Men Need To Treat All Women The Same Way- HERE’S WHY!

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  • @justinmartin1666 says:

    FIRST COMMENT AND FIRST LIKE :🥇❤ I love you Kezia happy Sunday 🩵🏆❌⭕️❌⭕️💙💘😘🥰

  • @HarryCarlton says:

    Kezia! 😍

  • @jimarray2607 says:

    Excellent advice.

  • @stephenforeman2989 says:

    Looking good Miss Noble ❤

  • @MaccusFNS says:

    treat the woman as your little niece, the best advice I’ve ever gotten… silly but nice. I hate talking to less attractive women because it fucks you up because you need to complement them.
    And you get a lot of false positives and negatives, it’s kind of a different game you almost gotta be unimpressed but intrigued with a 10.
    But if you walk up to a 7 like that she’s gonna think you’re making fun of her, you gotta reassure her.

  • @TheRexTera says:

    Instead of making it too complicated. Just make it easy: There is nothing you can do as a man that will do more for your “game” than being alright. If you’re not alright for some reason it’s going to affect your behaviour and worldview negatively. It’s often a lack of agency and autonomy in life that can lead to fatalistic thinking in other areas of life. Achieving just a little bit of Life Leverage in the form of agency and autonomy is going to free you up from fatalistic negative thinking and that’s going to positively affect how you show up in the world.

  • @Gykolove says:

    Did you ever ask yourself, you men into Kezia’s “game” advice, why a woman as beautiful and seemingly as intelligent as she is can’t find a steady man?

  • @VideoGameRoom32 says:

    Great Advice. This is true. Talking to a 4 is no different than a 10. It’s all in your head. Some men can talk to women who they’re not attached to with no problem. It’s the one they’re attracted to because he’s afraid of rejection and the woman he’s not attracted to he doesn’t think about rejection.

  • @BigPete44 says:

    Hey there Kezia! 😘

  • @waynealan3067 says:

    There is nothing worse than a 4 who thinks she’s a 10. Why would you EVER game them? Rejection is a loss, and success is a bigger loss!

    And why does a hypothetical 4 think she’s a 10 in the first place?

    Because Tyrone will still hit on her and lie to her.

    • @Kezianobledatingexpert says:

      Thanks to the endless of instalments of attention they receive for their highly filtered photos, this is the result.

  • @ajlfc4426 says:

    👠 👜 ❤😊

  • @MathieuDeVinois says:

    It‘s literally what I do. The only thing I often mess up is when I realise that I got her but I can’t twist the conversation to a more intimate talk. XD

  • @balancer182 says:

    All women are the same, would you say the reason a 10 is attracted to you is the same reason a 4 is attracted to you? Meaning if you’re her type, then you’re her type, regardless of how hot she is.

  • @adegbenroagoro5180 says:

    Thank you very much Kezia

  • @D.M.S. says:

    I don’t want to treat every woman the same, because I don’t treat every other person the same. Women are people. Men are people. I don’t want to sleep with my family members, therefore I will not treat a potential love interest like a family member. I treat family like family and not strangers. I don’t see women and men differently, until I feel something non-platonic for a woman. Then I approach her respectfully and playfully and if she is interested, great, and if she says no I accept it and carry on with someone else.

    I do not play games. You wouldn’t start a friendship with someone who lies to you and makes you question their motives, so why would I want such a person in my love life and open up to her romantically? Makes no sense.

    I do not conquer. Women are not enemy cities, therefore I do not violently besiege, storm and raid them. Therefore, I do not conquer. My goal is an ally in life, not a vassal in servitude. Only diplomacy can achieve it.

    I see a beautiful woman, she will automatically have a different position for you in your life. Even if it just for that moment. Acknowledge it. Do not fear this moment, be happy that this moment came, and you are emotionally and physically able to feel those feelings and the excitement. There are a lot of people who can not. Approach her, talk to her. Always be yourself, never be a clown, if you are a serious man in real life. Never be serious man, if you are a clown in real life.

    Always listen to intuition, never to fear. In every connection with a person. Those feeling are not the same, but fear can overshadow intuition if you let it, by overthinking it. For example, you meet a beautiful woman. If you have a nice line come to your head that feels appropriate and clever at that moment, use it. If you are in doubt if it would be good or appropriate, do not use it. Your intuition will tell you. Always.

    Be confident. Always, especially if you fail. A lot of people never failed, because they never tried. You have proven courage, strength, will and heart, at the moment you try something. If that isn’t confidence, nothing is.

    Every outcome is a success. Never forget this ultimate truth. If she is interested in you, you won the moment and maybe the day. If she is not, you haven’t lost anything, you’re also not back to square one. You are more experienced now. Do not chase her. You already found out, that you two are not right for each other, because she already failed in the first moment. She did you a favor, by removing herself from the list, and is helping you by finding the right woman for you.

    It is not just you that has to make an impression on her. She also has to make an impression on you. Coaches always tell you, that you are inferior. They earn money that way. You already have everything you need. She has also to convince you, that she is right for you. The moment you realize that fact, you are different from at least 90 % of the guys out there. You do not put her on a pedestal, you treat her like a regular person and you show confidence.

    Do also use all of that in your job.

    Your workplace is not your family. Your work is not to conquer. Your work should be your ally, not your vassal, and you should not be their vassal. You should like your work. If not, find something else and never stop until you find it. Listen to your intuition, always. A company has also to convince you, that they are a fit for you. This approach changes your whole attitude in a job interview and on a date.

    Also, every outcome is a success. If they reject you, they did not see your value. Something that does not see what you can bring to the table is no fit for you anyway. Move on to someone who does.

  • @kazami5699 says:

    A charismatic confident man can talk to any woman regardless beautiful or not .

  • @spyblue3 says:

    Very interesting video, can’t wait to watch the entire episode, Kezia! I agree, but only up to a point, as it is very challenging to try to game or compliment 4s without sounding fake or contrived. Whereas when talking to an 8, 9, or a 10 (let alone that “mystical 11” that you saw on a train!), strong compliments and game techniques feel a lot more natural to both of you, because the attraction is real.

  • @GregoryTheGr8ster says:

    I realized this nugget of wisdom & advice on my own a while ago. I’m so glad to see that my realization has been vindicated! It wasn’t sudden; instead, I only gradually found the logical explanation for why I *must* be the same with women who turn me on and those who don’t. The moment that I allow the beauty of the attractive ones to affect what I say & how I say it, all of my charm will evaporate instantly. I will act like a fan of a movie star–a simp. This makes total sense!

  • @_sniper2305 says:

    It’s a variation of advice I heard in sales … “Every dud knows a stud”. (Except it’s relevant to women too, not just dud/stud guys or sales leads.) Those 3-4 women may know the 10 women. As it is, the women will watch for the different approaches and it looks bad for the guys to have a big difference in approach. On another level, the 3-4 women are good practice.

  • @giuseppeLizzi-rj3er says:

    Be careful and be gentle with your touch screen

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