Don’t LET HIM Waste Your Time! Avoid THESE 5 Mistakes
Don't LET HIM Waste Your Time! Avoid THESE 5 Mistakes…In this dating advice for women video, I will breakdown how to avoid letting him waste your time. It can be during first dates, online dating, or somewhere in the dating process. Take heed to these dating tips for women, and be sure to watch the entire video.
I want you to experience being cherished, loved, and respected. Learning how to make him fear losing you isn't about tips and tricks that puts fear in his heart. This dating advice will help you tap into your true potential, allow him to see your amazing value, and create a healthy relationship.
As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.
If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
Don't let him waste your time
Don't let a man waste your time
How to avoid him wasting your time
Is he wasting my time
Online dating
Relationship coach for women
Dating coach for women
Relationship expert
Dating advice for women
Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.
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I hope you enjoyed my video: Don't LET HIM Waste Your Time! Avoid THESE 5 Mistakes
Watch this video next dating advice video: The 14 SECRET Ways To Make Him Worry About LOSING You!
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Oy! I’m here for the truth bombs! Bring it beloved brother from another mother. ❤
Facts I stayed longer than I was supposed to and it caused so much pain and lost than I could have ever experienced.
I’m so sorry to hear that 🙏
But you made it out. Many don’t
You can learn, but you don’t have to do it in a bad way
This is so factual!
Men flirt with me all of the time, but I don’t always give my energy out in that way, so they don’t get the wrong impression. However I’m still classy with it.
Thank you for sharing 🙏
I am going to say this is you teach ppl how to treat you, you teach by what you allow, and you teach by what you promote.
You’re absolutely right. 🙏
Some will listen and learn,many have to learn how to listen ,understand
the difference ,it is super important to identify your partner likes and
Right on, Counselor. 😊💯
My time is very valuable I hope and pray that others will feel the same way i do 💗
At first, you don’t see it as wasted time. You call it patience, effort, understanding.
But when the effort is one-sided, when their words and actions don’t match, when you’re waiting for commitment that never comes…
It’s not patience. It’s postponing the truth.
And the truth is, love doesn’t keep you waiting. The right person won’t make you wonder if you’re wasting your time.
Very true
I ❤ totally agree with you cause am going through a same similar situation right now 3 month going
I tend to stay in situations for too long, giving chance after chance, only to end up leaving after wasting so many years. I’m truly grateful to God for putting your videos in my path; they are very helpful in hearing a man’s perspective.
I did that in my 20s. After that I knew what I wanted and would immediately cut ties when I wasn’t feeling him. I don’t have that kind of time to waste anymore.
love this statement coach Steph “lack of an answer is your answer”
best wishes to you and your team
I agree Stephan. It is important to know what you each like and need to receive in a relationship, and know if it’s what each of you are willing and capable of doing, to avoid wasting effort and possibly be with the person who is not right for you.
I also see the importance of learning about him and each other early on to avoid wasting time. I have some prep work to do!
In case any ladies are wondering, men also face the temptation to date for potential too. One temptation that I have particularly faced is the temptation to date single mothers with things that I consider red flags for a romantic relationship, and start to reason past them because they have kids and are good parents.
God gave me two excellent pieces of wisdom:
1. A single mother might not have been responsible for what made her single, but she is responsible for some things that keep her single.
2. God can open the door for me to have a fatherly, friend, or mentorship role in a child’s life without me dating their mother.
Thanks for letting us know men are watching his videos. I just pray it’s for good and not how to manipulate 🙏🏾
@@MsSaucyinMDYou’re welcome. It is kind of ironic funny how I got started on Stephan’s videos. I was checking out the Facebook profile of a girl that I went to high school with and considering pursuing her. One of her posts was a Stephan post with a quote from his book, “The Man God Has For You.” If I recall correctly, I thought, “I wonder if there are any videos with him on YouTube.”. That was at least a year ago, maybe a year and a half by now. I lost count.
Great video❤️💫Success depends on the amount of hard work and risk you take. Regardless of so many financial challenges, I thank God for a life transforming occurrence after past struggles.
Wow Congratulations on your financial success! What’s your story?how do you make such??
Elizabeth Ann Hanson I really appreciate her efforts and transparency.
God has used her to save so many families financially. I remember when I met her at the bank, she was indeed a good woman.
Giving her my initial savings of $21,000 to invest in a brokerage account was a turning point in my life. It’s been an incredibly rewarding experience and the best decision I ever made!
when someone is straightforward and good at what she does best. People will always speak for them.
What if she really appreciates the efforts that she feels she saw,/noticed that it made her feel really happy but she can’t be certain with so many people told her stuff ain’t real maybe she appreciates every ounce but trying toake sure it’s real????
Wow, this was so on point. I experienced this first hand, word for word to what Stephan said. You’re the best, man. Thanks for these videos.
Avoid These 5 Mistakes
1. Dating a man for his potential.
2. Thinking that giving him more of what he already doesn’t appreciate will win his love.
3. Letting his words or his actions confuse you.
4. Attempting to use sex as a weapon.
5. Thinking that time is on your side.
Thanks….as usual always on point.
Thank you Stephan! I REALLY appreciate your videos! After marrying young and now single again the information you share is absolutely invaluable to me! Thank YOU again! Trust and believe I’m listening and taking notes! I totally agree with point number three “Just ask him” That’s it. Easy-breezy versus asking everybody and their grandmother for their two-cents because all that’s gonna to do is confuse the hell outta of you. I also agree with point number five. I want a man to like, care and fall in love with “ME” (the person) naturally versus me trying to hook a man with my body. Honoring God with my body is important to me. Also, I already know EXACTLY what I’m looking for so that’s going to save me a lot of time.