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7 Things MEN Say That Are Huge RED FLAGS

7 Things MEN Say That Are Huge RED FLAGS…There are things men say to women that can be huge red flags in dating. These are red flags not to ignore, so it's important you take heed to these dating tips and be sure to watch the entire video so that you can experience an amazing relationship.

I always say red flags are to be addressed, because sometimes it's a misunderstanding or a correctable issue. So if a man ever says to you any of the things mentioned in the video, just have a discussion about it. That will either confirm the red flag, or resolve the red flag.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will receive the relationship that is truly best for you, the perfect relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Things men say to women
– Red flags
– Things men say that are red flags
– Red flags in dating
– Red flags in men
– Dating red flags
– Red flags not to ignore
– Understand men
– Dating help
– Online dating
– Online dating tips
– Relationship advice
– Relationship advice for men
– Relationship advice for women
– Dating
– Dating advice
– Dating coach
– Dating coach for men
– Dating coach for women
– Dating advice for women
– Dating advice for men
– Dating tips
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women and men video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: 7 Things MEN Say That Are Huge RED FLAGS

Watch this dating advice video next: Why He SUDDENLY Acts Cold | 7 Reasons Why A Man Acts Distant


#RedFlagsInMen #RedFlags #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingHelp #DatingCoachForWomen #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #DatingCoach #RelationshipAdvice #RelationshipCoach #GodlyDating #StephanSpeaks

Charlie Page

View Comments

  • Thanks for dropping your gem today!!! Now I know what to look for once I decide to date. All your videos have really opened up my eyes. I stand on business and I don't play no games!!! I appreciate you Stephan!!!!

  • As I'm dating men at the moment, I thought of a good follow-up question for when they say "I just got out of a long relationship", or "my ex was crazy". I ask them: " What did you learn about yourself after that relationship? The answer will usually give me enough information on whether he has good emotional inteligente, self awareness, take ownership of their own mistakes, and in general, potential or not. ❤

    • I can cosign on that crazy ex one. But after a long relationship, anyone needs time to heal. Nothing they say could negate that

    • Definitely. Take ownership…so incredibly important. Not gonna beat you over the head cuz you made a mistake, but the fact that you can admit that you made a mistake is huge to me!

  • Hey Labossiere this is so informative. I usually out of habit sometime speak "Lets go with the flow". You just made me realize how of an impact it could have on your dating relationship. It would be so heartbreaking getting dismissed because of a misunderstanding or not being clear🤦‍♀️. This is so good. Keep teaching us. We appreciate it💜❤💙.

    • Bunny I wouldn't figure out what it actually meant till he told me u shouldn't bring any expectations in. I was wondering why he was behaving weird and all until I finally realize he didn't want or plan to be in a relationship with me.
      It was just too painful

  • The quote in the beginning is more true than many know. I went from being a "runner" to a "lagger". Working on settling into the sweet spot of the middle.

  • Before answering this question of “what’s being brought to the table” we need to investigate if it’s appropriate enough table to even pull up a seat to let alone contribute! Vagueness is a veil/cloaking of ones self, or intentions, typically these folks operate as one sided, and you’re so right about the “my ex was crazy”shenanigans… it’s typically the person projecting outward who they are avoiding personal response- ability! To help me have better understanding of what someone says. I typically turned the conversation around in my head then go from there! Byron Katie is a good read for this technique!

  • Usually man are aware these are red flags as well and hid it under the table they do not bring it to the table 😂

  • People need healing before they jump into another situation/relationship. I believe God can heal you from that person that he never had for you in the first place. God gives me peace in my life today. ❤❤🙏🙏

    • @@AmericanDreamer yes you just ask God to heal your heart, your mind, your soul from the trauma of the relationship. Thats how I found peace within myself!

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