Charlie Page

  • @billyhuang says:

    It’s morning again in America

  • @Mike_Harten says:

    The Supreme Leader is returning, this time stronger and wiser

  • @ModernLifeDating says:

    I’ve stood by and watched enough. It’s time to return.

  • @randomguy-xp7se says:

    Whats june 10th

  • @henrydembski1032 says:

    Just like WWE has suffered without Roman Reigns so have we suffered long enough without our tribal chief!

  • @Matt-lb2ed says:

    Richard Cooper doesn’t even know who Sephiroth is

  • @coupon714 says:

    Welcome back

  • @prospecial says:

    missing your wisdom bro

  • @benitopepolini1249 says:


  • @p7pmc30 says:

    We’re all ready for the comeback!

  • @aarnavghosh2260 says:

    And here i thought MLD was finally Starting a gaming channel 😒

  • @kakashiiisenful says:


  • @Aaron-McDonald says:

    I’m so glad I watched the mind numbing FnF last night. I heard you’re on tomorrow!!!!!

    Also, production quality seems to be leveling up! Love it. I miss your IWAMs and FCFs. Almost done with my cloud engineering training, my IT bootcamp mentor is American but fluent in Japanese and is moving back to Tokyo to work for Amazon. Half of his students are headed there for work and to be passport bros.

  • @kazuhiromochidome1335 says:

    Welcome back

  • @yellowjoe.2000 says:

    Let’s go MLD! It’s time!

  • @yellowjoe.2000 says:

    What you need to do is put that fake lying loser Saint Sinner in his place. MLD making the big come back! come on brotha….lets goooooo!

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