7 Things Women Should NEVER Do For A Man

7 Things Women Should NEVER Do For A Man…In this dating advice video, I breakdown the seven things women should never do for a man. Take heed of this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
Things women should never do for a man
Never do this for a man
Things a woman should never do for a man
Things women should never do
Dating help
Dating advice for women
Dating coach for women
Dating expert
Life coach
Relationship advice for women
Relationship coach for women
Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: 7 Things Women Should NEVER Do For A Man

Watch this dating advice video next: 7 THINGS A Man Needs More Than Sex To Fall DEEPLY For You


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Charlie Page

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    “Aloneness” is a choice. There’s always someone that’s interested. It’s just a matter of not just picking any choice just because it’s there..

  • @thobekamantshongo4458 says:

    Financially caring a man while dating I did that but not anymore.Thank you Stephan❤🇿🇦

  • @michellemcauley2315 says:

    I have made many of these mistakes. I have grown. Thank you Stephan for you wisdom, humor and kindness.

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    “We can say NO with a smile” thats so true and sounds sweet espicially when Stephan speaks !

  • @vanyastaleva415 says:

    6:15 Yeah, I am completely scandalized how grown men who live on their own “can’t cook” and wait for a woman to come to their life and start cooking for them. Guess what – women eat 3 time less than a man. Why would I give up my free time in the evening, every evening because he is acting like a helpless child refusing to cook for himself. Cooking should be a shared chore. And also men should do it more often since they need more food

  • @meiomeio says:

    1. Be something that you are not
    2. Financially carry him
    3. Become his doormat
    4. Let him move in with you
    5. Cut off all of her family and friends for him
    6. Giving a man a baby without him giving you marriage
    7. Walk away from God for him

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