How To Know If Men REGRET LOSING YOU! | Stephan Speaks

Get "The Man God Has For You" here 👉 – Do Men Regret Losing A Good Woman…In this dating advice video, I will explain to you the question of, do men regret losing a good woman? Sometimes you can be a good woman on your first dates, on online dating, or throughout the dating process but still, the relationship will not work, and this can make you wonder if he regrets losing you or not. If you would like to understand men better then take heed to these dating tips and be sure to watch the entire video.

It is not easy to find a good woman and when you have her and lose her, it becomes hurtful. As a relationship expert, the love advice that I would like to share with you is don't be worried about the man if he regrets losing you or not instead shift your energy to more important things like your growth and a possible new relationship that may come your way.

Many times, you will find women learning ways to make him regret losing you and on the other hand, you will still find other women who are wondering do men regret losing a good woman?

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
– Do men regret losing a good woman
– He regrets losing you
– Does he regret losing me
– Relationship expert
– Relationship advice
– Dating tips
– Online dating
– Online dating tips
– Relationship advice for women
– Understand men
– Dating coach for women
– Dating advice
– Dating advice for women
– Dating tips for women
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.


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I hope you enjoyed my video "Do Men Regret Losing A Good Woman "

Watch this dating advice video next " 7 Things Women Do To Lose Good Men " 👉


#DoMenRegretLosingAGoodWoman #HeRegretsLosingYou #LosingYou #DatingAdvice #DatingAdviceForWomen #UnderstandMen #OnlineDating #DatingTips #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks


  • Bee West says:

    My grandmother once told me “A diamond does not plead to be picked up. Some will walk past it. Some will pick it up & think it’s a skipping stone & throw it into the river. Only a few will recognize its value. Some will only get to know they had a diamond when they sees it bringing wealth to another. Some will never get to know they threw a diamond away. Yet the diamond remains the same.

  • R G says:

    I was a good woman, but I needing healing and now I’m a great woman so I needed him to leave me to become a GREAT woman.

    • Kimberley Tam says:

      Yeap, I agree.

    • Pursuit4happiness says:

      Same he didn’t get it thou .. he rather me heal and not try cuz knowing I hurt so much I couldn’t do it in the relationship without hurting him in the process because he hated me needing healing and that wasn’t helping me feel safe or allowed to heal it got on my nervous eventually

    • BOSS LADY says:


    • R G says:

      @BOSS LADY Thank you ❤️

    • BOSS LADY says:


  • Stephan Speaks says:

    ❤️ Get your copy of “The Man God Has For You” today! CLICK HERE 👉​​ 👈 Women everywhere are calling this book a blessing to read.

  • Pearl Daniels says:

    “Sometimes a person doesn’t realize what they had until it’s gone. That doesn’t mean they deserve to get it back.” 💥💯💥 agreed!!

  • dimarisortiz says:

    My dad has always told me since I was a teenager that what is for me will never leave me and no one can take it away, but what is not for me will never be for me no matter how hard I try and make it be. Back then I didn’t understand. But now being a grown woman I have learned to pray, seek counsel from the Holy Spirit and rest in knowing that what God has for me will always find it’s way to me. God bless 🙏🏽

  • Nicki Reece says:

    I’m happy about not being chosen! I’ve learned so much about myself and what I really want in a relationship. I kept my integrity and gave when I didn’t have it to give. It hurt me. It broke me but GOD used it for my good and put me back together so much stronger, more resilient and so much wiser. We both made mistakes that were hurtful. Thank you Jesus!!!

  • Koki Nelson says:

    I’m so grateful that my relationship with my ex fell apart. It give me time to focus on God and myself and what true love is and God brought my future hubby into my life now I’m engaged to be married 💍 within a year now ex wants to come back but too late he lost a good woman

  • Pocahontas says:

    I’m at the point I don’t care whether he realizes he lost a good one. I just want my peace. If you’re still worried about if he misses you then you’re not fully over him.

  • Thirty Miles says:

    If a man leaves you for someone else or a better opportunity NEVER LOOK BACK, even if you get him back your feelings will never be the same, you will always see yourself less than, you will always question if his love for you is true…just let it go

  • Asia Lynn says:

    Whether someone regrets losing me or not is not important. What’s important is that I don’t lose me trying to hold onto someone who doesn’t see or value my worth.

  • Margarita Cisneros says:

    When I was a cocktail waitress I swear the bar was full of men that always talked about the women they regretted losing. They more than likely cheated, years later they realized they messed up. Their partner moved on and remarried. They were left with their mistake and a drinking problem.

  • Barbara Brown says:

    ATTENTION QUEENS: Happiness starts from within. Don’t allow anyone to have that much power over your life.

  • Avenger Nemesis says:

    Women leave men when they are unhappy, men leave when they have found another.
    Never love anyone too much as you give them the power to crush you.

    • Moni says:

      So TRUE!!! Cause I even said I will NOT love a man more than I Love Jesus! Cause I Know JESUS IS THE ONLY MAN I WILL EVER TRUST !! Men will hurt you so it’s ASHAME but I’m glad that even in my marriage I didn’t give my heart. ISNT that ASHAME! Yup I know! God is good though

    • Liz Towers says:

      @Moni get a grip with the god stuff. It’s ok to love God. But if you’re married and didn’t give yourself fully to him….u shouldn’t be married, period.

    • Becky Musgrove says:

      That’s such an over-generalization. People leave for a lot of reasons.

    • love_christ_first says:

      I had to learn this…

    • phoebe taylor says:

      I agree 👍 💯

  • Sofia says:

    I just recently got separated after an 8 year common law relationship. During the last two years he took me for granted and I started doing things by myself and building myself up while still in the relationship. Then one day there was a nasty argument with a family member – not even with me – and it all fell apart. The funny thing is that I am so relieved because I was his emotional foundation, support and best friend but he was not mine. I now feel that I am able to just breath and spoil myself. I love myself so much more than I love him and that is a great place to be. Let’s see what God has planned for me. He knows best.

  • Breona Pierce says:

    You can be a good woman and still be an unhealthy partner. Trust me the break up was a blessing it helped me heal and become a better partner. 🙏

  • Jojo Jeon960 says:

    I’m a Muslim women and I loved very details how you explaining and it really helps and healed me inside out♥️♥️♥️♥️You have no idea how truly your words saved me !!! Lots of love !!

  • Beth Freschi says:

    It doesn’t matter if he regrets losing you. When you move on, internally, mentally, spiritually you don’t ponder this. You simply devote all of your attention to the love of you.

    • Revolution Underground says:

      Isn’t that called narcissism?

    • sparkling fashion says:

      Then why are you here bae

    • Beth Freschi says:

      @sparkling fashion In the event you have some questions for me bae

    • Most definitely Modest says:

      @Beth Freschi 🤦🏻‍♀️😄

    • Beth Freschi says:

      @Revolution Underground A narcissist is a person excessively consumed with him or herself. Moving on in a healthy way, from a relationship, is just that, moving on, moving forward. Devoting your time and energy to you. It really doesn’t matter if he/she misses you or regrets losing you. Thinking about THEM keeps you tied in and stuck in a place you are no longer at. Your trajectory is not pondering (the great love he/she lost in you) your direction is healing your spirit, finding the NEW you or the GREAT you that somehow melted away. It’s a new day!

  • Georgia Louise W says:

    One of my favorite quotes, “You will look for me in someone else and you will never find me”.

  • Marie says:

    Sometimes a breakup is a blessing, it’s a blessing for me.

  • TeeTee Bell says:

    I prayed my way out of my marriage. Then God made a way for me to leave without any drama 🙌🏾

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