Charlie Page

  • @KA-wj6ux says:

    That’s so true; we have to break the cycle. Wisdom and discernment 🙏. Healing, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally is so important, not only for ourselves but also for the way we interact with others. To pour positivity into others, we have to have positivity and an understanding of our own emotions. We sometimes have to be alone to understand ourselves, and having that solitude is so important because it allows us to pray and give ourselves love and gain better enlightenment and understanding..
    Thank you, God, in Jesus’ holy name 🙏

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    Hopefully individuals struggling with this start paying more attention to those red flags..

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    When we see red flags let’s admit it’s RED ,don’t try to paint beautiful pictures which is only in our heads ,amen to this Stephan

  • @marianabucio6047 says:

    Uggggghhhhhh I can attest to this. I worked on myself so I noticed the red flags early on. My mistake was constantly giving the benefit of the doubt and for that, I suffered a lot by staying. The price to recover is more expensive than it would have been if I had walked away earlier

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for sharing that

    • @WarriorMichelle57 says:

      I think this is a flaw we have as good peoples. But all flaws can be fixed. 🙏

    • @Sunlightsam24 says:

      It’s so important you recognize that so it doesn’t happen again, this is how us humans learn our lessons…the key is to not repeat 🙂

  • @Victoria_Loves_Jesus says:

    I like how Stephen is wearing a red shirt for this one😂❤

  • @karincarozza381 says:

    Don’t cave when you know it won’t happen because you love the wrong person. Walk away fast as in run. Thank you Stephan for good advice.

  • @Movementsforchange says:

    He ain’t never lie about the damage that’s done when you stay 😢

  • @pokejay8324 says:

    If it’s a red flag, that I’ve dealt with before in the past, and I see it again in another man, I will address it, but it’s a turn off, so I’m still out🏃‍♀️😂

  • @silviamtz8961 says:

    50:30 He will say he doesn’t want a relationship like that UNTIL he has found someone new and is ready to leave you. Otherwise he will never even THINK of uttering those words to you. For sure. Just 2 weeks ago he was panicking at the idea of me getting upset but once he had the other girl assured he suddenly got busy and is ok for me to sleep with other men. So yes, I know there is someone new, I knew it was a matter of time of us parting ways because I kept seeing the signs, men are not that smart. So I was ready to break it.

  • @silviamtz8961 says:

    About the red flags, I entertained a man because I was seeing consistency and i wasn’t sure if I was sabotaging the relationship because of my anxiety so I kept observing. But yea, dang it, they were red flags. But now I know, I learn from every interaction. Thank God.

  • @WarriorMichelle57 says:

    Red Flags:
    How they treat other people is a big deal to me.

  • @yala-n2m says:

    Incredible video A month ago, my five-year romantic life ended. It truly bothers me when someone I love decides to end their relationship with me. Despite the fact that it’s all for nothing, I’ve tried everything to win him back, and I can’t picture my life without him. Despite my best efforts, I still find myself missing him and thinking about him frequently. I’m not sure why I’m saying this.

    • @Adakataba says:

      It’s hard to say goodbye to someone you love; I experienced this when my 12-year relationship ended. However, I couldn’t just let him go; instead, I tried everything to win him back. Eventually, I turned to a spiritual counsellor for assistance, and he was able to help me win him back.

    • @yala-n2m says:

      Interesting! How did you locate a spiritual counselor, and how can I get in touch with him most effectively?

    • @Adakataba says:

      His name is Father Obah Eze, and he is a great spiritual counselor who can bring back your ex.

    • @Adakataba says:

      Father Obah Eze is a wonderful spiritual counselor who has the ability to bring back your ex.

    • @yala-n2m says:

      Thank you for sharing this valuable insight. I just looked him up, and I’m genuinely impressed.

  • @micasa243 says:

    My first husband treated me so badly that I just had no desire. Sex happened out of obligation. I was determined to stay married and endured this for 12 years. He eventually cheated, continued to lie, and we ultimately divorced. There were signs before we married. I did not know any better. Lesson learned.

  • @NINATUMAINI says:

    There are some red flags that are non-negotiable like abuse where one has to leave and never look back

  • @michelergalloway says:

    I needed this 2 years ago. I’m healing but man, this is some serious truth. It was my first relationship after losing my husband. I gave so much grace and never received the same.

  • @loveslife11 says:

    Don’t ever go out with a guy that doesn’t pay

  • @lauraleivaenespañol says:

    I thank you for making this video. It felt like you were speaking directly to me. God has been taking me through an eye opening process and you sealed it.

  • @sheilaboykins9544 says:

    I haven’t seen your videos in a while, but I am very happy that I clicked on this one because you really hit the nail on the head in this one. I have seen myself in some of what you are talking about. After giving him more chances than I should have, I just had to love myself enough to let go. And the pain behind it hurts like a B!!!!! But I have begun the process.

  • @Cindy_Love_2025 says:

    #7 – I haven’t heard of anyone pointing this one out before…being alone.
    Makes perfect sense.

    You did a fantastic job on this video! 👏🏼💯
    Valuable information on these topics!👏🏼💯

    May our Lord God continue to bless you, your business & your team! 🙏🏼❤️

    I thank God for you!😉

  • @ashm2586 says:

    5 years later, i finally saw him for who he really was. Spot on red flags that i wish i had not ignored. Mistakenly thought an older man that showed consistency was going to be different. Unfortunately, he was just more skilled and experienced at manipulation😒

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