I Approached 2,000 Women In 5 Years… Here’s What I Learned

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Approaching 2,000 women in the last five years taught me things that the majority of men won’t learn… simply because most won’t approach 2,000 women in their whole life. But I did, and in this video, you will find the best dating advice where I share the 13 crucial lessons that transformed my dating life.

By mastering communication skills, overcoming fear, and learning how to spark attraction, I was able to meet my now wife. Discover how to build confidence, improve your social skills, and make genuine connections using effective attraction strategies. This video covers everything from approaching women, handling rejection, to practical dating techniques that will help you transform your dating life.

Learn how to enhance your emotional intelligence, develop a strong first impression, and manage approach anxiety as I share my real-life dating experiences. Whether you’re dealing with a cold approach, struggling with social anxiety, or looking for relationship tips, these insights will help you get control of your dating life.


00:00 – Introduction
00:17 – The real reason women reject you
00:39 – It’s not about starting the conversation
01:00 – Don’t try to earn her approval, earn this instead
01:25 – Ask less questions
01:45 – Use awkward silence to your advantage
02:14 – Why pickup lines matter, but not in the way you think
02:46 – She won’t remember what you first said to her
03:22 – Tension equals attraction
04:59 – Always lead with entertaining conversation
06:15 – Use gentle dominate
07:48 – Why your passion in life matters for attraction
09:14 – Getting rejected doesn’t mean you failed
10:34 – You don’t need confidence to build confidence
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Charlie Page

  • @playstationplusfilm316 says:

    I am too shy to talk cuz i got rejected more than 30 times by women

  • @playstationplusfilm316 says:

    But you just motivated me ❤. I have a new challenge. Going out and approach many women

  • @ItIsMeJamesE says:

    Hard finding 1 person worthwhile to approach what’s the point these days?

  • @NowWeAreFree3 says:

    How you manage to count all of them dude ?

  • @biganswershack says:

    Excellent, Tripp!

  • @ReconcilemE says:

    You say always lead and entertaining interaction. Yet u just said a simple hello is enough 😂

    • @paulsmith5611 says:

      His first point of a woman will only reject you if you give her a reason to is also incorrect. If you are unattractive even after one or two sentences she will let you know she isn’t interested, usually by mentioning that she is has a husband or she is gay. At this point you don’t think you have given her any reason to reject you but she simply doesn’t find you attractive and wants you to go away.

  • @Mannyman491 says:

    Already ahead of you. I take initiative at random, approaching women here and there, get a convo going, analyzing what happened. How I fumbled.
    IT’s time to these studied/ learned skills to practical use.

  • @KNDCHV says:

    Thank you man. No red pilled bullshit like: “don’t look at her cuz she will lose interest in you and she will think you are a simp” and other idiotic stuff that you can typically hear from these psuedo alpha-male influencers. I really want to approach a girl I meet every day in the subway, but I choke, because there are too many people. I need to do it cuz she is really cute.

  • @ScottyRoseTv says:

    WOW WOW… Great video!!!

  • @ThusISpake says:

    Wow, great video. Didn’t know this channel, surprised by the quality advice. Good stuff.

  • @peaceonearth8693 says:

    If your African name actually is Mumbo Jumbo, would you recommend changing it in the West?

  • @murphsviews says:

    Great job Tripp, love your work mate. 💪👍

  • @delawarehistory1675 says:

    Here is what I would have learned. Don’t cold approach women. Very little return on investment. Can be seen as creepy. Can be seen as desperation. Now if they give you signals? Sure. If you are at a mutual social event? Sure. But in public? 99.9% of the time they just want to be left alone.

    • @TrippAdvice says:

      Not my experience nor my friends nor my clients

    • @Cee_Eff says:

      @@TrippAdvice It’s been my experience

    • @fragebogenvbc says:

      If you are an average guy, you can know 5-8 women out of 100 tries. It worth despite all the negative things only if you not have other possibilities with better odds (like warm approach).

    • @TrippAdvice says:

      I’m sorry to hear that. Truly.

    • @brianmeen2158 says:

      No, a man that is confident and carries himself a certain way will never be seen as desperate or creepy by a woman he approaches in public! Please understand this fellas .. I’ve approached a decent amount of women and I’ve never got the sense that women saw me as lesser. Most cases the women lit up and liked that I approached her. Most women want to be approached as long as it’s a sensible time and place

  • @eugenefirebird8938 says:

    This is all nonsense. So what? Everybody is out there faking confidence. Nah. If she is attracted to you, you will know it. No matter what you say or do won’t matter if she is not attracted to you. Signs of attraction are easy to spot — obvious.

    • @pinbota says:

      Looking confident works wonders.

    • @paulsmith5611 says:

      @@pinbota Look confident how? A simple conversation won’t work if she isn’t attracted to you and you can’t change that, at least not in the few minutes or seconds you have to talk to her. And over confidence is pushy and annoying. I’m confident enough to start a conversation but not stupid enough to keep going after I figured out she isn’t interested. Think of a random salesperson you see on the street or going door to door. If I’m really not interested and say no I mean it…yet they continue with the sales pitch. And it pisses me off. If I truly am considering buying the product they will know right away.

    • @pinbota says:

      @@paulsmith5611 I’ve worked on my confidence for many years, so I could see how important our confidence is for women. It’s mostly body language and the way you speak, and, of course, what you say. I’m cocky, bold, and funny. If the girl doesn’t get nervous in a minute, it’s not worth trying. Nervousness is by far the best sign of attraction. When she gets nervous, I usually accuse her of being in love with me, which makes her even more nervous. If you do it in front of her friends, it works wonders. You can even hit on them too, which makes you look extremely confident.

  • @konradzlu5h says:

    Did you have a manual counter?

  • @Nordic_Sky says:

    Great advice. As a veteran of the “approach wars” who is now happily married, I submit the #1 requirement for success is to TAKE ACTION. Get out there and do it. Don’t watch endless videos to learn and succumb to analysis paralysis. Forget the cold feet and just jump right in.

  • @felixlucanus7922 says:

    Advice in videos like these reminds me of the Kecak dance in the movie Baraka. Everyone sings the same chant, the “truth” about how to be loved by women, until someone says something new and then everyone follows the new “truth”. But I guess it pays good money on youtube.

  • @johnwarren8032 says:

    Good advice. Will share with my son when he is a bit older.

  • @dms7336 says:

    12 minutes and no one word talking about the 80% of success chances in cold approach…LOOK

  • @Brendan-05 says:

    Hard to find any women to approach. When I do always get rejected straight away. Spending another birthday by myself. Hoping to get a girlfriend before Christmas. But in the last twenty years I’ve never had a long term girlfriend, actually never had a girlfriend. But I’ll keep trying. 😊

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