7 Relationship RED FLAGS IN MEN You Should NEVER Ignore! | Stephan Speaks

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7 relationships red flags in men you should NEVER ignore…In this dating and relationship advice video, I will give you the relationship red flags that should not be overlooked. You may see these on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I don't want you to automatically run when you see these red flags in men. I want you to properly address the issue. If the red flag is not corrected, then proceed with letting them go.

Again these red flags go both ways. You may find these red flags in dating a man, or in dating a woman. Also make sure they don't apply to you. If they do, then be willing to do you part to correct them.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Relationship red flags you should never ignore
– Relationship red flags
– Red flags in men
– Red flags in dating
– Red flags in relationships
– Red flags in dating a man
– Online dating
– Red flags in men
– Relationship coach for women
– Relationship advice for women
– Dating coach for women
– Dating red flags
– Red flags of dating
– Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "7 Relationships RED FLAGS IN MEN You Should NEVER Ignore!"

Watch this video next dating advice video "The 5 Things EVERY WOMAN NEEDS To Know About Men To FIND LOVE!"

#DatingRedFlags #RedFlagsInDating #DatingAdvice​ #DatingAdviceForWomen​ #RedFlagsInMen #OnlineDating #RedFlagsInWomen #DatingCoachForWomen​ #DatingExpert #DatingCoach​ #StephanSpeaks


  • K Square Show says:

    As a man, I appreciate you making these videos. I feel you’re very good at uplifting one gender without knocking the other. I also watch the videos you make geared to women because it gives me another perception to help me see my faults

  • Brooke Benton says:

    A man who wants you to be “50/50” is the same man who will have you carrying the groceries up the steps and changing tires in the hot sun.

  • Stephan Speaks says:

    Your time is precious, let no man waste it! 💯 Get your copy of the bestselling book “He’s Lying Sis” here 👉 http://www.heslyingsis.com 👈 this book has been helping women everywhere!

    • Queen Pearl says:

      Please what do you say about a man saying the lady should be paying her transport fare for outings and to come over to his place

    • Karen Rogers says:

      @Queen Pearl do u need him to always drive you around ? Does he always have to pick you up.

    • FBA Goddess says:

      I was paying half before my marriage and after, half for groceries, vacations household bills, he is now my EX HUSBAND🤣🤣🤣🤣 For real though, I had no problem with it

    • Angela Jones says:

      They call that paying dutch which has to be explained first by either.

    • AliceTinkElle says:

      I am so inspired by your channel I just ran across it watching regular videos and you really make things clear I had a lot of changes and I still have a lot of challenges ahead of me emotionally physically and spiritually. I am a mom and a wife and a daughter that I am mostly MOM! I HAVE FOUR TEENAGE SONS TWO THAT ARE AUTISTIC AND I AM NOW ON DISABILITY AND MY HUSBAND HAS ABANDONED THE MARRIAGE THUS I HAVE MOVED IN WITH MY PARENTS BECAUSE IT’S HARD TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF I HAVE SEIZURES I HAVE 15 DOCTORS AND ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT ARE MY FOUR SONS YOU’VE GIVEN ME INSPIRATION TODAY THAT LIFE CAN BE CHANGED AMEN 🙏

  • Bre Bougie says:

    Please talk about men that are intimidated or jealous of a woman’s success, money, personality, potential and sees her as competition. It’s definitely a red flag

  • Mukura Nyambura says:

    Please do a video on emotional abuse. Some of us women do not realize we are being emotionally abused until some kind of damage is done. Like when a partner goes quiet on you for so long and later comes back and blames you for something you were not aware about or did not think was an issue. Or even after apologizing about a mistake.

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      That’s a great suggestion, I will add it to my list to get it done!

    • Kimberlee Cox says:

      Dealing with that now. Verbal,emotional,financial, even throwing stuff at me. I am completely torn up inside. I never knew this was another part of domestic violence. Sad thing is my kids think it’s okay to treat me the same way

    • Kimberlee Cox says:

      Some days it is very depressing because I do miss him,the old him. Nobody thought we would ever end up this way.

  • OJ TALKS says:

    16:37 really spoke to me. Just left a situation like this and glad I did. Sometimes our desire to just “be” with someone can affect us negatively especially when we know we’re pretending we’re okay but settling for less. Do yourself a favor ladies, if he’s purposely not trying to claim you, stop wasting your time and let it go.

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate your feedback!

    • Debbie Gannon says:

      i Have Done the Same, just Stepped Out, and it has been the HARDEST THING, that I have ever done, with a Relationship. He Stole every it of my Self Confidence & Self Esteem, + My TRUST. I TRUST NOBODY, other than my Best Friend Anymore & She tells Me, that I did the Rite Thing.
      (She Didn’t Like Him, from the Start, always said that He was a ” PRETTY BOY, WANNA BE) & SHE WAS RIGHT. HE WAS.

    • Shalonda Ward says:

      @OJ TALKS how and where are you in your healing if you don’t mind me asking?

    • SHAMIM DIKA says:


  • Robin The Songbird says:

    I’ve been in a 30 year relationship where my husband fits four of these things (50/50, doesn’t listen, verbally & mentally abusive and doesn’t meet my needs). After doing pros and cons, and stumbling across this video, I’M OUT! Thanks for confirmation.

    • Tony Underwood says:

      Run Girl Run LMAO

    • Sherry Carter says:

      Good for you he won’t change EVER😒

    • Sonja Stanley says:

      I hope that you confronted him about his ways and at least given him a chance to change or not because no one can fix what they don’t know is broken. If you’re a church goer then I hope that you have tried married counseling with your pastor? if you haven’t then at least therapy. I hope that your marriage can be saved. And it can if both parties are willing to do the necessary work. Best wishes to you and I hope that it all works out for your good.

    • Wilma Babygirl56 says:

      My husband tried to end my life twice I was not going to make it three times I had not seen him in over a decade he tried to get me back I said HELL NOOOOOOOOOO I love ❤️ my life….REAL TALK 2021

    • Sonja Stanley says:

      @Wilma Babygirl56 I am so glad that you found a way out of an abusive married and I wish you all of the best in your life. Happy holidays!

  • A C says:

    Sharing a RED FLAG that I experienced: Dating men who want to “Fast Forward” the sexual side of a relationship, and push “Pause” on making a commitment. Women, stop sharing your body with men who do not love you & commit to you.

  • Dominique says:

    This was amazing! Had to break off my 6 month relationship. My bf couldn’t seem to communicate well with me. It was hard because he would always put it back on me. I set boundaries and he never truly respected them. I was not being heard.
    For me…I Let go!

  • sparkle Bell says:

    If a man have to hide you, then he’s hiding something or he’s ashamed of you. A man is Supposed to provide and make sure that woman is safe with him. Thanks Stephen

  • louann v says:

    The verbal abuse is just as dangerous as the physical abuse

  • Jaira says:

    If u can’t communicate, if your inconsistent if you give and don’t receive, if u feel left confused, it’s not up to you to fix, it’s up to you to value yourself enough to let go and self love to find happiness in yourself. We can’t change ppl and shouldn’t try. Not our lessons to keep enabling bad habits. Be the queen and have that self respect.

  • Sophia Koh says:

    #1 Going 50-50
    #2 Not communicating issues
    #3 Not giving you a title
    #4 Verbally/ physically abusive
    #5 Keeps you a secret
    #6 He says ‘all men cheat’
    #7 Blatantly ignores your needs

  • M says:

    Communication really is important. Trust me…i was shut down and made to feel stupid any time i wanted to express my feelings…it made me feel lower than dirt. and when you love someone with all your heart and they make you feel that way…it hurts worse than anything i can describe. Have you tried to tell someone youre depressed, and sobbed and you just wanted a hug to feel loved and comforted, and he turns to you and says “Ugh give me a fucking break!” …god…it just makes you wanna die. It stays with you. Never again did i open up to anyone else or to him ever again.

  • Donavon Queen says:

    I truly have to say that a lot of men need to watch this video because a lot of men don’t know where their mistakes are at…me I can speak for myself that I truly love my woman I respect her everyday highly favored to her I love taking care of her spoil her every time give her affection that she needs pay attention to her issues and try to resolve them I take the weight off of her and I deal with them doing the little things that matters to her. Send her love text messages out of the blue just because I love to making her smile. And now I’m planning on making her my wife. These are some of the things that my mother has taught me as a man to respect women how to cherish a woman so I truly believe that a lot of men should watch this video because I think it really help. Thanks Stephan for this great message.

  • Elle Rich says:

    If a man isn’t willing to give your relationship a title, he’s basically telling you that he’s not serious enough to commit to you. Ladies, please don’t sell yourself short and waste your time on men who aren’t willing to honor you and commit to you. You are worth so much more than that

  • Ivana Fabisikova says:

    I’ve recently ended a relationship where a guy I was seeing was earning 3x more than me and discovered he couldn’t make positive financial decisions. There are so many red flags in men. Wanting to constantly message/call, checking up on you. Makes you feel wanted at first but you quickly realise it’s actually an obsession. Needing constant reassurance & validation. Making it all about themselves. Pretending to have health issues so you feel sorry for them, needing that care from you. The moment he realised I was dead end, he switched off. I am so glad I came across these videos, I am doing a bit of a research and study on my behaviours and why I always attract toxic men. I want to focus on myself for a while and to heal from these experiences. We all deserve to be loved and respected. Not going to settle for any less, ever again 💯

    • Heather Fulmore says:

      I don’t understand men. I give up.

    • Ivana Fabisikova says:

      @Heather Fulmore you just need time to heal. When we have too much anger and hurt within ourselves, we feel like we don’t want to try again. But everyone deserves to be loved and respected. The issue is that we allow too much in relationships and we ignore red flags. Give it some time, there is someone out there for you, never give up! You’ve got this 👍🏻

    • LADY GODIVA: The Naked Truth says:

      @Ivana Fabisikova yeah and he’s probably another woman!!

    • cantgame4now says:

      ​@LADY GODIVA: The Naked Truth LMFAO. That came out of no where

  • Vixinaful says:

    You’re right, Stephan. Dated an emotionally broken man who wouldnt put a title on the relationship but insisted he loved his ex and that we were NOT in a relationship, however he refused to let me go. He’d chase me down if I even thought of lending it so it became a 5 year long battle and he still hasnt stopped although I stopped seeing him 2 years ago. He almost cost me my life, I went into an autoimmune episode and had heartfailiure as a complication from the emotional stress. It was like dating a demon.

  • One Rational Lady says:

    I’m about to leave my boyfriend of 9 years. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. 😢 Stephan.. you are a God send to me! I’m listening to your videos & reading your books. Thank you for helping so many people like me.

    • Ms Curvy says:

      ❤❤❤❤❤.. God loves you and you don’t deserve bad thing ok !

    • Christina Natalia Puspita says:

      what’s happening?

    • One Rational Lady says:

      @Christina Natalia Puspita Wow! Are you psychic? Lol I just told him tonight! It’s been such an emotional night. I move to Tennessee in a month. Already have a place to live even. I’m doing it!! He’s very upset & emotional. But I’ve been upset for years about our ‘relationship’ and he’s had so long to really commit to me. I should’ve left a long time ago. I’m very sad but know there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Thank you for asking!! 😊

    • Christina Natalia Puspita says:

      @One Rational Lady I imagine it’s hard.. I hope you the best…
      I just wanted to know how the video relate to real case relationship, that’s why I’m asking..
      if you don’t mind, may I ask about what things make you upset for so long in the relationship?

    • Deborah Coleman-Void says:

      Why are you still a girlfriend after 9 years? 🤔

  • Paola j says:

    I ignored red flag #1 and it really was just as bad through out the 1 year relationship. I paid for our first date $130 🥴

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