How to get a GIRLFRIEND


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World’s leading female dating expert for men. Author of the number one selling book “The Noble Art of Seducing Women”

Kezia Noble is the leading dating and attraction expert for men.

Kezia has been helping men since 2006 to overcome the challenges that they experiences when meeting and attracting women. Her honest insights and straight-talking advice has helped men from across the globe dramatically increase their success rate with women.


  • Jamie G says:

    I liked this one. The ex boyfriend part in particular concerns me – My girlfriend, who I’ve been with a few months, never seems to have anything good to say about them so I’m left wondering if its as you say a cycle she’s in, she’s attracted to that kind of guy, or she lacks self esteem. Food for thought…Thanks, Kezia!

  • brian says:

    Thank you Kezia!
    I have always been put into the friend zone with women, and I know why now. I go out of the way for them thinking that girls would appreciate how I give them all the attention and I often ‘bend my reality’ and become a head-nodder. But I learned from your 1st, 2nd, and 4th tip that in order for women to like me, I must first respect myself. Great tips!

  • Donald cooldale says:

    Thank you so much kezia I’ve only seen you on master pick-up university but your advice is great and especially when it comes from you a girl. You’ve changed my life and I just wanted to say I’m thankful

  • Mark Benecke says:

    Kenzia, you offer some of the most intelligent and sensible commentary that I’ve heard on the topics you select to talk about, and unlike most videos on understanding women and relationships, I feel like I can take you seriously. The difference is that you make relationships out to be less about manipulation and more about ethics. Thank you.

  • John Dauterive says:

    The talking about an ex thing gets me. That’s my biggest turn-off with a girl I first meet, primarily on the first few (1 to 3) dates. I know it reveals a lot, but time it properly. You’re bringing up the past (i.e. other men/women) and I’m putting myself out here on the line for you to consider a future with me. Something to think about and, yes, it goes both ways from what I’ve been told.

  • Pragmatic says:

    I have a question Kezia. Well basically there was this girl that I was interested in and she clearly attributed the clear signs that girls display when they like a guy : She was a bit shy, she played with her hair, she always was around me etc. and after talking to her for around 3 weeks I told her that I wanted to see her after my last period class so I can ask her something and she agreed. During that day, after we departed, we texted a bit and suddenly we go to the point where we started talking about her friends and she informed me about the guy she is dating. As she said this I told her I cant meet her after class and she asked me to just tell her what I wanted to. What in reality I wanted to say was that at first I wanted to ask her out but then I gave her subtle hints that I cant anymore coz she is dating someone ans she caught on and basically I made a fool out of myself. Is there anything I can do to revert this embarrassment?

    • InfiniteAI says:

      First of all, you should not feel embarrassed. You haven’t done anything wrong or anything that you should be ashamed or embarrassed about. Just tell her you found her attractive and you wanted to ask her out, but since she already dates someone, then your offer is no longer valid. Be a man and be honest about your actions and your feelings. This is nothing but showing how confident you are, and most guys can’t do this. Next time, if you are interested in a girl, don’t tell her you want to meet later to tell her something. If you like a girl and you want to ask her out, do it right there and then, without any staging or asking her to meet you later. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. After you do what I told you, she will see you as a confident guy who isn’t afraid to say what he wants to say. I can guarantee you this.

  • nobodysperfect06 says:

    me being a guy I hate having to be so valued and judged upon my career, stability, societal position, occupation, etc.

    • Mike Soertsz says:

      To be fair I don’t think women actually care about the status/job title etc. Its more the inference of seeing ambition. A guy who is out to achieve on his own is an emotional investment that’ll probably grow over time. Women are attracted to the alpha…you just have to be alpha in one particular genetically appealing trait…physical, monetary, social (funny/charming/witty etc). Attraction is a biological thing…we can’t blame women for being genetically predisposed to want the best potential mate for whatever criteria they value most depending on their age. 

    • nobodysperfect06 says:

      ya, mainly because I want to be able to have a girlfriend while i’m not well-established yet

    • nobodysperfect06 says:

      because i’m not looking to get married or settle down yet or starting a family anytime soon

    • nobodysperfect06 says:

      being the protector is fine, it’s being the provider I hate the most

    • Gene Kennedy says:

      nobodysperfect06 It’s always been that way throughout history. The feminism movement is taking some of that pressure off though (not that it’s a good thing).@Justin45: There’s an epic program called “Mack Methods”..
      Look it up man.. easy to find and it’ll probably help your game a lot. It’s free too.

  • EskimoFilms says:

    There really is not a “way of getting a girlfriend”. All people are different. It really depends on the person. I could be wrong, but that is how I see it.

  • Mahmoud Ramadan Ali says:

    I’m still surprised regarding to how much effort this girl does to get people involved in a illegitimate relationship otherwise i have a sort of  misunderstanding to the “Girlfriend” relationship !

  • TrueEvilGamer says:

    Don’t ask a fish how to catch a fish… Ask a fisherman

  • Kenji Yamazaki says:

    In the past I used to watch lots of videos or read lots of materials from male who called themselves “pickup masters” then I realised what is wrong

    When it comes to getting a lady only a lady knows best !

    Thanks Kezia, this is hand-down the best tip I have ever found thus far 🙂

  • Dagulicious says:

    1 Universe, 8 Planets, 204 Countries, 809 Islands, 7 Seas, 7 Billion people… and I’M STILL FUCKING SINGLE..

  • acash93 says:

    “The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog,” Mark Twain

  • Fábio Alves Martins Pereira says:

    Thank you for the knowledge share. It helped me clarify a bunch assumptions I had about my past relationships, and how they turned out.

  • Green Harpy says:

    I’ve studied for years psychology and political philosophy and, honestly, I cannot even find one girl who shares my interests. That would be the first (and probably the most important) thing on my list. So, yeah, I guess that I’m going to die alone.

    • Yogi Life says:

      So if you go to a poly sci class, the women who are there, are not into poly sci? I was in psych classes, and it was mostly women…I have also studied lots of psychology. I recommend looking into the Bach flower remedies, Green Harpy. I teach about them on my channel. They are a very practical way to reduce pessimism, anxiety, depression, and increase optimism, vitality and confidence. Also your partner doesn’t have to have identical passions as you, but *complementary* ones. Your not looking for your twin, you’re looking for someone who appreciates what you’re into it, though she may be into very different things. Two identical people in a relationship would be pretty boring…you don’t want that. But similar values, that matters.

    • Never Ending Purpose says:

      Green Harpy – Join the club.

  • Studdy says:

    My only first and last principle in a single sentence : Do not take your girl seriously,love her, respect her and when thinks become messy let her have time to think and by watching this I am taking her seriously.

  • Aryan ttt says:

    What I like about kezia is her honest advice for attracting girls.She really knows what are the mistakes made by men.I like her.

  • Kenny L. Cline says:

    Kezia, you are SO SPOT ON for tip number 3. Hearing about the girl’s ex from the past. Yeah it’s not what a guy wants to hear about, but it’s also a real eye opener. By the way LOVE your make up and how it truely bring out your beauty. Keep up the great work.

  • Brennan Pearson says:

    1. Don’t be too available.
    2. Have a clear list of what you want in your ideal woman.
    3. Listen when she talks about her ex-bf’s.
    4. Always show a girl that you have other options. (Show her that you are going to be happy, with or without her.)
    5. Do NOT be predictable, and don’t be the guy that she can second guess.

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