How to tell if a girl likes you


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World’s leading female dating expert for men. Author of the number one selling book “The Noble Art of Seducing Women”

Kezia Noble is the leading dating and attraction expert for men.

Kezia has been helping men since 2006 to overcome the challenges that they experiences when meeting and attracting women. Her honest insights and straight-talking advice has helped men from across the globe dramatically increase their success rate with women.


  • Jillal Ali says:

    Kezia you’ve become a lot more engaging and expressive since filming “Deep Connection”, without losing the core of your personality. I like it.

  • SepherStar says:

    You have to understand that most boyfriend/girlfriend relationships at your age don’t last long. If she likes you back, it will probably only last for a few months. You also have to understand that there is always some degree of risk when it comes to trying to move from a friendship to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, and nothing can really be done about that. And third, you have to understand that rejection and break ups aren’t the end of the world. Sometimes people get back together later.

  • Roberto Beruffi says:

    TBC (3) “I find you really attractive and interesting and I would really like to get to know you better.” It takes courage to do that. No one wants to be rejected after all, but such a genuinely open and transparent stance invites an honest response. The individual who can do this reveals a strength of character that is attractive. This is true confidence – and not a pretence masquerading as such. If we all learned how to form healthy relationships, which is what we need at work for example TBC

  • James Anthony Ellis says:

    she’s right on i believe.  never apologize for being a male. why would a female want a male who isn’t proud of himself?

  • phubans says:

    Why do men always have to make the move? If you find a man attractive, then say so.

  • bizmonkey007 says:

    I always look for the eye contact. Strong eye contact is a pretty good giveaway, but even then some girls are shy. Men are kind of at a disadvantage because unless the girl is really forward with her body language, we can easily miss the subtle cues women give off or, worse, dismiss them entirely. A good analogy is that men draw in crayons, while women draw in fine lines. Those fine lines can be confusing scribbles, unfortunately. That’s not a criticism of either gender–it’s more of a fundamental difference in the way men and women communicate. Men prefer things to be blunt, straightforward and to the point, while women…well, check any girls texts conversations with her other girl friends and you’ll get a pretty good idea of how convoluted it can get. Cheers.

  • Keivz says:

    I’ve never had trouble telling when a girl likes me. But flirting to get things going has never been a strong suit. Your tips were actually quite helpful. Thanks!

  • mjdc2505 says:

    This video is well over 8 minutes long and this tells you that women are very complicated.

  • Gawayne says:

    Love is not a game
    A woman’s heart is dear
    Not a single is the same 
    That to me is clear

    By the way love, sex is not the only thing that men are after, nor the only thing girls are after. And being a friend before having a relationship is key to a good, long standing relationship, else the only thing you’ll find is disappointment, for even the fairest of roses withers away…

  • The Red Right Hand says:

    That’s good to know, still, I would be put off by a girl being bitchy even if I assumed she was into me.

  • Indubitably says:

    My problem is when there’s a ton of damn people around you when there’s a girl you’re into. There was an incident that happened in my life when I was younger. I confessed my feelings to this girl that I liked A LOT, and was rejected. It’s weird, because i’m pretty sure that one rejection, completely destroyed my social skills. As far as I remember I didn’t use to be real shy, but now I am VERY shy, but only when it comes to starting up a relationship. After that I can talk completely normal, and continue the flow of conversation. That happened in 4th grade HAHAHA, yeah it sounds ridiculous, but it’s true. I’m now in 10th grade, and have never had a girlfriend, never had a first kiss(Except for when I was a toddler, but that’s kiddie stuff, doesn’t count), and I still have the same problems. It’s driving me crazy, thinking that high school is almost halfway over, and I haven’t even attempted to get with a girl during my time here. Hopefully it’ll start to pick up Junior year like it did with my brother.

  • Len Farneth says:

    It’s all good till she has two of your kids, gets child support and then hooks up with your best friend. That’s how love really works kids,

  • kutari says:

    hey humans how about we just tell each other that we like each other and skip all the childish games, oh no wait that would be too easy. smh.

    • HaveBKYourWay says:

      +Josh Newell I know right? And people say I’M the socially awkward one. Jesus Christ all I want is to find a girlfriend, I know for a fact there are girls looking for a boyfriend who would be happy with me, why is this so difficult?

    • GutsKS says:

      +HaveBKYourWay Decades of media brainwashing.

    • kutari says:

      EXACTLY, yall need new friends? cause i like the way yall think

    • joey zapata says:

      +Jay N That’s my issue with flirting and “building” a relationship. It is too easy and if it’s easy for me to court a woman then it would be just as easy for the next guy. I say, truly be yourself and if she likes you, she likes you, if she doesn’t, better luck next time.

    • durkadur27 says:

      +joey zapata Yup, never bothered with a girl I assumed didn’t like me. The ones I think like me I make good friends with. =D

  • Starseed Alchemy says:

    Hey Kezia – I appreciate your honesty. It’s funny, people who really want something, might not study it or admit that they are studying it, because they don’t want to be seen as ignorant. I happen to have kept my childlike curiosity for most things. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me, to take advice from those who don’t know, or to avoid learning something because you think that that would somehow show a certain level of incompetence. I’m a juggler. Used to making mistakes. The fun part, though, is when you have this BREAKTHROUGH in any area of your life. I think that most of us have this desire to evolve, expand and become bigger or better than we were before. Or, uncovering more of who we really are. This particular area – flirtation, sex…people are so caught up with their own insecurities, that they fail to notice the magic right in front of them. 🙂

  • cagehfh says:

    Please do not do this at work! Even if she says she likes and gives you a lap dance, no compliments!

  • Derek West says:

    Sounds like a lot of dudes are going to get accused of sexual harassment if you ask me.

  • Dustin Here says:

    You can’t get into women’s personal space anymore. Tell a women she looks nice. She’ll scream me too rape
    Then slap you with a law suit.

  • AK Playz says:

    I’ve avoided the dating world for the majority of my life specifically because I don’t like playing games.

    It’s videos like this that reinforce the control that women have over men’s self-esteem and confidence. I appreciate the tips and they make sense, but it just feels wrong to me to put on an act in this regard.

    Let me also state that I don’t really believe in casual sex.

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