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How to Know if He Likes You (Fool-Proof Method!) | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and How to Know if He Likes You (Fool-Proof Method!)

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3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove


  • @pretoriawinrightjenewari says:

    Nice video ❤❤❤❤thanks for this, I also have a similar video. How to know if he’s into you

  • @pryscyllahorn72 says:

    Absolutely love king this, definitely giving it a go in a right time with a right guy 🙌🏻❤️

  • @rezotydnic says:

    Biggest piece of advice I can give. Do not date a coworker unless you are prepared : to work in an uncomfortable work environment OR are prepared to change jobs. Period.

    • @tl1544 says:

      Its ok to date a co-worker if you have emotional intelligence- work is a good place to find true love- I regret not moving forward with many potential guys because I was worried about the work thing if it doesnt work out etc but I lost out on love ! Just go for it

    • @Mayfloweralways says:

      @@tl1544 i would agree. Someone who would make a scene or carry a lot of anger should probably not date at work. But if you can establish a line that the personal stuff is not brought to work, it’s fine. I’m in a relationship with someone from work. Zero problems. My sister married a coworker. Next year is their 20th anniversary.

  • @tallspicy says:

    Excellent advise!

  • @lizzi437 says:

    I really like this And I love these lines! (I’m glad I’m only learning them now when it’s too late. Sadly, I came to realize that the “shy guy” at work was only interested in me because of my close proximity to the boss.)

  • @JenniferOakes says:

    So with my husband of nearly 20 years, we were friends for a long time before I asked him, “..I get the feeling you’re attracted to me, am I wrong?” And he finally had to confess… there was never overt flirting before that, he was just “always available” when I “needed him.” Whether someone to chat on the phone with, go to a movie, whatever friends do… but I think putting the blame on the other person for “acting attracted” took the load off of my shoulders and put the ball in his court to correct me in case I was wrong. Lol

  • @sineadnichoirbin7232 says:

    I have just asked directly. “Do you want to go out with me?” 😂

  • @liesjebeverly says:

    I like the last suggestion because it’s more direct, instead of making “hints.”

  • @francesgarry3858 says:

    Please make a video on ways to break the touch barrier without looking desperate. My friend wants to know how to do that.

  • @selenachronister9642 says:

    Great tips! I once had long friendship with male & others said he was to shy too ask me out. I didn’t get that vibe from him so I finally straight up asked. It fit into the convo and he said I apologize if I gave you the wrong vibe and I said no I didn’t get that idea but others have. So we cleared the air and continued our friendship without issues. Yes it was hard to bring up but I’m glad I did. We’ve been friends for over a decade now!

  • @thithonguyen886 says:

    These are good, i will give it a go. Thank so much❤❤

  • @dianaareyzaga2081 says:

    Thank You so much!!! 9 months in limbo haha.

  • @ItWillRainXO says:

    These are really good tips. Thank you!

  • @lidiacherviakova6790 says:

    Love it!❤

  • @stacybennett4982 says:

    I appreciate any advice u can offer Mat..thanks for being awesome..Irene is one lucky lady

  • @marianelaballerina2295 says:

    If you know the guy fairly well, you can imagine asking him these questions and you’ll probably know how he will answer.
    BTW, it is really emotionally hard for me to stay friends with a guy after I’ve suggested something more romantic: humiliating, embarrassed, etc

  • @DavidPyro says:

    On our first date, three years ago, my girlfriend gave me a clear green light, and it’s set the tone for our whole relationship. It was getting late, and she said “I need to get going soon so you should kiss me goodnight.” As a guy in todays dating world, it took all the pressure off me about what she might expect, permit, or reject from me. Trust me ladies. Any time you can offer him a clear green light, the small amount of courage it takes to do that, will pay dividends, and you will stand out in his mind above any other women in his life.

  • @breannagodfrey6515 says:

    I just asked directly. We have been friends for almost 40 years since the 4th grade. I had caught feelings for him but he didn’t and that’s ok we still hang out and have fun together. Nothing has changed and I feel so much better having found out.

  • @OceanLove says:

    I had a really bad crush on this TA in college. It was making me crazy so i got brave and called him up and said “ I know this is inappropriate, but I have this incredible attraction for you and I’m sure this happens all the time with your students, so I called you up so you could tell me it’s no big deal. I already have a girlfriend and I don’t date students. if you tell me this, I think it will help me to stop dreaming about you. // he said well that’s definitely a problem, but I think we need to discuss more because I feel a strong attraction for you also. How about I come pick you up and we’ll talk about it.

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