Are Women Too Picky? #datingadvice #datingapps #formen

Charlie Page

  • @sirblackshield8000 says:

    It’s a massive concern we genuinely want people to match and just give it a go and be consistent, if women continue like this they will end up with nothing.

  • @evozero905 says:

    They get the illusion of infinite optionality but disregard that it exists only in a window of their lives. It’s not about what level you can play in but what level you can win at.

  • @alitava6844 says:

    My theory about dating apps: men always date the ones who are in their level and below, and women vice versa. Right?
    So, men still don’t get more options. Because if he is a 6/10 so he prefers dating a 6 or 5 which the population of these girls are limited. But if a girl is a 6, she can (or at least believes) date a guys from 6-10. So her options in her eyes are much more and she believes it’s a waste of time to date a guy who is a 7, while she has access to 8, 9 and 10.
    No need to mention that the reality will slap their face, because the dudes who are out of her league don’t want anything serious with her, but hook up.

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