Hard to Date and Make Friends in Sweden!? Foreigners React
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We travel to Stockholm to talk to foreigners (and a few Swedes) about what it's like making friends and dating in Sweden. What makes making friends hard and what tips do people have for overcoming this? What do foreigners typically run into when looking for a relationship?
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Second comment yay
After hearing all this, I think I might be part Swedish😂
I’m a Spaniard and I despise the friendliness and loudness of the people here, I need to move to Sweden.
Any dateless Swedish woman would like to give me one more reason to move there, please? I’m 36 😅
My friend is single and she is 37 🙂
Как же долго была и будет подруга Правая рука…эх Пабло 😂
Born, raised and lived my whole life in Sweden (40 years). I visited Belgrade, Serbia for 2 weeks this Christmas/New Years and made more friends than I have had my entire life in Sweden (thank you Serbia for showing me it’s nothing wrong with me!). Not once in my life has an ethnic Swede called my on Friday/Saturday evening asking if I want to go out.
Make difference between friends and people for talking in club…
Ummm…. The Brazilian ……….😳
what about her?
@@fernandaalves6811 shes very pretty!
I wouldn’t bother trying so hard to find friends. It’s like I’m some kind of loser or something. I’d just go to events, offer to go out, try to talk to people and be friendly, that’s all. But being creative, like the guy said, what the heck? It’s best to look for friends among people who are also actively seeking new friends. There’s no need to force yourself to entertain locals who already have friends and aren’t interested in meeting new people.
Brasilian girl looks good.
The Brazilian got pretty privilege.
I have never in almost 4 years living in Sweden socialised with a SOBER swede ever or a swede outside work, or outside an environment where their job calls for them to speak and be nice to me (customer service).
I Spent Christmas and Easter eating and drinking with someone and others and that same guy ignores me like the plague.
My phone number after a night out was blocked after that same swede gave me their number to see if I got home safely.
Yeah, your Swedish “friend” will never invite you, will speak about THEIR friends in a way that completely excludes you, will never speak to you while sober, and will completely forget or cease to care about who you are as soon as the booze wears off.
Who the heck have you been spending time with?
All true, but then your outsiderhood can be a superpower. It is not like most Swedes want to be insular. Just be the casual foreign you, and it might pay off.
2:09 Meagan After Dark. Great channel. And no, Meagan. Nothing wrong with you. You are just bubblier and prettier than the guys that do not come up to you.
I am bored with Sweden content.
Love the Brazilian girl. Literally share so much of the things she has said
It is the egalitarian programing which has destroyed it.
+datingbeyondborders *Koningrijk Swede is a difficult place for interpersonal relations.*
So in other words, Swedes are provincials. Weary or suspicious of outsiders, their entertainment is drinking and walking around in the woods, although not religious still carries the strict Lutheran upbringing, and have a narrow view on life. At least Stockholm is very pretty.
Nordic people are like the saying “silent waters run deep” and tbh the rest of the world is shallow and loud
Dating has become waay too complicated.
My question after this video is: why swedish people learn swedish when anyway they are not going to speak with other swedish people?