A Man Will Keep HOLDING ON After Hurting You For 3 BIG Reasons

A Man Will Keep HOLDING ON After Hurting You For 3 BIG Reasons… In this dating, love, and relationship advice video, I will give you the seven reasons why men won't let you go after hurting you. You may want to know why men stay after hurting you on first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.

It would be best if you didn't get frustrated and be confused when men linger after hurting you. I need you to understand that there are instances where he won't let you go, but that doesn't mean he loves you. In this video, I will explain why he won't leave you alone even after hurting you.

I want you to understand men better and know how men think so that you can comprehend why men stay after hurting you. There are many reasons why men linger after breaking up with you, and most of the time, it's because of selfish reasons. Be sure to embrace these dating tips to learn why guys linger after hurting you.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Why men linger after hurting you
– why he keeps holding on
– Reasons guys linger after hurting you
– 3 reasons guys linger after hurting you
– Why he won’t leave you alone
– Why he won’t let go
– Reasons why men linger
– Why he hurt you
– Why guys linger after hurting you
– Dating
– Dating advice
– Dating advice for women
– Dating expert
– Breakup
– Relationship advice
– Relationship coach for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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A Man Will Keep HOLDING ON After Hurting You For 3 BIG Reasons

#WhyMenLingerAfterHurtingYou #ReasonsGuysLingerAfterHurtingYou #WhyHeWontLeaveYouAlone #ReasonsWhyMenLinger #DatingHelp #DatingAdviceforWomen #OnlineDating #WhyHeHurtYou #WhyGuysLingerAfterHurtingYou #Breakup #DatingAdvice #StephanSpeaks

Charlie Page

  • @Chrysilla_QuantumHealing says:

    Perfect timing for this one. 😢

  • @scorpiored3871 says:

    This happened to me, thank you, King❤

  • @Golden-zo2cc says:

    Ohhh I know he don’t like me much less love me😵‍💫🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ smdh thankfully I’m gettin myself free💅🏽

  • @Golden-zo2cc says:

    Ppl in general are just EXHAUSTING 😤

  • @Laloca0123 says:

    Yes! I was at my last breaking point after 20 years of marriage and 4 children and told him I’m watching his actions not believing the words that came out of his mouth. He’s proven to me that I’m the one he wants to spend his life with he’s not going out we chill together at home on our beautiful property with our children vacations when we have the extra money he’s becoming what I knew he was in the beginning trust is coming back slowly but I’m with him mostly every time he’s going somewhere sex life has became god send ❤ some men are worth the wait and can and will change for the one they really want and love

  • @pocketfulofposey says:

    Number two for me. Also, sometimes number 3 a bit. For me it ends because we are not aligned. But Im always respectful so its not a bad ending. I let them go but they still contact me. Over and over. I assume they like what i give them. Im very complimentary to men i date and i only date men I’m very attracted to. But now when they come back i tell them, I’m saving my energy for someone who knocks me off my feet. I take the attitude it’s not me it’s them. Because mature individuals can communicate. If they cant be open, we wont work anyway.

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    At times I do feel that been a woman in this micro wave world is unfortunate,but to you man who is deliberate In administering pain,be carefull there is KARMA,what goes around comes around

    • @CherylNelson-i6g says:

      One thing I say…God is faithful and just to let his children know he will never leave norsake them . Twice he left my house with a bad attitude towards me all bc he decided to sleep around with my neighbor and got caught and interrupted his flow Its not my fault he chose to pick someone that lives near me. However ,his guilt turned into him being mean to me. Since I prayed and leaned on God, I took it to God, and he ended up in the hospital for the 2nd time .
      God does not condone ugliness and does vindicate!

  • @RhondaR4 says:

    When a man knows a woman has come from a broken home, horrrible past of being abused, yet she shows compassion, he preys on her. I’ve learned my lesson from being manipulated in the worse ways. Having my energy drained was the worse. Today, I am proud of myself for still choosing me and healing. It’s not always easy but I thank GOD in it. I choose to wait on GOD because HE always gives the best.🙏🏽❤️

    • @CherylNelson-i6g says:

      I lwish I like your comment more than once. I’m dealing with this right now .The most painful part about it is i’m a senior citizen still trying to heal from a broken past. I thought I found love after so many decades . Turns out , I didn’t . He preyed on me and did everything you listed . I’m so hurt and broken on top of grieving the loss of my mom , my brother and sister , and my own health issues he seems to not care if he’s stringing me along, and I realized this morning ..I been his personal idiot 💔

    • @GodsObedientChild-Deuteron6262 says:

      Very, very much agreed✨♥️

    • @RhondaR4 says:

      @CherylNelson-i6g , I’m sorry you went through that. Please get close to GOD so HE can heal your heart. I’m sending a special prayer for you. Hugs sent your way in JESUS’ mighty name. Remember your strength comes from GOD. Give GOD all your pain. Speak and believe you are healed. Watch GOD work for you. Let that man go. Forgive yourself. You got this! GOD loves you and so do I.🙏🏽❤️

    • @RhondaR4 says:

      @@GodsObedientChild-Deuteron6262 , Bless you in JESUS’ mighty name.🙏🏽❤️

    • @CherylNelson-i6g says:

      @@RhondaR4 Thank you ❤️

  • @Kyouko_1903 says:

    He really doesn’t leave me alone. He contacted me after nearly two years’ no contact, we had several deep conversations about ours problems before. In the end, he has fear and doesn’t want to commit. I feel so confused and hurt by this caos he causes. As he knows that we cannot be friends, if he doesn’t want to be with me, then why bother? Thank you for offering such insightful and helpful explanations. I will move on.

  • @silviamtz8961 says:

    Truth Love Bomber. You are 1 millionth % spot on in EVERYTHING you said. The only thing that has kept my integrity (whatever, however much I have) is the fact that I was emotionally detaching from him like months ago. I was and I’m emotionally detached, what hurts is my ego a bit but other than that this fool thinks I’m super emotional where I know in my soul that he needs ME more than I need him. 😅 It’s laughable. But I did learn a lot from the interaction and I have homework to do for the following interactions with men because I know my footing now. Yea, s 3 x was great, but it’s because we both made it so, this fool thinks he can replace me, that’s okaaaaaaaaaay. 😅 Everyone is replaceable but we are NEVER DUPLICATED and that will be his karma.


    I wasn’t going to say anything but I am going to chime in a little. I feel that if the relationship is just toxic all around for you and him, then if the door is closed, then the door needs to remain closed. If it is a guy who hurt you depending on the time in both of you alls lives like whether if you were young, if one person wasn’t that settled at the time, if you all were immature, if you couldn’t move with him and he needed to move at the time, and if he did some banged out stuff and he was totally oblivious to the ramifications it would cause with the both of you, then it is possible to maybe reconcile. The conversation for respect has to be had in the initial conversation with you all getting back together. Prayer should be a center of the relationship when conflict is had going forward. Gentle honesty should be applied when it is needed. It also has to be understood when things are addressed that you will not weaponize one another with past bad actions. If the action still hurts or bothers one person then this is where prayer is needed or maybe a mediator or a counselor. The key to a great relationship is being able to walk in love with one another. 💕

  • @victoriacuevas8277 says:

    So happy I came acrossed this one!! Thank you!

  • @TamiT3 says:

    I have quit the dating scene. Im just done with the games. If your too nice, you seem needy, ppl say dont be upfront. Act like your not that into him, on and on. Not worth it anymore.

  • @nicholeb2746 says:

    They want their cake and eat it to..he’ll only do to you what YOU ALLOW HIM TO. WALK AWAY, BLOCK, STAND ON BUSINESS

  • @Lavioletica says:

    Arghhhh, yeah love bombing me every time I’m done with him and sucking me back in, meanwhile he still doesn’t meet my needs or take accountability. So frustrating after a year of that, but at the end of the day it taught me a LOT and thankfully now I’m done with that cycle.

  • @financemuslimah4639 says:

    I experienced this. Great guy. All around. We both knew it wouldn’t work. But I finally cut off him being in & out my life. It’s too much. When you start loving him. Cut it off. The sooner the better ! Love yourself first , be realistic

  • @zde-6397fb2 says:

    Ouch. You know how to pick topics that fits too close to home. You are a fabulous teacher, communicator. Thank you.

  • @Burrwill08 says:

    I love the grounded reality of this channel❤️🙏!!
    Retirement took a toll on my finances, Regardless of so many financial challenges, I thank God for a life transforming occurrence after past struggles.

    • @Hegels-w0g says:

      Wow Congratulations on your financial success! What’s your story?how do you make such??

    • @Burrwill08 says:

      its luck, it’s me just being
      at the right place at the right time. I met a financial and trading consultant at a seminar back at Los Angeles later last year, where she was featured and interviewed and I reached out to her afterwards.
      Her name is Elizabeth Ann Hanson, I didn’t know much about trading and investing so l spoke to her about it, she then later introduced me to her platform where I and other people could invest.

    • @Burrwill08 says:

      Elizabeth Ann Hanson has truly transformed my life. Having a reliable broker like her can make all the difference.❤️❤️

    • @samratsai7062 says:

      when someone is straightforward and good at what she does best. People will always speak for them.

    • @samratsai7062 says:

      If i had not experienced this, I would have said this is all lies, but l’ve made withdrawals a few days ago, and that’s one thing I find difficult and impossible with other brokers

  • @snown26 says:

    Thank you for taking the risk, sharing with us, and sharing information that can keep us women safe, Stephan. I really appreciate you.

  • @faithvap3670 says:

    1. Fear of guilt and being the bad guy
    2. They still want access to you
    3. He is still very conflicted (he is not sure what he wants)

    You’re welcome

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