FEMININE Energy Is A Woman’s SUPER Power

Feminine Energy Is A Woman’s SUPER Power… Understanding that feminine energy is a woman’s superpower will empower you to embrace your innate strengths, intuition, and success in all aspects of your life. Learning how feminine energy is a woman’s superpower will help you unlock your inner strength and pursue your passions with confidence and grace. Take heed to this dating advice to understand how feminine energy is a woman’s superpower.

Feminine energy is often misunderstood and undervalued in society, but the truth is that feminine energy is a woman's superpower. Feminine energy is a woman's superpower as it makes her nurturing and capable of promoting emotional connections. When a woman learns how to use her feminine energy, she can enhance her ability to build meaningful connections.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful, and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:

– Feminine energy is a woman’s superpower
– Feminine energy
– A woman’s superpower
– Women’s superpower
– Online dating
– What is a woman’s superpower
– Woman’s superpower
– Understand women
– Dating advice
– Dating coach
– Dating coach for women
– Life coach
– Relationship advice
– Relationship expert
– Relationship coach
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video, " Feminine Energy Is A Woman’s SUPER Power"

Watch this dating advice video next, "How To HEAL While In A RELATIONSHIP!" 👉


#FeminineEnergy #Feminine #Femininity #HowToBeFeminine #OnlineDating #DatingAdvice #DatingTips #DatingCoach #RelationshipAdvice #StephanSpeaks


  • @TrainWithZeinFaith_Fitness says:

    Women want to be feminine, but if the male is harsh with her, it becomes very difficult to stay in that feminine place. But I agree with you completely.

  • @carolsimpson4142 says:

    Everything that you say is correct however when a woman is forced to be the head of the house it’s difficult to stay in her God given feminine energy she is push to a place she was not designed to be in

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing I appreciate that ❤️

    • @CalisaH says:

      So True when you’ve been alone and having to do everything on your own 😢

    • @Quianna says:

      Who decides where a woman is designed to be? Like, 90% of these videos from these men basically boil down to wanting women to do the 1940s housewife, barefoot, and pregnant bullshit that they are trying to push on women, and y’all really falling for it. Being independent doesn’t make you masculine. It makes you independent. As a women I don’t think you need to be submissive, weak, timid, and small just to please a man. Why would you want to anyway?

    • @AlGr-hn3bn says:

      Wrong husband

    • @charmy001 says:

      @carolsimpson4142 This means you chose the wrong man because God is not a God that operates out of order. If you asked God to guide you in choosing the right man, he will bless you with one that won’t force you to be head of the house. This doesn’t mean there won’t come a time when you may have to step up like if he loses his job, gets sick etc. but that is the only exception and it will be because it was out of his control. God bless you.

  • @cynthiayork5908 says:

    When he meets you 🤔 And you bring everything to the table 🏃‍♀️It makes him feel small

  • @Gullah_Geechee_Tarot says:

    By definition independent is an organism that can solely survive & thrive on its own. I use the word self sufficient. Because that acknowledges my ability to take care of my needs as I’d want my Masculine to do the same. Two Masculine energy would never work because that goes against the ☯️ balance & Divine Order. Keep in mind we all possess Masculine & feminine energy & sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. A woman that wants to be independent fights energetically her Masculine because they’re fighting for his position which can make him feel emasculated & that there’s no room for him. This will also keep him emotionally guarded & distant.

  • @user-sk1to1if4k says:

    Just be yourself… the right man for you will love you for you.😊❤❤😊

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      You’re absolutely right!

    • @movingsaudade6028 says:

      I like this comment because i lost both my parents at a very young age.As an only child with no one, I pretty much had God see me through life.That means i had to be masculine mostly for obvious reasons for over 15 years. Now, if im more masculine than i am feminine, what must happen to me..?I was forced by circumstances to be rigid,to be independent,to protect myself.I can move my own furniture around.I can assemble some of the furniture from scratch.I can wash my own car.I can fix most of my small household electronics on my own.I can fix my own doors.I can paint my own house.Hell i even try fix my own plumbing.What are you people saying really?Must i trash myself because im more masculine?..The good thing is i know how to not do these things and let a man do it…but as soon as he starts going in circles and wants me to beg or acts like he doesn’t want to do it.I just go right ahead and do it myself.My masculine is always on standby and gets triggered by small things. 😢 The dating pool is also clogged by men who are not even dependable.

    • @imanielohiykem3751 says:


    • @tendymoyomazuru says:

      I agree! Just love me for who I am

  • @brendahart3754 says:

    Here we go again, fem energy bs. Why not talk about a man being too masculine, non emotional for a change. Thats a bigger relationship killer.

  • @staywellandstrong4199 says:

    Being feminine is a complement to the masculine. Women compliment men when they show the respect and value in their honorable and loving ways. 🎉

  • @patriciasaldanha7243 says:

    This is true ! I feel horrible when I see a man being practically yelled at by a woman because he opens the door for her or hands her something from the top shelf in the supermarket .Now they are even afraid to pay you a compliment because they don’t know how you will take it ! This is almost tantamount to emasculating behaviour ! This is bad for men , does not help the woman’s struggle for equality and pours more and more negativity and imbalance in relationships

    • @movingsaudade6028 says:

      Well, you can be a masculine woman without disrespecting the man.Yelling at a man or at anyone and being rude is completely disrespectful.You can be masculine and refuse to accept help from a man without making him small and without emasculating him with disrespect. But if he decides to feel emasculated even after you kindly and respectfully rejected help, then his inferiority complex is not your problem. He must go work on his self-image.

    • @patriciasaldanha7243 says:

      @@movingsaudade6028 True ; but you can also be passive aggressive as a woman, which is another form of emasculting behaviour. A man can never feel diminished if you explain why you are refusing his help, ; even more so if the reasons are valid. These also sound like manipulative tactics to belittle a man and gradually erode his image of his own self worth. It is a weapon that some toxic women use against men .These are essentially women who have little or no self esteem – concerning their looks , oersonality or both and who try to compensate by negating the other! .

  • @lynncortez29 says:

    It goes both ways when honoring, loving, and being faithful to a man, because he has to reciprocate this, too. How is she going to be feminine if he doesn’t pour his love and act with the right masculinity?

  • @CommonSenseIsMySuperPower says:

    It’s walking a razor’s edge. You gotta take care of you until that masculine shows up…and risk running him off before you can let go and let him in.😔

  • @dw9054 says:

    When a woman is single independence is the only option.

  • @itsstillhair6263 says:

    A certain amount of independence is healthy.

  • @twinkletoes4124 says:

    LADIES! Be who God would have you to be. That’s it!!!

  • @franceshamilton1500 says:

    Ahh… by that definition, BOTH the man and woman need to balance being strong/rigidity and soft/humility. Read Khalil Gibran ❤

  • @franceshamilton1500 says:

    Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love.
    Khalil Gibran

  • @meldolf says:

    I am proudly 100% feminine ❤

  • @user-wc6ku9dr7l says:

    Thanks Brother,,it’s already done ,and it’s enough!❤❤❤

  • @annaisis7510 says:

    I want to be fully loved, fully depended, fully taken care of, fully provided for.

  • @stylephyles8932 says:

    I agree and we single woman have to make room for the man to show up…If he is NOT willing to show up/invest in you that is a clue that he does not have good intentions and so he will not get my time to invest either. 1+1=2 PERIOD.

  • @danitarhea1198 says:

    I love being who I need to be when a situation calls for my energy to be that which is needed and at the exact time and place which creates a win win for all parties affected! Woman, HEAL thyself! Embrace the many inate charms and skills you possess 🎉

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