7 REALLY Bad Questions To ASK A MAN In The Early Stages Of Dating

7 REALLY Bad Questions To ASK A MAN In The Early Stages Of Dating…In this dating advice video, I will share seven bad questions you should not ask a man in the early stages of dating that you all need to know. I want you to understand the questions you should ask a man on a date be it a first date, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice and ensure you watch the entire video.

When you ask a man the right questions in the early stages of dating, you will learn more about his goals, values, passions, and strengths, which will help you determine whether you want to take it further. I want you to know the questions you should ask a man you’re dating, how to ask the questions, and when to ask the questions. This dating advice for women will give you the exact questions to ask a man when dating.

It is essential to ask these great questions in the early stages of dating to avoid spending time with an incompatible partner. Ask a man thoughtful questions to create a more personal connection to know if you would like to get to know him better. Embrace this life advice to know the questions to ask when dating and make more informed decisions when dating.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Questions you should not ask a man
– Bad questions to ask a man
– Questions to avoid asking a man
– Questions you should ask a man you're dating
– Early stages of dating
– Ask a man
– Questions you should ask when dating
– Questions to ask a man when dating
– Online dating
– Questions to ask a man when dating
– Questions to ask a man before dating him
– Questions to ask on a date
– Dating coach
– Dating advice for women
– Dating help
– Life coach
– Relationship expert
– Relationships advice for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: 7 REALLY Bad Questions To ASK A MAN In The Early Stages Of Dating

Watch this dating advice video next: 7 GREAT Questions You Should ASK A MAN In The Early Stages of Dating


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Charlie Page

  • @user-vd6sx1lv4j says:

    He is refusing to answer the question ❓ and that’s my husband

  • @celenieceprovidence662 says:

    That first one I always ask even throughout the relationship I guess that’s why im single now I’m scar’d 😭

  • @user-vd6sx1lv4j says:

    I’m Happy and safe being Celibate

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    I don’t make comments unless I watch the entire video but by the
    topic alone I know that this comment section will be on fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @helenward77 says:

    Physical attraction is what brings most people together to begin with. Stress can cause quite a bit of weight gain 🙋‍♀️ “hello” and it can definitely affect physical intimacy for both people. For instance, the husband may feel less attracted to his wife, and the wife may feel insecure about her appearance, which may take a toll in the bedroom. It’s incredibly important to keep your health in check for you and for your partner in every way.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Well said 🙏

    • @lizethsilva4175 says:

      I agree we’ll said. Performance in the bedroom matters as well as day to day stuff. I gym daily and practice martial arts occasionally, therefore, I’d like a man that can keep up with our future kids and be able to protect us.

  • @user-vd6sx1lv4j says:

    He can be Strong and still cry I prefer that I’ll never lose respect for you just because you cry

  • @francoisefenner1551 says:

    Guys always tell me their financial situation without me asking. Financially secure and broke guys alike. Weird.

  • @hair399 says:

    Unfortunately, we have become a culture of women and men not living in reality when it comes to physical attraction. The whole body shaming issue simply gives us an excuse to not acknowledge when we have let ourselves go and expect our partner to be ok with it. I know this is not a popular opinion, but I believe many agree with me but are afraid of the backlash they may receive by verbalizing it.

  • @annamayatkinson9501 says:

    Have been watching your videos every week for about a year. I see how I’m more able to see the men’s side with empathy and fairness. It’s helping me so much now that I’m dating someone who I feel is more stable than the guys I’ve met before. I still have to do the emotional work that comes with relationships – that’s mandatory – and I also have to embrace myself when negative memories come up, BUT having this “mental background”, this pathway that you pave for us makes things flow a lot easier. God bless you Stephan, I am so thankful for your work 🙏🏻💙

  • @elena-jp6ge says:

    we want ‘green flag’ questions

  • @riochime386 says:

    I dated a downlow man. Long story short he was sleeping with his homeboy and was still in contact with his fake cousin who was his lover. After that relationship I can spot a fruity man a mile away 😂. I don’t even need to ask I can see it, smell it, and feel the energy.

  • @SheenaSayers says:

    Absolutely true about the “is she prettier than me? Or am I getting fat?” questions 😂

    On another note, I’ve heard relationship coaches advise people to inquire about a partner’s financial credit score and spending habits while dating. Why should asking about body count and sexual habits be considered less important? Promoting honesty from both parties should be a priority. STDs and infidelity are significant global issues, and addressing them is about health and safety, not discomfort. Understanding a partner’s sexual health status, past, and current habits is crucial—not to define or judge someone’s life, but to ensure transparency. Some individuals have a history of promiscuity, and past behaviors might (or might not) predict future actions. Staying safe means being open about a healed promiscuous past and feeling comfortable disclosing the truth to a genuinely suitable partner.

    Since your ego isn’t too big 🙈, and you fix it quick lol I’d like to point out that you exhibit some double standards and slight male-privilege regarding what are acceptable questions to ask AND answer. When it comes to physical appearance, most questions and answers are welcome. But when it comes to sexual habits, there’s hesitation, if not an outright depreciation. It’s something to think about 😅

    No double standards, Stephan! Transparency in one area should mean transparency in all areas, especially if the person is truly best for you. You should hold yourself to the same standard the woman you choose to be with is held to: if she wants to know your body count…don’t you owe her the same transparency you expect in return?

  • @LisaLee__ says:

    Getting tested together should be a comfortable, cute, chill date. There should not be any issues with this..
    If you cant talk openly about sxx its wild that you can sleep together. I never understood this.

    Communication is key. How can you lie down with someone that you cant even tell the things you like or you get offended hearing the things he likes.

    But before all of that, get tested together.

    • @sarahshaw1990 says:

      @@LisaLee__ yes i agree, getting tested together and showing each other the immediate results together is a great, mature step👌 in my experience, by the time me and my husband slept with each other we waited a lot of time to where we both knew everything there was to know about each other, everything about each others health n stuff. We was good. We had enough trust and awareness with each other

    • @LisaLee__ says:

      @@sarahshaw1990 that’s great news. Is there anything you wish you could go back and change if it were possible?

    • @sarahshaw1990 says:

      @@LisaLee__ yes many things. I could say at LEAST one thing about every aspect. Are there any specifics you had already in mind that you were thinking of? Specific aspects as in sex, dating, courting, wedding, marraige, mistakes, things that made our marraige fall apart, etc.. i can give you several things that come to mind now actually.. ill try to wright about them here in a little bit. Just wondering if you already had something you were thinking of talking about, like, sex or just our marraige in general, etc..

  • @pmunroe39 says:

    I love being single I could sleep in eat n cook whatever I want and move when I wanna move!! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! I’m loving it like Mc Donald’s !!

  • @DevotionforNatasha says:

    I agree second question is a bit immature because who a person was in HS or college is not who they are when u meet them…well u would hope he or she has grown, healed and done personal development. Once you heal you value yourself wayyyy more.

    • @SheenaSayers says:

      @@DevotionforNatasha 🤔 what if they *are* still the same person since high school or college? It’s a bit of an immature thing to presume men and women do the self development work required to heal. Maturity embraces character traits like honesty, integrity and transparency. So, the first and second questions are completely reasonable.

  • @khemaloving4031 says:

    Don’t bombard him over coffee. Keep it light. One appropriate, sensitive, tactful question per date. Focus on the appetizers, the atmosphere, the ambiance and his energy, the magnetism between you, the way he licks his lips… Also, pay attention to how intoxicating his cologne is.

  • @rl798 says:

    Of all my years and im 63. Have i ever felt the need to ask a man “are you gay?” Am i missing something here?🤔😂. Question 2. I couldnt care less how many women that he’s been with as long he doesnt have any diseases when he meets me.

  • @lizethsilva4175 says:

    When you ask God “is this man for me” what are his signs? What kinda signs will he give you?

  • @ĐinhLêGiaĐoàn says:

    its kinda crazy how nobody is talking about the forbidden eBook Magnetic Aura from Borlest

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