How To Touch A Girl In 5 Ways To Make Her Want You

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Breaking the touch barrier with a girl instantly makes her feel closer to you and when used in the right context can lead to you and her getting physically intimate. So here are 5 innocent places to touch a girl for the first time without her feeling uncomfortable or creeped out.

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  • T says:

    Tripp, after much time spent researching, I can proudly concur that you are the son of Barney Stinson.

  • Siris says:

    I wish I had seen this sooner, I almost messed up my relationship before it even began. I got really lucky and I had read her right. I can still put this to good use though. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  • asd asd says:

    1) high five
    2) hug
    3) hand tickle
    4) lower kick
    5) front kick

  • Mme.Tenebrae says:

    Tbh, those tings actually would make me turn away and keep my distance (or be more buddy-like, e.g. the high five), I can’t stand people touching me (unless I’m attracted AND I know them). Not even in a relationship Oo But I guess that’s a presonal issue and not something the “average” woman experiences.

  • Tripp Advice says:

    Here are some related videos to discover more awesome “get the girl” training:
    1)ย How to Get a Girl to Have Sex With You
    2)ย How To Get A Girl To Kiss You Without Rejection
    3)ย How to Seduce a Woman with 3 Effortless Techniques
    4)ย How to Flirt With a Girl to Supercharge Attraction
    5)ย 1 Powerful Trick to Make Her Want You: Use With CAUTION!

    • themcoolbros. says: How can you not make it obvious to other boys in your class that you are flirting?

  • Brock Driver says:

    I skipped steps 1,2,and 3. And we kissed during our 2nd day of dating! Although, I am bad at the touching part and step 4&5 helped me with reasons on how I could do it. So thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Ricky Ward says:

    Listen to me fellahs… This guy is so on point! You know how I know? I’ve used these same techniques subconsciously throughout my life and 98% of the time, i get the girl i want. But if u know how to talk and be a gentleman, EVERY girl Wii like you. Real talk.

  • Kai Davey says:

    This sounds like great advice that I’d love to try out, but I’m still to socially awkward to text a girl let alone talk to one and/or get close to one.

  • lampuiho says:

    6. play tickling
    7. get her to feel your abs and then proceed to touch her waist
    8. massaging
    9. hold her hands softly when giving something
    10. touch her back when leading her through a door or something
    11. touch her shoulder while riding a train and pretending to be keeping her balance
    12. do yoga with her
    13. so on……

  • SSmithProductions says:

    So if I touch a girl and she resists, I should use MORE FORCE. Got it. Off to the mall.

  • Suspicious Turtle says:

    Idk how I always end up in this part of YouTube, but I just find it funny because it’s really easy for me to get really close to girls and get them obviously attracted to me, but as soon as they are, I feel done, like my mission is accomplished, then move on. Jeez I should just take the amazing girls I get

  • Daisy Lockheart says:

    I’m a straight girl watching this ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Benny says:

    This was actually pretty helpful. Thanks Tripp ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Luv ASMR says:

    Easy way to touch a girl:

    1. Stand next to her
    2. Look her in the eyes
    3. Poke

  • Timmytimmy says:

    Just a heads up; if a girl starts to put her arm around you or touches your lower back, she’s basically telling you to touch her as well. I’ve had this happen at a nightclub 2 weeks ago, where this girl came up to me with me a compliment and she put her arm around my neck right away. I put my arm around her waist and asked if she would to dance with me, and she started to make out with me right away. I was too bamboozled by the fact that she made out with me right away that I forgot to ask for her number :-(.

  • PsLoveEmma says:

    The lower back thing gets me every Time!!

  • Deus says:

    My very first girlfriend I did not touch, just talk, I wasn’t seductive I wasn’t coming on strong but there is just a vibe you can feel from a conversation your having that creates that sexual spark in the air and the spark is as if you become numb, your heart starts pumping very fast you feel as if there were butterflies when you and your other click, but the first kiss was the second gesture of touch that I used.

  • X6- 88 says:

    I’m 13 and just cuddled with a girl I like, literally by putting my hand behind and at the lower waist pulling her into me and watching Netflix, and she started to pull in closer,and eventually we were cuddling. I was honestly really exited ๐Ÿ˜

  • Tripp Advice says:

    If you’re not at the point where you’re comfortable with touching girls, then be sure to check out my free gift “Chick Crack: The 4 Topics That Women Love To Talk About” where you will learn how to create fun and flirty conversation with girls.

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