How to chat up women on FACEBOOK






Kezia Noble, world’s leading dating expert for men, published author of best selling book “Noble Art Of Seducing Women” is a regular newspaper and magazine columnist as well as frequently appearing as a guest expert on TV shows across the globe.

Kezia’s rise to success as the leading dating expert for men has been meteoric. Originally working as a ‘wing girl’ within the Pick Up Artist Community ( Made famous by the book ‘The Game’ ) Her reputation for giving incredibly insightful advice combined with her outspoken, honest and extremely direct feedback,earned her the name of “The Bitch With A Heart” An expression she openly welcomes.
By 2007, news of her advice and reputation for getting men results spread fast. She was inundated with requests from men from all over the world to help them achieve their ideal success rate with women. In 2009 she started up her own company and now employes a team of hand picked male and female instructors who have all been given the “Kezia Noble” stamp of approval.
Word of Kezia’s sold out international bootcamps and her videos that received well over 10 million views, that made her a ‘Youtube sensation’, spread to one of the most highly acclaimed publishing companies in the world, and in turn they offered her a chance to write what has now become a top selling book “The Noble Art Of Seducing Women” This has lead to many media requests, and Kezia is now regularly featured in international newspapers/magazines and TV shows.
Kezia has helped over 200,000 men to overcome a multitude of sticking points and limiting beliefs,and open their eyes to the skills, techniques, insights and secrets that most dating coaches and well meaning female advice fail to provide them. As a result , they are now achieving a level of success with women that they once thought to be impossible to even imagine.


  • Martin Tóth says:

    Excellent work Kezia. This is what we men need to know for online dating. I am pretty sure I am not the only one who appreciates your insights into women’s world.

  • Podness says:

    Now I’ve seen it all.. Kezia, great job! I love your character, it’s truly is exciting for me to see women help men, it requirs a lot of confident and self-esteem to not get into the ‘dark side’ of dating and being in ‘hurt mode’. If you were in my area I’d approach you damn excited about getting to know you, and it’s wouldn’t be just because you look like a perfect 10 😉

  • Sam Safiyari says:

    she’s got good advice, and i think the sex appeal you talk about is obviously her strength as a pick-up artist. She gets hit on so much, she uses the best of the material guys use on her to teach other guys..

  • CheckeredPancakes says:

    Personally I like it when she thoroughly explains it and “babbles”. She’s trying to drive the point across and relate it to you and she does a good job.

  • Edgwertius Snert says:

    Non-verbal communication can be a hazardous means of initiating or even continuing new relationships. If a deep trust isn’t already developed (where after some time together they know you wouldn’t mean anything in a bad way), what you send can be read in a very different tone – subject to the mood of the woman at the time – than what you intended. What’s more, as non-verbal communication does not require actual contact, people tend to be more reckless with their choice of words.

  • FLAVOR of DANGER says:

    THANK YOU for being honest; not just this video but your approach and ruthless truths are spot-on timeless.

  • kostasdeath1 says:

    well 7:30 – to 2:15 school 2:20 – 3:00 dinner 4:00 – 5:30 gym 5:30 8:30 MMA 8:30 – 9:30 guitar 9:30 – 10:30 reading…..and my friends still say that im a pc nerd -.- while the girls i like listen to them -.-

  • retsnomonster says:

    Hi Kezia , I really like your videos. You are very informative. I used to watch a lot of male PUA’s, they were all quite good at what they are doing. However listening different information from a perspective of a Women is indeed very unique. Most pick up artists stress on how they are good with getting numbers BUT they actually forget about the main part of the pick up! which is “How to get the girl by using that number!?”. Anyways I would like to ask your help , I would like to meet up with your team and improve my skills on Pick Up/Dating etc. I have seen your website, I would like to buy a ticket but I could not see any prices. Although I really like to be in your company , I don’t have much money right now :/ I would like to pay of course, which I am just hoping it does not cost me to leave me hungry while it ends me up with a girlfriend.. I hope this message will be read by you and wish to hear from you soon. 

    A Real Respect 



  • Curly Bill says:

    “You spend way too much time on the computer, surfing the net, looking for hot girls to send messages to.” Guilty.

  • Cal Graham says:

    This Is great entertainment Kezia you are an amazing brilliant woman ! Love these videos

  • GhANeC says:

    I would actually be curious to hear other women’s very honest opinions on that “if you post your torso for a profile pic all women will automatically assume it’s fake” thing, even though I’ve never done it.

  • Jayce Priteau says:

    You know those macho guys with big muscles and huge egos that women absolutely hate?
    Well this is the female version…

  • JOFANFAN says:

    Hi Kezia
    I’m a behavior analyst AND Life Coach Based in Paris, and I also take care of people with troubles connecting with the other gender… 
    I’ve seen some of your videos, and they are for most of the time, really interesting and they say some right things… But they also feel really directed by your own experience and/or feelings about what YOU assume that women want… 
    (Sorry my English is not perfect) 
    I see that a lot of things you says and you propose men to do are really true. They won’t work on any kind of women, they won’t work in all the countries, but they will eventually work on a majority of easily impressionable women… Or women in places like night clubs or Pubs… Limited by WHAT they are really looking for. 

    The way you propose men to act, wanting them to make assumptions on a girl to make her react, could make one think that this is a little bit “light” on the matter of the credibility of the girl or the man… 

    I really liked your Subject about how a man should quit talking to a woman while both of them are in the peek of the discussion, making the woman want to continue the discussion, showing her a man with social life etc… this “pre-selection” you are talking about is very interesting and must surely have a lot of success… but it does not go really far on the matter of WHAT is important for the man himself to want to show… and HOW he should show it… 
    For exemple, some women WILL feel offended when in a nice restaurant, a man guets all the attraction, when everyone is coming to say hello to him and take care of him etc… Some women will feel attracted to this kind of power, some others will totally bail… 

    Again… I didn’t watch all your videos and I will slowly try to look at them with my limited English. 

    I can see your product is “marketingly” well managed, but if you have a little time and/or interest and/or curiosity for the behavior analyst approche/side on the matter, 
    I’d be pleased to exchange with you on the subject 🙂

    Well done again for your videos and the product itself. 

    Cyrus Smith. 

  • selv jas says:

    The advice on conversation is really an eye opener. I’ve always had a problem getting out of the box of what to say to start one online, grazie ‎signora!


  • Jin Sakai says:

    my advice: if a girl expects you to worship her and pass every single test from her book of ideals without a single fail then she’s not a real woman and not worth your time. just be yourself. your personality will attract someone… unless you are pure evil. everyone has a personality. you dont need some girl on a youtube vid to tell you how to be. you cant fail by just being yourself. you will fail by trying to be what you expect others want you to be.

    • Rob Vermeer says:

      nero px Totally true. Also: if you go for such a girl, you will forget to think about what it is you actually want which will set you up for the same mistake after she dumps you 🙂

    • Snorlax says:

      Agreed! I do believe we can upgrade things and learn advice though. But our own healthy interests and being our self is the most important.

      As for Facebook game. Let your profile picture be catchy and simple 🙂 post exciting stuff

    • Snorlax says:

      Guys, it’s ok to be your selves. Being your selves means expressing your self to the fullest and talking about and learning things you’re interested in like music and etc.

      HOW EVER. There is nothing wrong with upgrading your self and learning things about the date game.

  • Mihai Popa says:

    I actually have the E-book for online game and it is some of the most refined and aplicable stuf I have ever come upon on the subject.Great work Kezia!

  • John283T says:

    Kezia, I’m pleasantly surprised to hear you say all this. Let me explain. I’ve discussed this topic of the profile pix with several girls I knew and I also had a very bad experience with 2 women I met online. You have said you’re a very visual person which is a bit uncommon with women. The discussion I had with the 2 girls I met was hard because they took the opposite point of view you have. In my case I was giving them advice on meeting guys online. I have seen so very many profile pix of girls where they’re wearing sunglasses, or the pix is totally blurry, or it’s done in such low light that I had no idea what she would look like from her 1st pix. (btw, I was a professional photographer so I knew what I was saying) All these girls became insulted because I told them their profile pix should show their face clearly especially their eyes. I even admitted I’ve always been most attracted to a girl’s eyes. They insisted I was wrong and the pix should be secondary to their profile. I lost the debate and I’m sure they’ve lost out on meeting any number of guys. This is why I’m surprised you said all this. I see this is an old video but my question is do you tell all this to your female friends and what did they say to you?

  • Tony M. says:

    Kezia , I just love watching you talk. You inspire me in more ways than one.

  • Carlos Lopes says:

    My left ear is now ready to chat with girls

  • jeffthewhiff says:

    Kezia, this sounds very informative and many of the things you mentioned in the video have worked for me, so I think that I am on the right track 🙂

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