9 SIGNS A Man Is Not Mature ENOUGH For You!

9 SIGNS A Man Is Not Mature ENOUGH For You!… In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will give you the nine signs he's too immature for you that you should not overlook. You may see signs of emotional immaturity on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice, and be sure to watch the entire video.

I want you to know when he's too immature for you so that you can avoid dating immature men and save yourself the disappointments that come with having an immature boyfriend. In today's relationship advice, I'm going to share the signs someone is too immature for you that will help you differentiate between boys and men to avoid dating immature men.

It would be best if you knew the signs of an immature person, and this dating advice for women will help you separate immature men from mature men. Men who lack emotional maturity are not evil. It simply means they have not fully developed to provide the emotional stability needed in relationships and dating. If you want to avoid dating immature men, you need to watch out for the signs of immaturity that I explain in this video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Signs he's too immature for you
– Signs of immaturity
– Immature men
– Emotional immaturity
– Online dating
– Immature
– Immature relationship
– Signs he's an immature man
– Signs someone is too immature for you
– Signs of immature person
– Signs someone is too immature for you
– Signs of immature person
– Signs of an immature person
– Immature boyfriend
– Dating
– Dating advice
– Dating advice for women
– Dating expert
– Dating coach
– Dating coach for women
– Life coach
– Relationship advice
– Relationship advice for women
– Relationship expert
– Relationship coach for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: 9 SIGNS A Man Is Not Mature ENOUGH For You!

Watch this dating advice video next: How To Be A Man's PEACE (These 7 Things WORK Every Time!)


#SignsHesTooImmatureForYou #ImmatureMen #DatingAdviceForWomen #EmotionalImmaturity #Immature #SignsOfImmaturity #OnlineDating #ImmatureRelationship #DatingExpert #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #StephanSpeaks


  • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

    The WAY I sprang my ankle running to CLICK on this video! 💯 😂… for real! YOU BETTER TELL THE TRUTH! I’ve been praying for guidance on this very subject… so grateful for confirmation.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Watch to the end and let me know your thoughts ❤

    • @daedalprincess says:


    • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

      ​@@MeetStephanSpeaksAbsolutely… will do

    • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

      ​@MeetStephanSpeaks hi there! This was amazing & actually edification for what my Father (Elohim/God) has been telling & showing me for a min. I love how He uses others (in this case you) to cross our paths to confirm His Way is the Right Way.

    • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

      ​@@daedalprincess😅😅😅 I’M SO GLAD I DID THO. Cause wheew…I needed to hear this (from a spiritual man specifically). Stephan comes thru for sure

  • @favourozioma509 says:

    Am older than he is, we keep having misunderstandings every single day and it’s really draining…I want to just move on from the relationship and heal from this mental stress

  • @lynnwilcoxson7 says:

    I have to say my husband was single for 25 yrs after his 1st marriage then he met me. loll At first thought he was too good to be true😂 But, nope he was really what he professed to be. Couldn’t ask for a better husband. We built a house 4 yrs ago & it’s paid for due to financial stability. We’ve been together 13 years married 10 & he’s a great parnter.😊

  • @lynnwilcoxson7 says:

    #1 Issue was him not wanting to have serious conversations. Not liking Conflict was his answer. I personally think this is due to being ennlisted 15 yrs of service in the military. Finally, after a few years he is having conversations now & difiently being able to express his feeling as well as listening to mine.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing your experience! Hopefully, it will help others learn from it. I appreciate that 🙏

    • @someoneyoudontknow7705 says:

      You’d think a veteran would be used to conflict (kinda joking…I’m a veteran myself).

    • @sherriflemming3218 says:

      Communication is a huge issue in interpersonal relationships. Good communication skills and relationship skills. Most people have weak emotional maturity and relationship skills. Conflict resolution is a very important skill.
      Relationships are about emotions. You’ve got to have deep conversations to know and understand each other. Not surface or superficial chats. Small talk.

      Personal development:
      Why Are Relationships Are So Hard?
      Why You Choose Who You Choose with Dr Stan Tatkin podcast

      How Your Childhood Trauma Effects Your Love Choices – Jonathon Aslay and Destiny podcast

      Seek Good Character A Reminder To Us All David Tian PhD The Masculine Psychology Project podcast

      Non Violent Communication by Marshall B Rosenberg PhD
      I Hear You by Micheal Sorenson
      Getting The Love You Want by Harville Hendrix – Imago
      Attached by Amir Levine
      Wired For Love by Dr Stan Tatkin
      The Hoffman Process by John and Julie Gottman
      Emotional Intimacy by Robert Masters
      Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
      8 Dates by John and Julie Gottman
      If The Budda Dated by John and Julie Gottman
      The Body Keeps The Score Brain Mind And Body In The Healing Of Trauma – Dr Gabor Mate
      The Myth Of Normal by Dr Gabor Mate
      What The Heck Is Self Love Anyways? Jonathon Aslay.

  • @FelineLoverinSD says:

    Best video by far!!! Especially #3! “If he can’t manage his emotions, he’s going to be very unstable and end up becoming abusive and then blame you for it.” Ladies PLEASE keep these type of men away from your children! And do not have a child with someone like this!

    • @Danny328DT says:

      I’ve never physically gotten violent or abusive when I got upset. I usually just get frustrated or concerned, but then again, I didn’t have any mental issues to begin with…Is there psychological evidence to support that men become abusers if they become angry? I see that get thrown around often online.

    • @inspiredbydior5447 says:

      You are so right! We have a 7 year old and met almost 13 years ago. I have A LOT of regrets and really wished I had listened to that inner voice. Working on a plan to have as least contact as possible with him. I just want him away from me. He’s been a thorn in my side for years and I can see who he truly is. My feelings have always been dismissed and disregarded, except during the love bombing phase. I’m so sorry I didn’t have self love before. I am working on healing and dealing with my own trauma. I realize it was all about winning with him after a certain point. I wanted to show him how strong I was and that he couldn’t come back…and he worked hard to break those walls down, only for me to have to yet again build them back up!! Sick!!

    • @FelineLoverinSD says:

      @inspiredbydior: I’m so sorry to hear that. What a terrible existence to feel like you’re always walking on eggshells. I’ve been there when I was very young. Thank God I had the strength to leave 4 months in. That was all I could take. Moved out of state for this man. But I have always had a very low tolerance for B.S. He is just taking advantage of your kindness. Just pray for God’s protection and for him to remove this man from your life. I know it’s much harder when you have a child though. I hope you have a strong support system. I sure didn’t. But I do know this much, if you pray hard enough for God to help and guide you, he will. He will also help you tap into your inner strength and do what you need to do what’s best for you and your child. God is good!

    • @FelineLoverinSD says:

      @Danny328DT : Not all people with a temper become abusive. I myself have a terrible temper but I have never put my hands on a child or an animal. Stephan did not say they all become abusive. He said if a man cannot handle their emotions they have the potential to eventually become abusive but I think he meant emotionally abusive. But a physically abusive person always starts out being verbally abusive and it escalates from there. I think he was saying these people shouldn’t be in a relationship if they cannot control their emotions and I agree because the emotional maturity isn’t there. You sound like you have alot of self-reflection and you acknowledge you can be hot-headed but you know how to check yourself before it gets out of hand. Not all men do. The abusive types lash out, intimidate, bully and just expect the woman to accept the behavior.

    • @Danny328DT says:

      @@FelineLoverinSD Thanks for your input. I have not seen the whole video.

  • @ofkgjsl says:

    One thing about passive aggressiveness: Beware girls, sarcasm seems funny and confident at the surface, but it‘s actually a very low and arrogant way of thinking. We often feel attracted to the funny guys, but sarcasm looks very dark behind the fascade. often times there is a bitter, resentful, spoiled, entitled, delusional brat, who likes to enjoy life at the expense of others

  • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

    ❤ Join my SPECIAL coaching program here 👉 http://www.receivingmyblessings.com – so many women are experiencing AMAZING results!

  • @cookinwithla says:

    I need a man not a boy 🙌🏼

  • @robinchilds7492 says:

    I was in a 4 year relationship with a guy who had to have everything his way and would ghost me when he didn’t get it. When i tried to talk to him he would leave the room. He was never wrong and he was very passive aggressive. Typical narcissist.

  • @jibarabicha4853 says:

    Stephen, this video is going to be helpful to so many women today. My last relationship was little mix of everything you mentioned in this video. While he seemed like a good guy, went to church and all, this was just used to mask the rest of his shortcomings. Women need to pay close attention to these signs because they can cause more suffering than they could ever imagine.

    • @sherriflemming3218 says:

      If someone is truly religious they embody live and practice these values and beliefs with integrity, not merely pay lip service to it or claim to be religious. Which is merely a facade or hipocrisy. .
      Agree women need to pay close attention to red flags and dealbreakers. How have you healed from past experiences?

    • @inspiredbydior5447 says:

      Yesss my ex, too! Even was a dedicated Father, but behind that mask was something serious! He went to church, attended ministry classes, but was addicted to porn, a cheater, a liar, just overall fake person overall. Claimed to have all this love for me, but when confronted, threw me away like a piece of trash. Did it over and over and then would come back with an apology that seemed genuine, but then the behaviors kept showing up! Just pathetic!!!

    • @kamillaerdos7636 says:

      Yes, but u cant pay attention to everything, there always will be a surprise.

  • @kristyworrell4416 says:

    #9 deserves the spot lol. This will stick in our minds, thank you. 🙏🏽 So many women say: “ oh least he’s coming home to me” Men in a relationship seeking any form of attention from other females is an insecure man- like Stephen said, feeding their egos to hide a problem they are not willing to face. We don’t talk about this red flag enough, so thank you for addressing it Stephen.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      ❤️ 🙂 Thank you!

    • @sherriflemming3218 says:

      I agree one hundred percent. And addiction is a huge issue in relationships. Personality and character is fixed. Behaviors can be modified.

      Cheating Triangulations In Sick Relationships – Dr Sam Vaknin podcast
      Never Forgive Infidelity Cheating Dr Sam Vaknin podcast
      Why Are Relationships Are So Hard?
      Why You Choose Who You Choose with Guest Dr Stan Tatkin podcast ♥️
      How Your Childhood Trauma Effects Your Love Choices – Jonathon Aslay podcast ♥️
      We Are Attracted To The Familiar by Coach Craig Kenneth – Imago
      Why Smart Men Fail At Dating And Relationships David Tian PhD The Masculine Psychology Project podcast
      Why Men Avoid Counselling – Jonathon Aslay podcast

    • @FoodieQueenBee says:

      Lol he told me that i come home to you am i not?

    • @kristyworrell4416 says:

      @@FoodieQueenBee You betta come home with your integrity and my respect

    • @gvgrll says:

      Men who do this make me lose attraction and respect and I never see them same anymore no matter how much I try.

  • @gotcalm_ says:

    Thank you for posting this video. I was able to evaluate where I am and areas I need to improve so I’m not only a better man for my future wife, but for myself and the people around me. God bless!

    • @itNever_Fails0422 says:

      Yes I agree I’m all those types of guys he speaks on, and I’m not proud of saying that. These videos are teaching me what not to be anymore. I’m not sure if time permits me to save my marriage but I know I’m striving to be a better man through your videos. Thank you and keep being a vessel for sharing.

  • @Relah-hc4tn says:

    Silent treatment should be on list

  • @leannegraceliberty says:

    😂😂😂 i laughed at the blaah blah blah.. i just love Stephan’s wisdom and honesty. You really are helping us to UPGRADE our mindsets and opening our eyes to identify a True Man of God with integrity

  • @narciefaithamista4137 says:

    1 He cannot
    Take care of himself
    2. He has not Set his priorities in order
    3.he is guided by his emotions
    4. He doesn’ take any accountability
    5. Everything has to be his way
    6.Passive aggressive
    7. Unwilling to have serious conversation
    8. He doesn’t listen to others
    9. He constantly enjoys feminine energy

    • @chiquitamcduffy6727 says:

      I don’t need a relationship like this ill stay single forever fr

    • @alaalfa8839 says:

      And most of it comes from childhood.

      At age 0 to 7 the child brain is programmed in some way, by parents, teachers, people, media, classmates school, television etc.
      As Dr.- Bruce Lipton explains it continues as a subconscious program till age 30.
      The child is not able to analyze or understand the information, but the brain records everything into the subconscious mind, the same way as a computer program.
      So the child doesn’t even realize he/she has these programs, till he wakes up at age 30, until someone tells them.

    • @jhaelcaventa5172 says:

      My ex is 6/9 of these traits so I ran away 😅

    • @FoodieQueenBee says:

      Not worth my time, we as women can get physically sick from supressed feelings n resentment

    • @narciefaithamista4137 says:

      @@FoodieQueenBee it is a waste of time.

  • @DoctorCarrieHall says:

    This is why I remain single and extremely happy.

  • @876tisha says:

    Love that you stress masculine and not alpha. In my experience a lot of alpha men are very immature. They can’t take correction, controlling and emotionally unavailable.

    • @maritawanazw says:

      Lols. Most Alphas are masculine. Alpha means Power. So what you’re saying doesn’t actually make sense. Secondly, not all Alphas are controlling or emotionally unavailable. Maybe you should give them a chance because most women don’t want a weak man (the other option) which is a Beta.

  • @shakathewanderer9198 says:

    My boyfriend is the last 4/9. He’s not a cheater, but he’s got female friends with huge snapchat streaks. He literally says he “likes the presence of other women.” He’s against the idea of therapy. Hes passive aggressive asfff. He doesn’t like criticism in any way. He is always negative about men, work, women, family, ect. It’s sad and I’m drained even if he’s not saying anything. Im not allowed to have opinions so I’m just silent.

    Ive gained 70 lbs messing with this man. I’m slowly moving away from him. Thank God we don’t live together.

  • @Braceletbabesjax says:

    Feed my mind not just my body, provide , protect and be patient

  • @Avldanceforjoy says:

    This is an important note to add in. It’s always a red flag. When a man you’re involved with at any level doesn’t want to talk about the relationship gets mad gets angry, feels cornered, with just a calm discussion of the dynamic when your communication is shut down and that’s a pattern. You can’t grow with that person they leave you no choice but to leave them.

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