. I’m extremely feminine, but one thing I need to improve on is allowing men to do things for me. I always feel like I’m bothering someone when they do things for me. Definitely have to work on that. Thank you for this video.❤️

    • @reginamapp5086 says:

      Ditto and I’m married lol. It’s still hard to be dependent but I’m learning how to be.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      I’m happy this has been helpful to you 🙏

    • @heltristan says:

      Stephan M A G I C ⭐

    • @StitchFae says:

      Try asking with a sweet tone and show sincere gratitude! It feels really good for both parties as long as it’s respectful and you’ll make him feel good by being thankful. I try to have fun with it but of course you can’t ask for too much all the time.

    • @brigetteafia3843 says:

      @@StitchFae Thank you for the insight. One thing is when they’re offering to help, I would say something like, “Aww I got it. Thank you.” As if I’m the one doing them a favor lol.
      But two days ago, I challenged myself. I went to Walmart, and asked an employee to show me where I can find an item. He showed me, and I was about to grab it, but he said, “No let me get it for you.” I was about to say.. “aww I got it.” But the Holy Spirit kicked in😂. And I said okay. Then I was about to get it from him. But Holy Spirit kicked in again, so I allowed him to put it in my cart. I said aww thank you. Then he said, “If you need anything else, you could ask me.” I said in my mind, “I passed the test!!” It felt good too. I guess i just need to keep challenging myself.

  • @loisntein1623 says:

    My favorite relationship coach, don’t think I’ll ever stop listening to you. I’ve always exuded masculine energy unconsciously but since I encountered you, I’ve been learning every blessed day I listen to you. It’s not easy changing completely but i can feel there’s progress with my femininity. Slowly but surely, thank you Stephan ❤️

  • @gerb3664 says:

    Last one! Yes! My man is elderly, but I love it I get him to laugh and his wrinkles ALL smile. He can’t help it! Huge smiles and the eyes sparkle! Makes me laugh! Makes my day!!

  • @audreybuchman1972 says:

    When a MAN, appropriately approaches A WOMAN she will AUTOMATICALLY react in her feminine energy

  • @cassleahg487 says:

    Thanks for all your teachings Stephan 🙏🏾

    I met a wonderful man almost 2 months ago and he constantly compliments my feminine energy and behaviour. He’s already bringing value to my life and I reciprocate by being loving, affectionate and seeking his advice when I can. I asked him what the dress code was for our 4th meeting and he said smart and sexy…he knows my style so I asked if I should wear a dress or jeans and he suggested jeans so that I don’t get cold later on. I wore black jeans, black top and a pretty green blazer accessorised with gold. He was also wearing green because he expected me to…I wore a green skirt on our first meeting. We had an evening on a roof top outdoor restaurant and I was not cold, he said I met the assignment. We danced at a nightclub and afterwards he commented on how he loved that I took a napkin and dabbed the sweat from his brow. We’re taking it slow where intimacy is concerned and he’s very respectful not to overstep.
    My feminine energy is effective at work, play with family and friends and I love the woman I have become.
    Ladies I’m almost 50, raised a family single handedly for 15 years, have a high paid job and do volunteering too. I’ve suffered several traumas during my life and if I can become a divine feminine so can you! 💜🙏🏾

    • @TNT31414 says:

      I love ur message❤

    • @cassleahg487 says:

      @@TNT31414 thank you beautiful ❤️

    • @LMNM800 says:

      Do you mind me asking how you did it? I’ve watched so many YouTube videos and am better than I used to be now at 34, but don’t get why it’s taking me so long to unlearn my masculine programming 😢

    • @cassleahg487 says:

      @@LMNM800for me it’s been a spiritual journey, learning to love myself unconditionally and working on my self development and fitness. I exude love and kindness in everything I do and everyone I interact with…it has made me naturally feminine. My prayers focus on gratitude and blessings for others and my meditations focus on sending love, light and healing to everyone on the planet and to Mother Nature. Good luck…you’ve got this! 🙏🏾

    • @KairosKEE says:

      Absolutely LOVE this. Thank you so much!

  • @christinecooper4256 says:

    18:38 You’re 100% on point here. Ladies, check in w yourselves: how many times have you held back from messaging him? From saying something sweet on your mind? I was accidentally holding back from my current bf in the dating stage, and not even realizing it. So grateful he pointed out what he experienced as a lack of reciprocal energy! Your love interest might not tell you, so be real w yourself.

  • @mariabenjamin8018 says:

    Ladies, you can prevent most of these headaches if you just slow down and get to know him first before deciding you want to date

  • @heatherceravolo161 says:

    I am very feminine. The sad thing is, the men I come across take advantage of that energy. Instead of embracing it the man sees me “easy” or one that puts up with his mess.. and that will trigger me to turn off that feminine energy

  • @LifewithTamara222 says:

    My friends wonder why I’m always offered things and it’s because my feminine energy expects and allows it 🥰

  • @ebonythomasfamily8852 says:

    Im married now and I I’m working on being feminine, because I have been single for a long time and have been hurt. For years I had to play both rolls for all my children. I’m still a work in progress.

  • @Cannonejones says:

    No matter if your RICH OR POOR,
    When a person feels that welcoming warm inviting spirit in that first moment that they see u, they will feel like they are RIGHT WHERE THEY SHOULD BE.
    Ladies .. BE THAT SOFT SPOT for your man to land everyday. And he will return over and over again. But ESPECIALLY, when u master the art of WELCOMING him into your presence daily. Your smile, your meaningful hug, and your respectful loving words❤️

  • @dubbyx8490 says:

    I am a man and I call tell you that this coach is spot on.. It’s like he is reading my mind and wants.. I just keep nodding my head.. I would say “Flirt with him”, “Show him desire” and “Look good for him” are very overlooked by many women..

    I really enjoy my girl asking my opinion on her wardrobe.

  • @Lina_1517 says:

    I’ve been married for nine years now and I agree with all these points, especially showing appreciation, respect and being gentle with your significant other. More than that, and this is just me speaking from my personal experience, men are practically like babies; the more gentle and sweet you are to them, the more they love you (and cling to you, so to speak). I mean of course it’s nkt the same for everyone and it depends on the type of man you’re dealing with, but like you said, if your overall energy is positive and loving, the more calmer and happier your man becomes.

  • @fiyinfoluwaawopetu1559 says:

    This video is absolutely phenomenal. I practiced these points and watched my man light up. One love Steph 🎉

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