American Guy on Dating Eastern European vs American Women

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  • @jb-vz4wb says:

    My parents shared houshold responsibilities equally. Both worked outside the home. I dont understand this anti modern movement which beleives womens place is the home. The guys that ask their woman to do all these things are usually lazy and not spectacular at what they do either. If we adopt these old style beleifs, we will be regressing as a society

    • @Us-entry-waiver says:

      It’s not even about that. It’s about the fact that there is nothing wrong with the husband and wife supporting the family structure. For example, a guy may own 3 construction companies and definitely doesn’t have time to do these things. In exchange, the wife may work part time or run a home based business but also care for their children. So his income is the main breadwinner, and his kids will likely grow up and have a great foundation. So what is wrong with them both wanting the best for their kids and family? Now fast forward, the woman could be a doctor and work whenever she wants. She may elect to take time off to be at home with the kids. So hey, if she voluntarily wants to do it, then it’s no one’s business.

    • @natoslayer2907 says:

      Personally, I don’t think men and women should he living together. My best relationships with women have been while living separately and seeing her somewhat rarely. I take care of myself, she takes care of herself. No one is being used, taken advantage of, or taken for granted. It’s better to be missed and missing someone than to be lonely while sleeping in the same house like most marriages.

    • @Us-entry-waiver says:

      @natoslayer2907  I can respect how you feel and salute you if it works for you. Yeah, for me, that definitely works in the West since there are things you gotta watch out for over here that you don’t necessarily have to in the EU/Northern & Eastern Europe. I will say that in the EU, the laws tend to he more fair and not as one sided in the West. Im actually gonna take a Masters degree program at the University of Helsinki for Eu Immigration law. So yeah, I can agree with you, and that’s definitely a safe way to do it in the West. Esp if a guy is well off and stands to lose a lot if he makes the wrong decision. I still say in that circular region, though a guy could have a pretty good life if he is open-minded and willing to learn the relevant language and culture. I think it’s a sign of respect, though, to learn the language and culture.

  • @shutting88 says:

    yes, the divorce rate in Russia is fifty percent. very family oriented.

  • @matpare1967 says:

    Give her a few more months my friend.

    • @davidcadman4468 says:

      By the end of this year she will be so westernized that he will be running for the hills. I hope at that time they are not married. Seen it happen too often.

    • @brendab2946 says:


    • @igorxyz8682 says:

      @@davidcadman4468 it will happen in big percent, some percentage no. Watch Eddie Murphy show he brought woman from Africa who had nothing, and then change when she came in America …

    • @Leitis_Fella says:

      Lol the selection bias of these comments sections is hilarious. People in successful relationships are enjoying their partner’s company and not posting in comments sections

  • @Muahaha651 says:

    Passport bro

  • @Maria-oh1nq says:

    girl runnn

  • @andreeagrigoras851 says:

    Probably some ‘details’ to consider would be that the wife of the brother can earn as much as him or more, she feels her time is used better in other acticities like hobbies for example.. whereas Eastern Europe can expect to be provided by the partner which can fit some individuals, but not all, she might expect gifts, not work.

    I see him as assuming some house activities for this girl and they should discuss expectations, even in early stage, yes, she might be family oriented but do not assume how she shows love.
    Expectations make room for disappointments, better to be open, put things on the table early on.

    • @nathanielwilliams6945 says:

      Still, though, who wants to eat fast food all day?

    • @komrad7907 says:

      I think what she means is it’s better to discuss early on, who’s going to be doing a majority of the cooking and/or cleaning etc. For example, many women work now, and with that, some couples now take turns on chores.
      Eating fast food every day is horrible😅 Sounds like neither of them know how to cook, or just lazy.​@nathanielwilliams6945

  • @eddierussel5911 says:

    All he wants is if she can cook?
    I am a man looking only for an intelligent woman that out personalities match is the most important thing to me. I can cook and wash no problem I am not lazy

    • @mulatasalsera says:

      Funny she hasnt even cooked for him. Im American and me and all my friends are successful professionals who also love to cook. I’m guessing he might be the problem

    • @natoslayer2907 says:

      Why are you looking for anything in someone else? I don’t look for anything in a woman. There’s nothing I need. If I feel good around them that’s all that matters. As soon as it doesn’t feel good to be around her I leave.

  • @bobsmith582 says:

    Dude is a passport bro

  • @vikramsingha2312 says:

    I think this dude will be surprised as hell in case he marries

  • @chericlm says:

    Please take him. We don’t want him 🇺🇸. Thank you.

  • @visualdarkness says:

    That guy is so dumb and ignorant. He seemingly know nothing about her and nothing about culture in general.

  • @cepolt says:

    This guy is a friggin baby man ; has no clue. wtf is she doing with him? Seriously how much money was involved here?

    • @natoslayer2907 says:

      He probably makes pretty good money. Unfortunately for him, that’s probably the only thing he’s competent at.

  • @Augustin87 says:

    War refugee needs citizenship

  • @santap.3257 says:

    Wow how many silly comments. All he said was that the likes feminine women and he ‘can be himself’ in his masculine. Also, Easter Europeans value family and tradition. I alsp cook for my partner and he loves it. He is just a normal guy! Ultra feminists are triggered.

  • @beccal4189 says:

    Peter griffin with a beard talking about American woman don’t cook. Looks like his mama fed him pretty well

  • @ezmarktc2696 says:

    He’s absolutely rite about American dating you know!!!

  • @elisa6212 says:

    The culture he wants is for him to be taken care of like a baby… How money is he going to pay her for that? Or is she supposed to support him financially too, on top of catering to his every whim?

  • @Tozester says:

    Bruh. He’s cooked😂😂😂😂

  • @Akazawa4 says:

    Why are some guys so obsessed with women cooking for them? I’m a bachelor for ages so gotta cook for myself but if I had a wife I’d want to cook for her as much as her for me. I take pride in making great food. American men don’t do this? I’m Japanese Canadian btw, my father has always made an amazing spaghetti sauce….

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