Gen Z girl wonders why and when Men have STOPPED PURSUING her

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  • @lyingdogfacedponysoldier5746 says:

    The last time I approached a woman in public was 2005 and was summarily shut down. 😂

  • @mazengwe28 says:

    Men are probably not approaching you because of how you wear makeup. And she is probably pretty underneath all that.

  • @mazengwe28 says:

    3:00 One of the main problems with approaching modern women is they like to play games and want you to chase after them until they decide to accept your offer. Men don’t have time for games like that. I know I don’t.

  • @AaronDisme says:

    Actually approached a girl at the gym 3 weeks ago and she was at my place a week later lol.

    It still works guys.

    • @Belisarious5-600 says:

      “If you like a girl, just ask her out, always works for me” – Henry Cavil

    • @AaronDisme says:


      Granted, I started approaching consistently in 2017 and it was muchhh more difficult for me then.

      After years of calibrating it’s simple. Just good vibes. If someone isn’t interested there’s genuinely no hard feelings or awkwardness at all.

      But for a guy just getting started with dating and being social, I can definitely understand the struggle.

    • @Belisarious5-600 says:

      @@AaronDisme I’m just playing pal, if you’re having success fair play to you!

    • @RogueHero says:

      i approached a co worker last year at work and we had a weekly fling at my place for about a month lol , it def works when you can tell the chick is feeling you.

    • @bucbrownbb says:

      You could have just as easily ended up a meme.

  • @markchambers8641 says:


  • @runlikethewind8928 says:

    It’s harassment if you are below the top 10%.

  • @thebigdb1 says:

    The last time that I approached a girl was 15 years ago. She liked the attention… I know that she was grateful for it… but she politely let me down. Or rejected me. Whatever the correct term is.

  • @kennethmaxwell4796 says:

    Don, people grossly underestimate the wisdom of your words. Keep dropping gems.

  • @Smooveny1 says:

    Gen Z is FRIED us millennials are the last ones mostly with common sense

  • @sixpack1385 says:

    Last time approach, a woman man was two weeks ago in the store and I promise I made the lady day with my compliments towards her and making her laugh I don’t think too many guys have walked up to her in a while but I’m ole I still walk up to women. Either a woman can say yes or no

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