Are Swedes Unfriendly? 🇸🇪

I ask Swedes on the streets of Gothenburg what is the most true stereotype about Swedish people. Are they are reserved and unfriendly? Would they like to talk to strangers? What happens if you talk to a Swede?


  • @jonathanwelke says:

    As a canadian I can confirm we are amazing to talk to.

  • @Kyle341d says:

    Aww man, I’m gonna come over and just start talking to everyone I’d love to see the reactions on people’s faces LOL

  • @pearlsaminger9544 says:

    Omg I can’t imagine getting into a lift and not talking 😮, I’m a from the UK , I talk to anyone !

  • @krumbergify says:

    I’m Swede and this used to be 100 % true, but I think it changing and we are becoming a bit more open and friendly :).

  • @alexsulonen says:

    I don’t think Swedes are in general unfriendly, quite the opposite actually to be honest. I think they are masters at having conversations and being social once they are being that. Kinda like the “Nordic Americans” if you know what I mean

  • @tiffanyvarelli8834 says:

    Swedish ppl wouldn’t know what to do in America … majority holds doors for ppl & we talk to everyone.. the 3&5 rule if they’re 3 feet away u say hello n hold a door… if they’re 5 feet away just a nod or wave… someone tell the Swedes how to be polite

    • @norainbowwithoutsomerain says:

      We are polite in the art of not making people uncomfortable and not overstepping boundaries 😅

  • @flowerinherhair8195 says:

    Swiss are the same 😅 very reserved 😅

  • @jmbpaz says:

    The greatest thrill for a Swede, to talk to a Canadian

  • @CarsandBikes says:

    I’m going to wear a I am from California t shirt and see their reaction

  • @gedearimbawa1985 says:

    i will talk to everyone i meet if i had chance go to sweden

  • @ashome13 says:

    Give Swedes and other Nordic people some alcohol however, and it’s a whole different ballgame.

  • @johngonzalez4298 says:

    Happy Monday Marina ❤

  • @mickfear says:

    Sweden is sounding like my kind of country

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