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The Love Advice I hated…but actually worked! | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and love advice he hated… but actually worked!

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3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove

Charlie Page

  • @dagmarhyacinthe6978 says:

    I love your background 😍

  • @buda2049 says:

    Incompatibility kills chemistry ⚛️ for sure

  • @sallyprestonloveanddreambu890 says:

    This was outstanding. It was like a mini class and I actually heard so many new concepts when I’ve heard I thought everything!!’ Instead of enrolling in a weekend class to learn all this you pulled out most important things and actually can retain and take action immediately!!! LOVE THIS!!!

  • @tavananda2058 says:

    Thank you, Matt, for sharing great relationship knowledge! ❤

  • @thewatcher6388 says:

    Great video!!

  • @dianeatpeace337 says:

    You can’t really know someone in under a year. Remember: for 4-6 months at least, most people are only showing you their best side. Sharing time together and dealing with daily struggles eventually lead people to reveal themselves. It takes getting completely comfortable in a relationship for most to ‘drop the mask’ and truly show who they are as a person underneath the social mask.

  • @katemiller5990 says:

    So maybe another way to put it would be “happiness via growth”?

  • @kimfrederick7710 says:

    This is an awesome video filled with great advice

  • @celesserenity4423 says:

    This is great Matt thank you!

  • @mhal2 says:

    Love that you mentioned Alison Armstrong, Mat!

  • @raeofsunshine144 says:

    This is great advice, but I disagree with one thing. the law of giving doesn’t necessarily activate the law of receiving. Being used and in one sided relationships definitely teaches you to focus on what you receive because some people will try to reap the benefits you give.

  • @lucinaburke1397 says:

    You are so spot on !!!!

  • @tiffanycrenshaw5421 says:

    Peace over excitement for me has definitely kept me out of my feelings and which lead to understand that if we not growing to become a couple from a friendship then this dating has to come to a stop because that guy isnt my person

  • @snuggleb100 says:

    I think I need coaching lol I’m on the dating sites. I’m getting a lot of hits. Lots of people having conversation with me but they eventually stop talking to me. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong my friend thinks I say too much too soon. I’m not really sure if that’s the case I don’t know Matt do you coach I think I could use some.

    • @lovepeacejoyhappiness says:

      how is your self worth or opinion of yourself? are u trying to sell how amazing you are (paradoxically this comes from an insecure or low self worth place), or are you trying to gauge if they’re the right fit for YOU? Do you have self defeating beliefs you repeat often (out loud or in thoughts) such as, “good men are hard to find”, “this always happens to me”, “i can never get a good man”, etc etc. I’d start there.

  • @c3clark270 says:

    (🚫H8) Today is celebration of Saint Matthew “loyalty over sacrifice”

  • @sabariahsamsudin6062 says:

    There is jealousy unnecessarily that makes it a turn-off in the maturity personality or is it a sign of masculinity in either gender

  • @aanuyate1 says:

    Peace over excitement. Phew! You have answered my question, which I’ve been searching for years. Thanks for sharing Matt.

  • @oluwasubomiadewusi3946 says:

    I never regret watching your videos. Pure truth & exclusive learning

  • @profelis3312 says:

    Happiness is a mode of travel, not a destination.

  • @mirandasullivan-selfempower says:

    I just went through an experience where I attracted someone with the sparks and it was fun….but when I got to know him, it doesn’t look like he’s compatible with me, it was the first time that someone showed up and I chose me instead until the right one comes along. I used to give the spark ..way toooooo much priority.

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