Have you ever felt like you were the problem in a relationship?


  • Prettyelizabeth says:

    Finally somebody have the guts to say the truth.

    • Latanya Hoskins says:

      Amen!! He’s telling the truth.

    • Erma Lovette says:

      Amen Lord he needs his own popcast instead some of these others tht single n lonely n downing us all the time

    • Black Out says:

      @Erma Lovette Not dowing but expressing concerns. FYI this is from a guy who doesn’t know if he wants to be a Family man or bachelor. This is normal for us men it’s two separate lifestyles. He’s choosing to be a family man. You have to self reflect and make adjustments before you take on that role in your life as a husband, protector and provider. You don’t reach this point if you choose to be a bachelor since you only responsible for protecting and providing for yourself.

    • I'm TheDon says:

      After looking at the pool of available BW dude realized how peaceful his life is single post all that growth. That’s the truth.

    • VanGough says:

      Of course… Because when you’re attractive it doesn’t hurt to be honest. I honestly have been straight up with women that it’s not possible for them to be the only one and they might have left and tried to find better.. but every single one has come back either for the money, height, sex, car, pool house ect.
      I know statistics .. if you’re going to find another one. Good luck

  • Melissa Glasper says:

    I can appreciate his honesty. That was a healing moment to hear him say that. 💜 As a woman, I can admit that I played a lot of games too. I was not honest about how I felt and the men in my life got hurt too. Renewed minds walk and talk different. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

  • Katina Lomack says:

    This🥰 it’s very mature when u can look at things in life especially relationships and see where u played a part in not making that relationship successful. GOD has to really show u your part and when u take the time to listen and see what He is telling u it changes your life🙏🏽

  • Brooke Lynn says:

    Sounds like he allowed God to work in his life and now we see the fruit of it all. Good for him!

  • Esther - says:

    It’s the honesty for me! I know he feels free! Free to be the husband he is called to be and I am here for it! Yes Lord!

  • Daphne Philson says:

    Accountability is everything!!!!!

  • Alicia says:

    Respect to this King for speaking truth and being transparent. He had to mature and release his ego.

    • Keon Harkins says:

      amen tell the truth

    • American cutie says:

      Yes Lord!!!

    • Seesisterlove Too says:

      Why do we as Christians call men a king. Yes he is truly right but he this man submitted to the King Jesus. God the Father gave him Grace and the blessing. Men are not called kings in the Word of Jesus. He’s just what he said. He a leader the head. Thanx for reading this.

    • Jenny J. says:

      Ego!👏🏾 Ego is Satan’s stronghold on a man!

    • Jenny J. says:

      @Seesisterlove Too Some men are King like but most are not and therefore not worthy of being called a King. A King is supposed to be a wise leader of his dominion. It’s only in America they love to call confused and lost Black men ‘King’. Lol…. 😂

  • awservices1 co says:

    This is really happening even after 40 .

  • Burnell Hudson says:

    You’re the man God will let you find her when you’re both ready.

  • Ginetta says:

    You are so truthful . There is a lot of men out there like that and don’t want to admit it.

    • Erma Lovette says:

      Yes n they lie alot to you in themselves,I’m single Because I don’t have the time for games I got my grandbaby to do that with I’m almost 50 next year

    • Blkafect says:

      That’s the manipulation tactic that they use on when to get what they want without you having any boundaries or expectations

    • DaSherii Carte says:

      Don’t want to admit & don’t want to submit! 💯

    • DaSherii Carte says:

      @Blkafect Oooo … what button was pushed?! Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. He said he admitted he was dishonest, coming to the knowledge of who he is, & he also said, when men submit to God. When you don’t know the fullness of who you belong to, you’re gonna be selfish & do you. You sir were bought with a price; Jesus paid that for you on the cross. Men & women don’t submit because they don’t want to give up their worldly ways. I’m not shutting up! God made man the head, men out there don’t know their place so they don’t submit, which in turn why they can’t be that proper head for their women. So you’re saying you’ll never submit to God & that’s being left in 2022 then you need to reevaluate your spiritual life! Let that sizzle!!!

  • Truth Teller says:

    *An all knowing narcissist has NO IDEA what this wise young man is talking about.

  • Meme see says:

    Accountability is a love language ❤️✨

  • Sharelyn Santos says:

    Thank you !

  • Hayley's Crafts says:


  • Mz. Miller says:


  • Gemma Marian Baptiste says:


  • Sherria Grayer says:

    Real talk

  • Homezella Russell says:

    Thank you

  • Farida Johnson says:

    I love what you are saying!

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