@KendraGMedia Opens Up Like Never Before & Challenges Laterras R. Whitfield | EP 931
In this riveting episode of Dear Future Wifey, media personality Kendra G flips the script, turning the tables on Laterras R. Whitfield and putting him in the hot seat. Titled "Single & Satisfied," this conversation dives deep into Kendra’s journey as a successful, single woman who refuses to settle. She shares her unapologetic approach to love, self-worth, and societal pressures surrounding singleness. As Laterras finds himself on the receiving end of the tough questions, the two engage in a raw, thought-provoking discussion about relationships, standards, and the true meaning of fulfillment.
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0:00 – Introduction & Episode Overview
5:12 – Kendra G’s journey as a single woman
15:45 – The challenges of modern dating
30:20 – Laterras’s perspective on marriage
45:50 – Emotional intelligence in relationships
1:00:10 – Kendra’s dating show and platform for singles
1:20:35 – Laterras’s letter to his future wife
1:45:00 – The importance of self-worth and fulfillment
2:10:50 – Closing thoughts and call to action
I almost forgot who’s interview this was!! At this point, im waiting on buddy to do the “Kendra Cam”😂😂😂😂😂
😂 I was waiting for her to close the show with a letter to her dear future husband 😂. But this was an AMAZING episode Kendra & Lateras!! Many questions brought to light! 🤎🤎🤎
😂 right
She’s a whole mood!
Guard your heart until he earns your heart. That’s a word
She talks way too much. Spiritual things can not be discerned through the eyes of carnality.
The world gone do what the world gone do smh
Too much and too fast. Lol. That’s how she got tripped up on Tamron Hall show. I know what she meant but she had diarrhea of the mouth that day
This episode was frustrating. She was listening to respond vs listening to understand.
This is why she’s single!
Too combative @@gwendolynwebb8886
Whee !!!. This interview definitely shows two different people with different journeys and perspectives. The fact that Kendra admits “she not going to get married just to appease the world”. With that being said , she must understand that if you have been through a divorce and married someone who was not your person, then she should understand that Laterras is not going to get married to appease the world. Neither Kendra nor Laterras should fall to the pressure of getting married because their viewers put pressure on them or accuse them of not wanting to get married because the quantity of potential candidates is there. Take your time . Waiting on God is what we all must do to get quality not quantity.
“I really enjoyed listening to their conversation. It’s evident that Lateras is standing firmly on biblical principles, while Kendra is responding from a more worldly perspective. They’re clearly viewing things from two very different lenses, which is why the message is being received so differently. Nonetheless, I wish them both well and pray they continue to grow in wisdom, understanding, and purpose.”
What biblical principles allow you to date around? He creates unrealistic standards so he can’t find a wife. Everything she said about him is spot on. That man just wants to keep meeting women
Exactly, a carnal person cannot truly understand the things of the Spirit
EXACTLY!! And she would never dive deep into what he saying
@@ha1908dating is not a sin as long as fornication does not manifest. Where in the Bible does it say that you cannot date? When lust sets in and is birthed then it becomes a sin.
@ha1908 what passage in the Bible is against dating?
You handle her really well latterres! Her platform is not focused on kingdom its focused on world. It great how you distinguished the difference
I really appreciate this episode because it was real conversation. Two strong minded individuals standing on what they believe. Healthy / Respectful / Entertaining conversation.
I like the way you composed yourself during this interview Laterras. You remained a gentleman with your responses and you listened attentively 👏👏
Laterras is a great listener
I recently had a conversation with my Dad about my being content with being single and his response was “ darling, it’s called, death of a vision”. I say that to say, many times we have our ideas/visions of what we desire but in most cases, when we let go of our vision, God steps in and gives us the vision He intended concerning marriage. I believe that applies not just to marriage but for the sake of this episode…. I believe it’s a good nugget. Marriage to me isn’t going out of style. But because I’m in my late 40’s and a lot more versed in life, marriage just looks different than when I desired it when I was in my 20’s.
I know what you mean. I’m also a woman in my 40s, and I’m at that point where, if God doesn’t send him, I don’t want him. I’m not even looking or “putting myself out there.” I just don’t care that much anymore. I’m truly ok… It’s almost as if the desire is gone.
@@l.t.3857same…. Been there done that
THIS!!! 🎯
I like how he ended it by explaining his purpose and direction when it comes to marriage.
She said God gave her a cussing spirit. 😂😂😂 That didn’t come from God.
Right.Foolish broad 😅
I really appreciate Laterras for being patient and low-key and giving her the gospel through his mission statement about the Dear Future Wifey podcast. It’s like he said: she has her ears fixed to hear what she thinks men are instead of what God purposed men of God to be. She’s like Israel, and he’s like Moses. She’s trying to lead the conversation while she keeps going in circles… for 2 and a half hours, lol.
@mrjmont215 I totally agree with you 💯% She doesn’t know how to listen. I do like the way he answered her questions always using Biblical facts…GREAT job Laterras!!! Blessings & Favor always!!
Coming from a married woman who is in love with someone and has a true connection, I don’t think you should judge marriage if you have never been married. In my marriage, one of us makes more than the other but that doesn’t change our respect for one another. A marriage allows you to achieve goals quicker because it’s the two of you working to achieve something as one. Marriage is a wonderful thing when you value one another, respect each other and are aligned spiritually, emotionally, and sexually. I hope people would open their heart for love. It’s an amazing thing when you both honor each other.
I normally do not comment on podcast, however, on this
Episode I have to say he handled himself very well, and he stuck to what god has been speaking through him . But what do you expect from a woman thats confused about marriage and a man who knows what he wants. She was talking in circles when she was getting caught up when he challenged her. I am so proud of you king. 👏
Bingo! She has no understanding about sacrifice and covenant. 😢
I am a wife. Period!!! Not a hard question
FACTS!!!!!!!! Faaaaaaacccccctttts!
She didn’t understand the question and wasn’t set on understanding it.
I am me. I will only be a wife to someone who’s my husband, not to society.
I enjoyed this episode so much. I heard two different prospectives. Its so many judgemental people. I see two mature adults having a healthy conversation.
This 💯
Kendra is absolutely correct regarding being wanted. Every woman does not get chosen. Soooooo many women are waiting, hoping, seeking, praying, etc. to be approached, attended, acknowledged, but most men want a trophy wife, one who gets public approval, particularly those who are public people. Kendra is also correct regarding the numbers don’t add up. Everyone will not be married. As a matter of fact, it’s important to teach the WORD about how Paul said, basically, it’s better to be single if you can manage it purely and pleasingly to the Lord. It goes back to TRUSTING THE LORD JESUS for your life and the purpose HE has for you.
A conversation between two strong-minded individuals. It is okay to agree to disagree.
Laterras is standing on business!