If You Want To Date A MAN OF GOD Be Mindful Of THESE 7 Things

If You Want To Date A MAN OF GOD Be Mindful Of THESE 7 Things…In this dating advice video, I breakdown the reality of dating a man of God. The man God has for you is something I pray you all experience. Take heed of this dating advice, and ensure you watch the entire video.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and you will be able to enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
The man God has for you
The man God has for you will pursue you
Godly dating
Dating a man of God
Dating help
Dating advice for women
Dating coach for women
Dating expert
Life coach
Relationship advice for women
Relationship coach for women
Relationship expert
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: If You Want To Date A MAN OF GOD Be Mindful Of THESE 7 Things

Watch this dating advice video next: WHY God Isn't Removing Your FEELINGS For That Man


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  • @morganedwards7936 says:

    Stephen I just wanted to let you know your videos have helped me so much & to realize what I truly deserve and what to look for in a solid healthy man. So thankyou ❤

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      My pleasure ❤️ I’m happy to hear that

    • @arabellajones6410 says:

      @@MeetStephanSpeaksyou are so correct. There must be a level of attraction to draw your initial interest, so yes looks do indeed matter.

    • @arabellajones6410 says:

      I agree with a man that will lead. If he can’t lead as a man of God then I’m not interested.

  • @katherine_5274 says:

    Let him lead… towards God of course lol! No triggers, it’s what I need. I’m tired of working in my masculine energy. Please, hubby handle that ❤ mwah mwah 😁

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:


    • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

      Mhm..A “hubby” is someone you are married to…
      Also that is nothing a hubby can fix. You have to learn to balance your OWN energy.😊

    • @katherine_5274 says:

      @TawandaClark-ii9ps  thank you. All correct. Although, I was not stating that my husband fix my energy. I was stating having a proper husband, who can lead, will allow me to be in my feminine energy. As of right now, I am mother AND father, head of household, sole provider. But again, your comment would be spot on for someone, if they read it the way you did. 😁

    • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

      @@katherine_5274In your comment stated EXACTLY..”Please, hubby handle that ❤ mwah mwah”..OR do you read your own messages as YOU type them?🙄😶

    • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

      @@katherine_5274 ALSO..there are MANY women out here whom are sole providers and so on of their household. So how does that make you so special and etc. from anybody else whom is? It’s
      ALSO you COULD have INITIALLY stated what you did the FIRST time in your original comment, and apply “hubby” to yourself since you’re the “husband” in your own household, instead of being EXTRA and trying to flirt.👍🏾😉

  • @RhondaR4 says:

    A Man of GOD leading me is attractive in everyway.❤️

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    About the first story you shared about the woman whom turned down the marriage proposals..I personally do not feel she was wrong because there was probably something that happened that made her say NO, or maybe she did not feel she was ready then. I have been proposed to twice in this lifetime at least, and the first two times I did say yes, but it never made it to the wedding. That’s only because the guys in particular did things that ruined that as a possibility. The third time will be the right time, because TMH is included this time, and he has been guiding the both of us.😊

  • @Madagascar2024 says:

    I don’t go on coffee dates or walk dates. I can’t connect that way. I always ask them to plan a proper date for us, a fun activity and a meal. I haven’t found my person yet, but I am meeting high value men since this change.

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    Yes..typically a man should bathe most dominant in a “together dynamic” between the man and woman, but I do not want any man leading me anywhere if he isn’t making the right choices. Even if he is mostly consistent in his choices some people have their off days.
    I once read something that Tracy Sanders mention about her and Deon Sanders relationship. She said that they both have an understanding of each other, which is very important in a relationship. To have an understanding of each is to know the right things to respect each other, etc.

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    Watching your videos Stephan always reminds me that there is so much more I needed to know,many thanks to you wise coach

  • @TawandaClark-ii9ps says:

    In my perspective if a woman can allow the Divine to lead her, then she also CAN BE open to a man’s leadership depending on the kind of man he is. If he doesn’t have a good responsible track record, etc. then she probably will not..

  • @MjtheChicagokid says:

    I literally just had this conversation with a man and how he doesn’t like the praise and worship part of the service “hooting and hollering”

  • @BineBean89 says:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences on this important topic, Stephan and your genuine and authentic personality🙏
    God bless you and your service in this ministry 🙏

  • @aliciabrown6679 says:

    Thank you, Stephan for this! Im currently seriously dating a man of God and what Ive discovered is that you have to be ready for this type of relationship. Meaning be healed, in touch with God’s Spirit within yourself by praying, fasting and discernment and yoked with the man you are in courtship with (who has a personal relationship with God as well). The process is worth it for sure if it’s in God’s will!

  • @sharibryant2959 says:

    That’s good stuff Stephan

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    Say it louder Stephan “a man of God also values attraction”yes yes yes,I
    do agree because theese particular men should be the wisest,and if we all are honest,it’s the first thing that trigges us to the apposite sex

  • @sherylsmith279 says:

    This is so good! I keep all of these things in mind and it is definitely helpful! Thank you Stephan!

  • @yota0209 says:

    I met a guy who I thought was a true man of God. He had even been in ministry. His ways & his words showed me totally differently! He was a sheep in wolf clothing, a false prophet. I’m just glad I was able to walk away from that devil.

  • @MiraGistTV says:

    So true any Relationship needs God as their foundation.

  • @curious9900 says:

    Gentle yet powerful reminder thank you! Gems from your book “The Man God Has For You” that’s always resonated with me is “understand the difference between a man who loves God and struggles with his flesh versus a man who loves his flesh and struggles with embracing God. There is no perfect man, so there is no perfect man of God.”

  • @worddoll says:


  • @Ifeoma999 says:

    Excellent video 👑King❣️🔥🔥Ladies…Be the FRUIT on the TREE that a man has to go out of his way to find rather than being the fruit on the ground that EVERYONE can get…Hide yourself in God, and the Spirit of God will make sure the Right Man PICKS YOU❣️Real True Love doesn’t End… Only Lust has an expiration date…

  • @McKenzie.flagstaffaz says:

    32:11 Wow! I’ve never heard this verse/ concept explained like this before. I just felt a jolt of compassion in this message. 💡

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