Why Men CHOOSE One Woman Over ANOTHER (12 BIG Reasons!)... In this dating, love, and…
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I understand him. You can be like him or not. There’s no good or bad answer. I love variety in people
Happy Wednesday, Marina! I also like Latina women ❤
I wonder why some women don't like to show appreciation. It's not that they forget to do it, they deliberately do not want to say thank you. Maybe because they want the man to think that he's not doing them any favour? Maybe they feel like they'd be downgrading themselves if what you're doing for them is not just something you HAVE to do? Either way, it's immature and a big turn off.
Western feminism and leftism.
They have been believed that they are the prizes and that they are superior to men, simple as that. But it doesn't only happen in the west, it can happen anywhere.
Think for two seconds. If you act like a princess, many will fall into that frame.
It’s similar to how PUA’s used negging back in the day. It’s manipulation/game tactic.
If you don’t even say ’thank you’ after dinner, then it could either be assumed that you’ve super high status like a princess and this is the bare minimum (or that you’re a insane and rude)
I don’t give women compliments on their looks, because I don’t want to give an impression that I am objectifying them. Instead I compliment them when they say something smart, or if they are ambitious or successful in their career.
@ I compliment them whenever I like something about them, including looks. It's normal to be physically attracted to a person and showing it is not objectification. Objectifying someone would be seeing their worth PURELY based on physical attractiveness
There's a reason why Canadian birthrates are declining.
Lol Colombia’s birth rate is also declining, it’s only a bit higher than Canada’s
Swedish here- I've heard that women from the US don't show appreciation. Scandinavian women are definitely not used to getting treated to dinners in nice restaurants either though! We would be very appreciative😅 I've had dates with Swedish men who didn't say no when I asked if I should send him half the cost of the bill (when we only took one small beer each).
You need to date a Latino man then.
Interesting. I've dated swedish girls (same experience with German girls as well) and they don't like it when I offer to pay for the whole meal.
@@StrikerEureka85 Same here with german girl
Its probably 20 euros for that small beer.
I think American men are very underrated as partners tbh. Speaking as a guy
Pay close attention to the fact that the woman that was appreciative is still an ex. It doesnt matter. Women throughout latin america are treated very poorly. Very. Highest femicide rates on earth in many of those countries.
You have no idea why she wan an ex. She could have went crazy or cheated. You literally don't know
‘If she is an ex = she was treated poorly’
Horrible take if you ask me.
They dated 3 years and split up amicably. People break up regardless unfortunately
They aren’t treated poorly by Western guys. You are spreading lies
Thank you for sharing your story. All I want is a "thank you" also. I think manners should be taught in schools, colleges, and universities rather than topics that divide people and victimization.
It does not matter.
Many men leave women who is appreciative.
This women are treated poorly no matter what.
Stay single men/women.
This world is no place anymore to form relationships/marriages, starting families.
Most men have no purpose anymore in regard towards having a real genuine family unit.
Exceptions aside.
We live in avery hard world worldwide now, wherever you look.
So why do you keep dating and hooking up with guys?
Latinas are beautiful! Please note this ladies, appreciation goes really far in a long-term relationship.