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  • doomboi says:

    this lady talks like she decides which man will marry her🤣

    • Tachyon Tee says:

      I wish we’d return to the original meaning of the word “lady.” It use to mean high-born, respectable, honorable women who support their lords i.e. their husbands. That woman is no lady. It’s a stretch to call her a woman. She’s a little girl with a big mouth in a woman’s body.

    • TheReal DoodleBob says:

      Always the big ones

    • Filip Jankovic says:

      She does, but her choice is pretty narrow based on her looks and behaviour 😆

    • Filip Jankovic says:

      @Preston Chandler
      Yeah, I was just making a joke. Narrow choice means you don’t really get to chose 😆

  • joemad says:

    The stankest one is always the loudest 😂

  • FuzzyWanderer says:

    She’s playing hard to get when she’s really hard to want.

  • Zing Zang says:


  • Senti Vibes Music says:

    “This podcast is the only reason we’re in the same room together.”
    it will be in her mind forever

  • Tay Tay says:

    “A woman chooses the man she wants to sleep with, but a man chooses the woman he wants to marry”

    • Tisha Taylor says:


    • Terry Sadlier says:

      Underrated comment

    • August says:

      Referring to healthy individuals here

      Woman choose who to sleep with.
      Woman choose who marry.

      Men choose who to sleep with.
      Men choose who to marry.

      Tradition makes the process of choosing who to screw or marry different for both genders.

      Nonetheless both genders choose who to screw or marry. By saying “I choose you”

    • The Benefactor says:

      @August not really. The man usually proposes. So if he doesn’t they aren’t getting married 99% of the time(Made up statistic but you get the point)

    • Zion Eternal says:

      @August come on now if a woman is on her knees and you are behind her while she is singing your praise and begging you to marry her. You do know that doesn’t count as a proposal!. Right?

  • Geo says:

    “ This podcast is the only reason you and I are in the same room “☠️ 😂

  • shithead666skate says:

    “I see alot of empty fingers I don’t see no ring fingers” lady can’t even formulate a sentence.

  • WatchOutItsFulp says:

    “We don’t want you either”. Love it. She’s not a prize – she’s baggage.

  • John Kula says:

    Let’s be honest, no one in that room is exactly a prize. Unless that prize is a participation award.

  • Aaron Melchor says:

    ” are you gonna shut up and let me finish” 😎💯 “we don’t want you either” 😎🤣🤣🤣

  • Elle Bee says:

    It’s funny cause none of them want each other but they’re all gonna end up with people like them so 😂

  • LucD1zzle says:

    “This podcast is the only reason you and I are in the same room” Damn. 😂

  • Mikael Mich says:

    This podcast is the only reason why you and I are in the same room. Bro, you went an extra mile here 😆😆😆

  • Hillbilly PB says:

    the prize isn’t marriage, the prize is marrying a good woman. I won the prize. There ain’t no prizes in that room.

    • Demondre Randolph says:

      no the prize is in the surprise of a good woman marrying a good woman is not the prize. Thinking that can get you really 🤕. If you manage to live to marry ms right, it’s priceless and what’s a prize without a price? it’s sacrifices, is she worth the sacrifices, is he worth giving my mind and body and control over my decisions to him? yes the man gives more(sacrifices) the woman takes more(accepts/ doesn’t tell him no). Women tell men no, and men don’t sacrifice or do what they supposed to.

    • freightliner pate says:

      Why is it a prize

    • Hillbilly PB says:

      @Demondre Randolph since the topic was about marriage, then yes the prize is a good woman. Plenty of examples of where a fella married a not so good woman out there. A good woman in todays age is very hard to find. They were hard to find when I was in my 20’s. They’re out there, you just won’t find them in a club.

    • Lu the ruler says:

      She has a OF you dunno about

    • Demondre Randolph says:

      @freightliner didn’t find one at club either but women know that no one is looking for love there. The prize is not the marriage, God is the prize and when you meet and marry that woman that knows who’s the true prize, it is a surprise, and us men are more likely to mess up. But on this video and these nowaday women can keep on talking but they have no worth to God. And men are the last two find out that the woman who we want has none. After taking all the drama for years. The journey was beautiful and bitter all the same time. U sound selfish still bro, sacrifices are important and a woman don’t feel like u worth the sacrifice then she won’t listen club female or not. So she goes somewhere she thinks her services are well appreciated but she didn’t think past what she wanted vs what she needed long-term. So she ended up sacrificing to the wrong man, God or thing but what will she do now? She left everything to pursue what the world told her to but it left her dry and now she is without, says the Bible in proverbs ch 7-9. So now we back to this, a good understanding is priceless and God is the prize in the surprise of a good thing sir. Stay thirsty my friends

  • Marcus Aurelius says:

    “I wouldn’t want to marry any of you”
    (300lbs, caustic, nagging, argumentative)

    Just laugh.

  • ForeverHiddenPabz says:

    This podcast is the only reason me and you are in the same room… man that was ice cold !!!

  • chidiebere iwe says:

    “I see a room full of empty fingers” yeah and you’re one of them 🤣🤣

  • kalb j says:

    She the type to throw a shake at a fast food worker for room temp fries

  • H. Jafia Imuri says:

    These highschool pageantry games are things we should’ve graduated from ages ago

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