Attract Your Ideal Woman: By Becoming THE PRIZE.


The 7-Day Mastery Course:

The Acceleration Mentorship Program:



One of the first thing I do with our students on their induction (Day one of their 7-Day Mastery program)
I ask them to list all the qualities they are looking for in their ideal woman.
More often than not, they will come up with a very vague list of qualities such as:

Good sense of humour
Nice smile
Down to earth

These traits can apply to millions of women, and because they’re not very specific, it means that when the man goes into an interaction with a woman he’ll very quickly discover that he’s being selected, rather than him being the selector. This automatically shifts the balance of power in her favour, leaving him at a disadvantage.

Let me explain.

Having a clear list of what you want in a woman has a huge effect on both your mindset and the quality of your interactions. Going into an interaction with a list of what you want and don’t want, will help to equalise the power dynamic. Instead of being the usual guy who spots a gorgeous woman and approaches her with the ‘hope’ she will like him, you will be going up to that same gorgeous women with this attitude:

“Yeah she’s hot, but let’s see if she’s got what I’m looking for”

This kind of mindset will reflect in your body language, your eye contact and your overall confidence, which will immediately make you far more attractive.

Secondly, the quality of your conversations will greatly improve, this is because you will be asking her more interesting questions and giving her more gentle tests and challenges to see if she has similar values to your own, and you will be confidently implementing positive validation, which I have spoken about at great lengths in many of my videos on Youtube . Using validation is very powerful. Validation communicates the message that you have boxes that need to be ticked and high expectations, unlike most other men who will be unwittingly communicating the message ‘I’ll take whatever I can get”
This is very appealing to women, as it also conveys that you have an abundance mindset, and an abundance mindset is probably one of the most attractive qualities either a man or woman can possess.

So you see, having a clear list of what you want in your ideal woman will really give you a strong advantage in multiple ways.

Remember, no matter what sticking points and challenges you face in this area of your life, we will solve them for you.
We have helped thousands of men from across the world get the exact results they wanted, and we can do the same for you too. Find out more about either our 7-Day Mastery Program which takes places both in London and the USA or our Acceleration Home Training Mentorship which you can complete online.
All our programs are tailor made to fix your personal challenges and fulfil your expectations. This is because we do not give you any pre-recorded material as all our programs are live one on one coaching.
Alternatively, you can send us an email to and we will be happy to discuss what you are looking for and go through the best coaching options for you.

It’s time for you to get the results you want and the results that you deserve.

Charlie Page

  • @VideoGameRoom32 says:

    Yes be the Prize and don’t act like she’s the Prize. If you treat a woman like a celebrity, she will treat you like a fan.

  • @barksnbo3625 says:

    I’ve approached it from a different angle, I’ve gift wrapped my twig and giggleberries and set up a fairground game of hook a duck in my bedroom….. works a charm every time!! 🤣🤣

  • @Butlins14 says:


    5″4-5″6, 5″5 ideally
    Goes to gym does weights size 8 toned
    Dresses classy and sexy
    University educated
    Fun, intelligent
    Likes 3 Michelin star restaurants

    I’m guaranteed success with such a precise list 😂

    • @Kezianobledatingexpert says:

      Add some more values xx

    • @JohnM... says:

      I think you mean ‘failure’. Unless you were being sarcastic.

    • @Butlins14 says:

      I would say the values are built in, going to the gym means they are hard working and make an effort, disciplined in life.

      Dressing classy shows her values.

      Being fun and intelligent means they have humour and can support you and add value to your life with their knowledge of things.

    • @Butlins14 says:

      Plus as long as a girl is fun and not hard work that’s all a man really wants values wise it’s not that complicated

  • @smiles7631 says:

    This is what I have been trying to work on. It’s not easy for me because of the insecurities I’ve adopted. I’m slowly getting it though. Practice, practice, practice. Every time I leave the house I remind myself. Morning cold showers for 30 secs. has boosted my mood as well. It’s amazing. Thank you!

  • @stephenforeman2989 says:

    I loved this video and am angry that Youtube didn’t alert me even though my alerts are on for your channel.

    • @Kezianobledatingexpert says:

      Yes, Youtube are not alerting a lot of my subscribers. Nothing can be done about it xx

    • @keithgraham9547 says:

      ​​@@KezianobledatingexpertI like the change to white. How about trying a strong purple or plum?

      Maybe a royal blue and let’s see how it brings out your eyes

  • @stefanross8129 says:

    Yesssssss!!!!!!! Also, be the prize by NOT working so hard in attracting Women. Like Fred Astaire, make the dance look effortless.

  • @markyoung9027 says:

    Personality over perfect form don’t be no Build-A-Bear

  • @ajlfc4426 says:

    Mwahhhhhhhhhhhh ❤

  • @jimarray2607 says:

    Excellent advice as always.

  • @HarryCarlton says:

    Kezia! 😍

  • @r.severino1746 says:


  • @Athletics70 says:

    Kezia; Excellent presentation. Very valuable information. Yes, I must say, I am very selective as to the type of woman I will date. She must meet my requirements and standards. Even if a woman is very attractive, she may or may not be a good match.

  • @shanenolan5625 says:

    Cheers kezia

  • @koolandblue says:

    For guys that haven’t had hardly any success with dating and women, he’s not going to know what he wants in women. It’s like asking someone to hold out for a perfect filet mignon steak when he hasn’t eaten in days.

  • @spyblue3 says:

    Excellent video, Kezia! Indeed the importance of keeping that clear list of traits of an ideal woman in mind when approaching is seriously underestimated…even if that list just says,
    “I just want a classy, intelligent , and well-spoken woman in her 30s, that’s very tan, wears a lovely white outfit, and has buckets of sex appeal and charm!”.

  • @adegbenroagoro5180 says:

    Thank you very much Kezia

  • @jasonrocksvegas says:

    A woman like Keszia. Directly honest, Intelligent, excellent communicator, empathetic , super sexy. Can she clone herself as an AI robot? 😂

  • @flavio888 says:

    Good points 🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🩵🤍

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