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How to Heal and Move On After a Toxic Relationship | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and How to Heal and Move On After a Toxic Relationship

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

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  • @gemstar7447 says:

    Great advice! I love that loving kindness prayer technique, will give it a go. Thank you Matt 🙏🏽
    Things that supported me in healing: Talking to friends and counsellor; Journaling; Ho’oponopono prayer; Tarot readings (inspires visions of a better future); Ayahuasca retreat (helped to see things from a drastically different point of view); Acknowledging my contribution to what happened and forgiving myself; Being in Nature and Grounding; Recalling positive aspects of the relationship;

  • @SpanishPrincess30 says:

    Thankfully I have been through all the stages and have moved on completely but this video still helps because even tho I have moved sometimes its just nice to hear hey you really moved on and heres how. This video also helps for other non romantic relationships as well with family members or friends.

  • @dorihein4042 says:

    This is the most informed video I have heard.
    This has made me understand my ex and how to heal.
    His behavior was his wounds. I can now release and move forward.
    I have been doing things for myself,meeting new people through activities, and seeing that there is a life out there.

  • @loyalopposition4791 says:

    This is the best presentation on forgiveness I have ever listened to.

  • @Olga8888 says:

    Asking myself why did I get into that? Looking inside my struggles and motives. On the way getting lots of knowledge, and then, learning and starting understand the human mind. Selfcompassion and promise to take care of myself and never betray myself. Value my life as it is LIFE. The result is the complete change of my vision, the complete change of my surrounding, almost the whole circle of people. Stop needing any company, start seeing toxic manifestations in the very beginning of an interaction. Learning, exploring, enjoying, life. Seeing the treasure in that situation.

  • @user-pq4xu6ps5w says:

    Adding on to Matt’s comment about what his mother experienced with the checker at the supermarket brought to mind a beautiful quote that Robin Williams said in an interview. He said, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know absolutely nothing about. Be kind always!” I now have that quote front and center in my mind which allows me to be more compassionate and a lot less judgmental. ✨

  • @barbarakelly1916 says:

    What has helped me (and probably many others) is switching from the emotional thinking that we do when we feel hurt to The Objective Truth (a.k.a. logical thinking). It requires being brutally honest with oneself and exploring how the situation arose and how it was first handled.
    As an example, I see that I chose the wrong family member in which to confide; and I have set up a new communication structure to avoid the situation happening again.

    • @Erica-cf1xb says:

      That’s beautiful. That’s the story of my whole life. Always choosing wrong and not honoring myself. I finally got it right.

  • @lisacaspero2265 says:

    Time has helped as well as finding myself and following people like you. Thank you!

  • @maria-lenagavranich5919 says:

    Great video, Mat! As per usual, U continue to see the ‘bigger picture’ in every situation. ❤️

  • @sheetalyadav9074 says:

    Thank you for this beautiful guidance 🙏 I really needed that.

  • @rezotydnic says:

    1. Separate the being from the behavior.
    2. Generate compassion.
    3. Loving kindness prayer.
    4. Apply forgiveness to yourself.
    5. Recomittment to standing in your power.

    Cutting all ties, and forgiveness. But forgiveness can only happen once you move past the anger. Give yourself time to go through the process. Create the best life for yourself. If there was something you wanted to do, but couldnt while in that relationship, do it. Make a conscious decision to be happy. Take the trip, buy the puppy, move, change jobs, whatever. Put yourself first. It’s not selfish.

  • @estherlam5190 says:

    👍This is the deepest explanation / understanding of how to forgive those who hurt me seriously. And I think I can really let go and move on after learning the lessons. More self love and trust.. 😂🎉

  • @violettah878 says:

    One thing that helped me heal was to say to myself that I think he loved me, but that he wasn´t able to have a relationship with me that was fulfilling for me. By saying that I skipped the part about him not LOVING me, which kept me stuck in rumination.

  • @katekoger1794 says:

    This is beautiful and incredibly empowering. Thank you! I needed this. Keep being amazing!

  • @RRthee1 says:

    This made me cry. 😭 Thank you!

  • @pavanidevpalaka3306 says:

    The Second point of this video helped me in moving on from a toxic relationship , I used to estimate his mommy issues and gave myself some reason to show compassion eventually i had forgiven him and myself .

  • @gill426 says:

    To me it feels like your approach and the way of giving the advice in your videos has changed considerably during the last years. I haven’t really seen all of your videos consistently but I’ve noticed that a lot lately and I’m truly touched by how beautiful they’ve gotten. :’) Not that they weren’t beautiful before, only that you added even more.
    More very down-to-earth spiritual elements that I like very much and more big heart, I don’t know, it feels like a very genuine and well-meaning way of talking and giving advice.
    I’ve actually had tears in my eyes all through listening to this.
    I just want to add one thing because it can be really important for the healing too – sometimes or even often, you need to let it all out, you need to let out the anger and the hate and the words you didn’t say when you should have. Sometimes you need to rant and rage it all out and be heard before you can or while you’re moving on to a more compassionate approach (I’m not talking about in the situation like in your example but after a bad experience, you need to address the abuse that you’ve experienced).
    That’s just my thoughts about it and I like that you said “Could you feel compassion in the absence of knowing their story?”. That’s been my approach lately too. It’s not always their story because sometimes the story still doesn’t explain anything or you still see people with worse stories being a lot kinder and more humane. But sometimes it’s just recognizing that there is a truth that we don’t yet see that would actually ease the anger and hurt genuinely and in assuming that, we can feel compassion now because it will eventually make sense.
    Thank you very much for sharing your advice and help, I really appreciate it.

  • @user-mv3dz1io3s says:

    Thank you for this information. I have struggled with how to let him go in peace without anger and resentment. I will follow your advice so I may move on. I appreciate your help. You rock!!!

  • @weilikang5610 says:

    This video helps me so much. I experienced the same situation as this woman except that my date wasn’t going for other women according to what I knew. It happened a month and half ago. I am heart broken and cried almost everyday. I felt sad, angry of him and disappointed of myself. Whenever I thought about the past with him, my heart hurt. Today I practiced this technique and I feel so much better .

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