DO THIS & He Will Regret LOSING YOU… | Stephan Speaks

Get "Love After Heartbreak" here 👉 – You may have wondered does he regret losing me? Or you have wanted to know how to make him regret losing you. Either way, this relationship advice video will answers your questions and give you an important message you need to hear!

If you want to find out how to know if he regrets losing you, then watch this video. After watching, you'll understand why you don't need to make him miss you, or dwell on if he regrets losing you. You will have the peace and clarity you need.

❤️ Get Your Copy of "Love After Heartbreak" here:

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach who provides relationship advice for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you. If you are asking any of the following questions:

– Make him regret losing you
– Will he regret losing you
– Will he regret losing me
– How to make him realize what he lost
– How to make him miss you
– How to make him regret losing you
– How to make him miss you badly
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship coach for women
– Dating expert
– Relationship expert

and more, well, I believe this relationship advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video "He Will Regret Losing You…"

Watch this video next dating advice for women video "Why Men Always Come Back…"


#RealLove #HeWillRegretLosingYou #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #DatingAdviceForWomen #RelationshipAdvice #DatingAdvice #HowToMakeHimMissYou #HowToKnowHeRegretsLosingYou #DoesHeRegretLosingMe #StephanSpeaks


  • Everything Lydia says:

    I tell people this all the time. If you were your best self and it didn’t work out, it wasn’t meant to be!! THERE IS BETTER OUT THERE FOR YOU! Period!

  • Diamond Unicorn says:

    When they are narcissistic…. they don’t regret , they find new supply.. only normal sane individuals regret losing a good thing. 👍🏽

  • Ephodza Poullard says:

    OMG. I had to pause when he said “some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO GET IT BACK.” Let us all sit with that for a moment.

  • Andrea Fajardo says:

    Never let a man show you twice that he doesn’t want you.

  • Melissa Benitez says:

    This video was extremely helpful to what I’m going through at the moment. It reminded me of a piece advice someone once gave me, “Never go back to something God has rescued you from.”

    If you gave your time to someone and they quickly rebounded with the next person..let them go! If it was meant to be they would’ve fought for it or communicated with you ways to fix it. But instead they settled on what they felt was easy. Their co-dependency and need to always be with someone will be their downfall. If they are so uncomfortable with being alone, that speaks volumes to their insecurities.

  • Millie Cruz says:

    I went on a self destruction path after my last break up but after crying and praying and seeing blessings coming my way. God help take the pain away gradually so I needed to hear this today thank u

  • Christie Doss says:

    I needed to hear this so bad. All I could do was just shake my head at everything he said because every word hit home. It took 2 years for me to realize this and I’m still struggling to cut all ties but it’s getting easier. Thank you

  • Stephan Speaks says:

    ❤️ Get your copy of the amazing book “Love After Heartbreak” here 👉 👈

  • Agus Flores says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. I haven’t slept in days. My ex cheated on me and told me about it on New Year’s Eve (5 days ago). It turned my world upside down. I have been unable to stop thinking about what I did wrong, about why that other person is better than me even though she’s clearly a downgrade. Physically, morally and intellectually we are worlds apart. That makes me feel humiliated and I haven’t ate or slept. He and I have a son together. I’m moving across the country. He is letting it happen and all for that tramp (she has three kids of her own and I feel bad for them). After everything I have done to make him a better man, supported him financially, made our house a home. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. My literal heart hurts so much. But this video is what I needed to hear. I need to stop dwelling on the reasons of why he did what he did but rather see this as a blessing in disguise. He clearly didn’t value me. He lost me and thus he wasn’t meant for me. I know it’s still going to hurt but I will direct my attention on what matters.

    • Ms. Gracefully Broken says:

      It’s not you boo, it was him..let them fools hv each other & go live ur best life

    • MissCoco Bulls says:

      How are you now?

    • daphne 2 says:

      Sorry for your heartbreak @Shirito8G. My break up was in March 2021. I felt like he pushed me out of an airplane without a parachute. My heart and head are finally in a better place in January 2023. My thoughts of him now are different. I am hurt that I was played at this age after knowing him and having a crush on him for 16 years and never crossing the line. He has always been in my spirit and I truly felt he was my husband. We have chemistry and connection, our values line up. He makes me laugh, he works hard, and has been a single parent of an autistic child. He’s amazing. But God showed me who he is and I prayed for it to be revealed. I didn’t know it would hurt so badly. He’s now seeing a lady who has a gambling problem, can’t pay her bills, and lives in a motel. He feels needed. I own my home and have a lot going on thanks be to God. He’s not the one for me. It took two years but I see him clearly as not being for me. Prayer, journaling, talking to three trusted friends, and listening to Stephen Speaks healed me. Praying for your peace. It will come. Trust God.

  • El Le says:

    Whether he regrets losing me or not is unimportant. My healing and moving on is not predicated on his regret or non-regret. Love and respect yourself enough to heal and move on. #next ♥️

  • BetterTogether says:

    I really needed this,i have just ended my 5 year love relationship.He js not meant for me and God is protecting me.I don’t even care right now if he regret loosing me.Let me focus on me ❤️

  • Dolores Torrez says:

    Thank you for this! Some days are harder than others. Been married over 20 years and suddenly he doesn’t love me anymore but I’m trying to love myself and focus on myself it’s hard when we live in the same property. I needed to hear this today

    • Virginia G says:

      Hi Dolores, so sorry to hear that. I understand your pain, going through it myself. 15 years of a relationship and raised two kids and I month ago discovered he’s cheating on me. I’m trying really hard to breath but this intense pain is awful. How are you surviving?

    • Lallawmsangi Zadeng says:

      Stay Strong❤!

    • CH••SEY L♡VER says:

      @Virginia G he’s going to reap the pain that he has caused others.

    • Srey EN says:

      Hello.. I’m want to share my story.. well I’m dating a guy for 11 years. We don’t live together, 3 years ago I found out that he cheating with his ex.. I confront them both.. he beg me to forgive him and promise that he won’t talk to her ever again.. well I forgive him and turn out they still seeing each other I found out 2 weeks ago.. but I haven’t confront him yet.. and it’s eating me a live.. I thought he was the one.. I gave me a ring and everything.. plans on getting married too.. I can’t believe he doing this to again.. I’m hurting so deeply. What’s a new year for me.. also she’s a married woman.. any advice, I just don’t know what to do?? I really love him..

  • Divine Timing We R Rising says:

    Happens to the best of us. Went through this with my first love whom I’ve known for over 12 years. He treated me like trash since we met, it was him ghosting me last summer that awakened me to my worth and I’ve been on my path towards healing, continued betterment and fulfilling my goals ever since. So instead of being angry I thank him for what he did, it was that painful experience that made me who I am today. Chin up ladies. The sky is NOT the limit. SOAR EAGLE❤🎉

  • Revolution 2020 says:

    #1 rule in my opinion, is to go 100% radio silent, no contact. Not even mentally or energetically. Process and honor your emotions, get them out of your system in healthy ways, but do not, do NOT give another second to that relationship in any form or fashion. Does this mean they will come back? Sometimes, they do. But no contact is for YOU. If you do it right, and invest 100% of your energy back into yourself by the time they show up again, your perspective will have changed and you won’t want them back anyway.

    • Ms. Gracefully Broken says:

      Revolution 2020 I swear, you said a mouthful then sweet pea & that’s on everything

    • Jovon says:

      Well said👏🏽 Thank you ❤️

    • Cvgirl84🧿🇨🇻🇵🇹🇺🇸 says:

      ❤❤❤❤❤❤ yesterday this is me. I go 100 % silence 😂

    • Ms. Tachi says:

      Man this comment is everything. Some men are really insensitive no matter how long you have known them or y’all history. I had a friend I had known over half my life. We are both in our 40’s now. I seen this person come from the bottom and is doing well in life. Long story short..we never officially got together when we were younger, lost contact, reunited during Covid(thru texts mainly) but I sensed this person being out of state was hiding something. I really felt he may even be married but lied. Anyhow, I checked him on his actions as to when he planned things but used his child to make up excuse to cancel. Months later he acts like none of that never happened, doesn’t mention it and like when can I see you. I didn’t reply and ain’t heard from him since. That’s about 2 months ago now. People will only do what you allow. I don’t have the time or patience anymore. I had to wake up because I was so deeply in love with this person at a point. Life goes on and ppl always show their true colors based on their actions. Always!

    • Andzia Green says:

      Brilliant 👏 I found it hard to disconnect from that man energetically or mentally but I went 100% radio silent. Wasted 7 months to hear that he is not ready for a relationship🤦‍♀️ 50 years old man. Why men does this, using you, manipulating for you to believe they want you seriously and then just like that 😔 I think I got some kind of obsession or weird attachment to this man that’s why first weeks after break up were the hardest. Anyway I’m healing😊 and now when I’m coming back how was the relationship and his actions I realise that there were many red flags, we had even few conversations about my concerns but situations repeated so I was blind or ignored them, sometimes when we really want or like someone we are doing it to ourselves… God bless all of you who went through this and now living a happy life again and don’t look back🤗

  • Cherine Dzh says:

    I am a muslim and this is one the best advice I’ve read, thank you brother, that does hit me.

    • Stephan Speaks says:

      Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback ❤️ 🙏

    • Cherine Dzh says:

      @Stephan Speaks hey brother, he came back after two months ! (I decided to stop our “relationship” cause he didn’t want something serious) and we’re talking like nothing happened since one day. My “method” is to act normal but I don’t want him to think that we’re gonna speak like before. I need your advice, what should I do ?

    • Cool B says:

      NoName right Lmaoo

    • Travelling with Allah says:

      @Cherine Dzh Salam sis, I think you should tell him honestly how you are feeling and that you want marriage. And if he rejects you and says no then you have your answer verses being led on with false hope and games. Be honest with him yourself and most importantly be sincere with Allah. I know it’s hard and difficult but you have it in you to do that which is right for both of you speak with him gently and let him know exactly what you want communicate it clearly and tell him you can only be his wife of nothing else. May Allah help you.

    • 4elovechishe says:

      NoName I had a Muslim boyfriend. He was disrespectful to me, my values and my faith.

  • Maria Chamalia says:

    ” I’m starting to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me “

  • Sierra Williams says:

    I feel like god always shows me what I need to hear! Legit chills thank you for this advice 🙏🏼❤️

  • Laura Galina says:

    I no longer care if he regrets loosing me. I did my best to fight for the relationship.

  • Lavita Scott says:

    I’m blessed by the break up 📖

  • Joelle Weaver says:

    This is extremely helpful to me for where I am currently at in my healing and moving past any clinging to fantasy I had created. Thank you.

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