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8 Things Men Notice First About a Woman & Find VERY ATTRACTIVE | Dating Advice for Women

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and 8 Things Men Notice First About a Woman & Find VERY ATTRACTIVE.

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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Charlie Page

  • @fosterchikola1932 says:

    lots of ❤from Zambia 🇿🇲🌍

  • @theresawienecke7860 says:

    Confidence in who they are and kindness

  • @laureenmchugh4878 says:

    ❤ Appreciate the advice so much!! Always upbeat and positive!!

  • @yurimaperez1145 says:

    Smile, kindness, smell, easy to talk to

  • @saraiannaccone1790 says:

    Thank you 😊

  • @celesserenity4423 says:

    Thank you! Love listening to these!

  • @EntrepreneursBusinessandServic says:

    Great video!! I met my future husband at a grocery store.

  • @giadacaroli4302 says:

    I notice when the man is being fully present, smells nice, a good smile and sense of humor..

  • @LadyEsori says:

    Height, build, eyes, and the way they carry themselves. Their posture when they move says a LOT about a person. These are things I notice from across the room.

  • @lynj9088 says:

    Honesty is #1 in my opinion. Kindness, gentleness, compassion, love of life, eyes that draw me in, romantic, handsome in my opinion, loves children, family & dogs.
    My man is all of these things and more! I am VERY BLESSED!!!!!

  • @awakenacres says:

    I’m an introvert, so a man that can make me laugh and feel at ease is #1. Good looks and a full head of hair is#2!

  • @MagdoleenRafla says:

    Best thing I love about a man is him being kind ,respectful and my safety is his top priority.

  • @MsKalamity says:

    What I notice about men first (I’m in my early 60s) 1 – Confidence without arrogance. 2 – Kind eyes and kindness to others (the waitress, etc.). 3 – Humor that isn’t centered around criticism of others. 4 – Love of animals and nature. 5 – Affection and validation. 6 – The desire to communicate well with active listening. 7 – A genuine and frequent smile. Addendum – without honesty, none of these other things matter.

  • @taraelmegreen5527 says:

    First thing on a man? His face, is it kind? Smile, confident, stands up tall, does he look taken care of? Clean? Tidy face/beard, clean teeth, is he looking me in the eye or is he checking me out? Is he a gentleman? Courteous, easy to speak with, does he treat me with respect? I also look at his eyes, are they smiling, happy as well? I dont look 4 a man who is perfectly sculpted, muscular, perfect jaw, hair ect….but is he taking care of himself? Even if he has a bit of dad bod? No worry! And lastly, can he laugh? Enjoy life? ALL of these are what matter to women who are looking….😊

  • @rezotydnic says:

    8 things a man notices first about a woman and finds very attractive.
    #1. Confidence. Freedom being who you are.
    #2. Genuine smile and laughter. Openess to life.
    #3. Feminine movements. Sway of hip, brushing hair back.
    #4. Presence and kindness towards others. Giving compliments.
    #5. Health. Taking care of yourself.
    #6. Smell. Your scent, perfume.
    #7. Makeup and nails. Do for you. Natural. Not too much.
    #8. Authenticity.

    What I find highly attractive is the man’s smile. His eyes as well as they tell stories. His kindness and acting like and being a gentleman.

  • @Elena_D01xox says:

    I always notice a Smile #1 – not just any old smile though, the type of smile where they smile with their eyes and you can see the light beaming from them and the cute creases in the corners then the smile radiates from their eyes and mouth and lights up their whole face 😊… it just shows a true genuineness, Kindness and happiness in my opinion…..Then if they can make you belly laugh your onto a winner! 🏅❤

  • @Claire-eu2si says:

    I notice a man’s hair, his lips, his clothes (wether they’re neat or not and what his style is). I notice his smell definitely and his smile and teeth! And his manly body language and when we’re together I notice how he shows his love languages.

  • @kristalynncreates says:

    What I notice the most is whether or not I feel more, or less like myself around him.

    Another thing I really noticed about a man once was I was entering an establishment, and he happened to be leaving. He literally tipped his hat, and nodded to me as we passed each other. That has only ever happened once to me, but is something I likely will never forget.

  • @joannebelle3662 says:

    Self Confidence & a Sense of Humor are the most attractive qualities in a man.

  • @roxibisby6985 says:

    I have a serious weakness for highly intelligent men. That is the #1 thing that gets my attention.

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