How The NICE GUY can Attract Women- The FAKE Beta Male TACTICS
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I’m just amazed how you have great conten of yours t I’ve viewed over the years. I’m someone who had natural game as a young buck, but lost it when I hit 30. By watching you, I’ve used so many tips to pick up women, AND to help with communication with women I’m in relationships with. I owe you so much because if it werent for you i might have become a depressed and pathetic person by this point in my life. I think this fake beta is a role i can fit into now that I hit 40. You are the #1 dating expert! I need to sign up for a bootcamp because I want to become an expert. I keep saying that but this needs to be the year.
Let’s do it xx
this is like having a secret coach talking thru my right headphone, I knew a guy like that, but he’s gay.
Haha- Thanks xx
Bet you’d be beautiful without any enhancements.❤
This actually is me, and you’ve described it perfectly Kezia. Amazing. Well done
Thanks xx
Your best video yet!
I agree it’s one of them xx
Kezia; Excellent, very informative presentation. During my airline career, I spent a lot of time around women, since most of our flight attendants were female. Yes, I have known men like what you describe. Yes, please create similar videos like this one.
Im very touchy feely Kezia…😮
THIS is the only dating advice video that has ever resonated with me, because it’s me you’re describing! Cheers Kezia, this brightened my day!
I feel called out.. and I like it. I feel “masculine” men are too insecure to be a little “gay” and then get really pissed when they lose out to a “beta”. I’m just like ..bro don’t hate me because I’m “beta” than you at talking to both sides of a woman…but do enjoy watching the football game with your bros while I’m over here with the ladies actually on the field playing my sport 😂🎉
I love the way that shade of eyeshadow brings out the rest of your body.
I’ll help you put it back on after I’m done with you.
Yeah this is a really intricate deep dive into psychology lol. I think it’s something we pick up in childhood or something akin to that with female friends/family. It’s like basically a backdoor that 95% of other dudes can never replicate. It was a struggle sometimes balancing that with her wondering how things happened so quickly (“this has never happened before”) and then ensuing buyer’s remorse or paranoia about other women. I think dudes can replicate it to a certain degree, but it doesn’t cement itself naturally until you’re truly abundant and do not have an attachment to “getting something” from her. Is there a way to reach you about these niche subjects? I feel like I could write a book on my encounters lol
Interesting video. Can you do a video related to an Autistic guys game? Or perhaps more for the technically minded guys, those of us who are naturally drawn towards more facts, information and content orientated conversations and who struggle to go beyond this and with understanding non-vernal, read body language, comfort building etc?
I am 64. Since my early 20’s, most that I have hung around with have been women. My closet friends have been women. Even today, in my social settings (work, church, clubs), I usually interact more with women than men. I would not say I am an Alpha or Beta. My personality testing shows majority Sigma. I love the women. I just “be myself and relaxed” around the women.
Well done and refreshing, thank you.
I went to a haircut shop and had a haircut from a man I was certain was gay, only for him to start talking about his wife and kids. So yes there are men like this who find women 😂
Sounds like Russell Brand
This is insightful. My brother’s good friend was very much like this. I found him effeminate, but he leveraged this in his favor. He had a circle of female friends who were very loyal to him. He preferred their company, but as far as I could see, did not select his girlfriends from among them. My brother pointed out that he had a bad picker, and sure enough he married a rather masculine woman who divorced him and took his money. He just made even more money and got remarried to a beautiful widow.
@KeziaNoble Thank you for this video. I think maybe we need a deeper analysis of this method in your next video. (By the way your eye are exceptionally beautiful)
This describes me almost to a tee, except I do like sports. The problem is being like this towards women does NOT create attraction from them. It creates almost instant trust and connection with women but NOT attraction. They’ll simply look at you as a friend they can tell their deepest, darkest secrets to, but they won’t want to sleep with you. This is because they’ll see you as too predictable and lacking mystery.