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A woman’s sexual history doesn’t intimidate me. I’ve learned the hack. #loveyou #relationshipgoals

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  • Stewart Muwangala says:

    He thinks the version of her he’ll get depends on him and his actions.

    His sadly mistaken.

    • TheBrotherFromAnotherPlanet ! says:

      Thank you… he can’t change anyone unless they are willing to change themselves. And a lot of women make big mistakes doing this by trying to change certain types of men they really shouldn’t be with that will cause danger to their well-being.

    • J Combs says:

      If a woman have had 25 to 35 partners she will have as many children following her. Men do care.

    • Crystal H says:

      Not by simple actions, silly rabbit, but by who he is fundamentally. I’m a woman and I know that who I am will partially dictates how and who people decide to be me. Be accountable for yourself luv.

    • Lean says:

      Dione M. got to respect yourself first…. Same rules as love applies to respect. I won’t respect or love you if you do not have those things for yourself

  • nachox supreme says:

    This is for all you aspiring simps out there.. take notes so you too can be a living and breathing placeholder like this guy 👏🏽

  • LuCasley20 says:

    So, if she’s had 35-40 sexual partners, what does she have to offer him that makes him special? A woman’s chastity used to be treasured for a reason.

  • J K says:

    Translation: “I’m a desperate simp that settles for low value females with virtually no dignity. Period.”

  • F S says:

    It’s hilarious when people preach and think they’re being so insightful whilst saying dumb shi like this😂

  • Prince One says:

    From now on, I only want old shoes, I don’t care how many ppl have worn it in the past. I am getting the version nobody has ever worn before 😂😂😂

  • Lupin says:

    Women love hearing this kind of stuff, means less responsibility and more excuses

  • Lee Andrew says:

    “The version of her I’m gonna get, no man has had!”

    The worn out version?

  • Ebony Mariah says:

    Some angry men on this post.😭🤣

    • Kejuan Lynette says:

      I’m thoroughly curious as to 1) how many is too many? And 2) if they actually believe they are being told honest numbers by the women they date. I’m not being messy I am literally curious 🤨

    • Snakeman Jones says:

      Its not about being angry. Its about his b.s. he selling. Some men care about body count most men dont. 25 to 35 men is a lot for her body to go through and her mind.

    • Chris Hindsight says:

      @Kejuan Lynette over 5 if you’re under 30yrs old under 10 if you’re over 35yrs old. .

    • Miss Favorite says:

      Yes! 👏🏾🤣

  • Young+Christian says:

    Stop hating and listen to the full podcast message….you’ll understand his point of view.Besides having a promiscuous past doesn’t make you old or worn out .There is redemption for any Child of God no matter your past.2 Corinthians 5:17 says For behold if any man be in Christ He is a new creation , old things have passed away and all things made new.

    • Cardale Bradfield says:

      Yes redemption to your soul. Not the body lol you think if a woman been through 35 men that she won’t have any physical or mental consequences? Even recovered drug addicts have wounds

    • Lovely Love says:


    • I got LOADz says:

      But he did not say that. He took the credit for being able to pull the goodness out of her instead of God transforming her supernaturally by HIS SPIRIT. That’s the difference.

    • OA says:

      ​@Cardale Bradfield Part of the redemption we can all be brought into is restoration which the Lord desires to offer to our bodies. Your wounds will not disqualify you in the eyes if God, but for those struggling with the pride of life, they fail to see their own humanity and therefore, faultiness.

  • TA P says:

    Do you know what cultivate means people? He’s stating that his love is intentional so much so that no other man has experienced her the way he has. That hits different…

  • Nisey says:

    He’s saying he is prepared to cultivate her (a real woman who is ready for a relationship)..to show her she’s worthy no matter how many partners she once had..to love her unconditionally as a real man should.

    • Chris Hindsight says:

      @Flying Dutchman right but they want men to get leftovers lol. Go overseas bro. At least you’ll get feminine in shape leftovers.

  • Cassandra Harris says:


  • The BRIDGE 54 says:


  • sunshine 🌞 says:

    Only a real man knows how to bring the best out of a woman ( patience )


    POWERFUL TRUTH! Keep speaking it and don’t expect carnal minds to receive spiritual things. It’s VERY POSSIBLE to get a version of a person that no one else has had. Romans 12 calls it transformation. Some call it evolving. Nevertheless the broken little girl that gave herself away to different sexual partners can mature and be transformed into the grown woman she was meant to be thus thinking and conducting herself in a manner differently than she previously had done so. Which in turn is a different version of her than what anyone else has had. Most men hear you and they are hearing what you say and thinking only about her physical body. However you are making reference to the whole woman.

  • Darlene Carruthers-Shelton says:

    A Person past shouldn’t matter, when their past is no longer their life , they’ve heal, moved past and have healthy lifestyle ( mind body emotional and Spirit). A totally different Mindset from her past. She’s a new person, but always willing to become even better!!! Setting Goals and Goal setter and big building to have better.

  • Diego McKinney says:


  • sweetangie dawkins says:

    Wow..ny God

  • Bari-G says:


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