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Culture Shock from Living in Sweden? (Stockholm)

What are the biggest culture shocks foreigners experience while living in Sweden? We hit the streets of Stockholm to talk to people who live in Sweden about their experiences: the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Dating Beyond Borders is a Youtube channel that focuses on highlighting the cultural differences that come into play while dating people from other countries.

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Ana Luiza Marcal (host):
Ellinor Fristrom (camera/sound):

Nikki (Canada):
Juliana (Brazil):
Elina (Greece):
Alex (Greece):
Nevena (South Africa):
Raphael (Italy):
Meaghan (USA):

Filmed in:
Stockholm, Sweden

Charlie Page

View Comments

  • Hey everyone! There were some issues with the previous upload - so I've decided to re-upload. Hope you enjoy this one!

    • The warmth, the hospitality, the variety of food and fruits, the smiles ..... Brazil is an amazing super-beautiful country where it's summertime all year long. Not to mention it's much cheaper than Sweden.

  • One of my first eye opening experiences about how Swedes truly are, was when a dude from work suddenly got very friendly to me during the afterwork after a few beers, we had a good conversation... and then the next day in the morning he didn't even look at me in the elevator, just awkwardly stood staring at his phone pretending he didn't see me.

    • Yup. This is Sweden. Also you can work with somebody for 5 years and when you quit and see this person you have worked with in the city, the mall or whatever, there is always an agreed upon "let's pretend we don't see eachother".

      It''s just the way the social fabric is.

    • @ pfffft, you don't even have to quit, it may be simply a weekend, or a bus to work.
      As for not rude, yes and no. They don't see it as rude, they don't intend it as rude, that's why I have long since stopped taking it personally. But in the rest of the world inhabited by regular human beings this will be seen as rude.

  • Greetings from Cuba, I think always is good to learn more about others cultures. Thank you.

  • As a Swede I kinda feel sorry for foreigners coming here, it must be quite isolating considering how reserved we are

    • As a Spaniard I find Nordics quite sad societies. I lived in Finland for some years and I don’t want to come not even near any other Nordic country.

      In addition the Nordics are experiencing a heavy influx of Muslim immigrants which make them even less attractive.

    • I’ve never lived there, but I’ve visited several times and I agree with the American woman (I’m also American). When I’m there, I feel at peace. But I am an introvert haha.

    • @@MarkusSsZ you have no idea. Ten years, and all my friends are another foreigners, all relationships with foreigners. Not for the lack of trying. It’s difficult to get Swedish friends and nearly impossible to get a Swedish girlfriend. Especially if you came from a country I came from. Struggles i never had back home. Thinking of moving on as soon as opportunity presents itself

  • Interesting, I live in Sweden and I kinda agree with the most in this video.
    I feel like I want to move/vacate to other countries during the winter because I feel like the darkness is the worst - not so much the cold.
    I just feel so tired during the winter months.

  • Born and raised in southern sweden, as south as you can get. Please for f’ck sake: DO NOT JUDGE MY COUNTRY BASED ON HOW STOCKHOLM IS! Stockholm is a living nightmare when it comes to make friends, if you make any at all there.

  • I said it before but it sounds almost culturally identical to Japan, except the Japanese put much more emphasis on work over life balance (sadly)
    The part where she said they don't even say excuse me but shuffle past, and never talk to strangers sounds exactly like Japan.

    • yup, very interesting. i wonder if there is a breakdown somewhere on the most and least extroverted/introverted countries?

    • @oz-zy  I mean... I'd be surprised if Japan isn't top of the list for introverts, even beating Sweden.
      I remember when me and a friend were sharing a flat here in Japan. We both had girlfriends (Japanese) and we went out to buy cigs and left the two women alone with eachother, saying goodbye to them in the kitchen.
      When we returned neither girls had said a word to eachother. They both returned to our respective rooms, sitting there on the beds, separated by a thin wall with the doors wide open, playing with their phones, in this tiny, intimate flat...
      It was so odd to see as a westerner. In the UK 99% of people would've started chatting-- at least introducing themselves or else it would've been extremely awkward. Not in that case though.
      I've seen millions more examples like that, that's just the one that came to mind first.

    • @ My God that is absolutely insane. I have to visit Japan, just to experience the culture shock for myself. Wow.

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