NEVER Date A Women Who Drinks Alcohol!

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  • Mowtivated Mechanic says:

    “What’s the positive ROI?” “Nothing!!!” “Exactly!!” BOOM!!! Thanks gents. Keep up the good work.

  • aliwk says:

    I’m a woman who dosnt drink but I’ve also intentionally settled down with a man who dosnt drink. So you are what you attract sometimes.

    • Knuckle-sandwichMMA says:

      nobody’s saying a man should drink and a woman shouldnt or vice versa. alcohol is a poisonous drug that fools people’s minds. if neither person in the relationship drinks like you, thats a huge win. clear mind. less liabilities, less foolish decisions.

    • Alisha Bell says:

      Same here. When my husband and I go out on a date, I will sometimes get a glass of wine, but we don’t go out to clubs or bars, nor do we keep alcohol in our home.

    • Lunar Daybreak says:

      I will tell you I’m Puerto Rican so I naturally drink but I’m not an alcoholic thank you very much I’m Hispanic so I’m a drunk but my girlfriend likes that about me but we don’t drink excessively so you are right it doesn’t matter if both drink you guys can drink at home and have a good time together you and me to go out a bar with these morons it’s good to know that some women in this world actually do realize there’s no good or bad there’s just common ground it’s just the right in the left need to find that s*** before this goes south

    • MelodyDantalionMellowAstaroth says:

      @Lunar Daybreak you wanna look at your parents and check if alcohol has caused any issues for y’all if it has there might be a predetermined outcome if there isn’t it’s a healthy part of your culture

    • Lunar Daybreak says:

      @MelodyDantalionMellowAstaroth Alcohol actually brought my mom and dad together because they share similar traits in their drinks. My dad likes an old fashion. My mom likes a bloody Mary, but they both were fine with each other’s taste, so no I didn’t start any problems or Puerto Rican not alcoholics we drink for fun, not because it eases the pain.

  • G-Money75 says:

    I used to be in the nightlife business. Nothing turns a 10 into a 2 faster than obnoxious drunk behavior.

  • Philip Butler says:

    Don’t have sex with women that are drunk. That mistake can be a prison sentence.

    • Joshua Adams says:

      Obviously 😕 Thought it’s common knowledge not to sleep with someone under the influence of substances?

    • CRYIN DAY says:

      @Joshua Adams Oh come on lol I don’t even go out or drink myself but to act like people aren’t hooking up with each other while under the influence is ridiculous haha.

    • Mike Hunt says:

      ​@Joshua Adams Are you being dense? How do you think 95% of “relations” happen in college?

    • RevAlSharptonz says:

      Joshua Adams, that is not common knowledge whatsoever on a college campus. Most people know not to hook up if the other person is blackout drunk and can’t even stand, but that seems to be the stopping point for many college kids.

    • Mcl0vinrubbin says:

      ​@Joshua Adams aren’t 90% of hookups usually drunk anyway? Especially night outs.

  • JJ Dodds says:

    I left the club/bar scene years ago, and I’ve never been happier

    • Let_Your_Weird_Light_Shine says:

      I partied hard from age 23 to age 26. Woke up one day and decided that I actually hated going to clubs and bars. It was just a meat marget, and I hated being hungover. Haven’t gone to one since! – aside from a small place to see my female friends’ band play, but that was one time. I hate the atmosphere and it’s too loud.

    • Dave says:

      And we all care 🤨

    • Straight White Fatherly Figure says:

      I have never cared for the bar scene. If and when i ever drink, its at home with buddies. As the dude said, bars are trash scene. Good way to bring home problems

    • Nora Walsh says:

      @Let_Your_Weird_Light_Shine and how you did it after? I’m 26 and I decided the exact same thing you did. I’m not sure how to socialize with new people who are not on to bars and are more mature. Thanks for your experience!

    • Let_Your_Weird_Light_Shine says:

      @Nora Walsh  I was in a relationship, and I had friends who didn’t hang out at bars. I still hung out with friends who liked bars, we just did other things together. I wound up going back to school to become a nursing assistant, so I made friends there, and I ended up pregnant and started the transition to family life. I don’t know that this will help, but just try to find other things to do with your friends. Maybe even do some volunteer work. That would be a great way to make new friends too! Best of luck! You’re making the right decision.

  • Sebastian Cawsey says:

    Alcohol will violate your standards faster than you can lower them.

  • wintahhh7 says:

    Generalizations may get you through business, but life is nuanced and beauty often comes from the unexpected.

  • D Lane says:

    As a woman & longtime bartender, i agree. Most women lose senses & do things they never would if they weren’t drinking

  • Chris Lake says:

    Correct!! I use to get called a bad man cause I don’t go out with my girl too the bar..that was emotional damage

  • IG88 says:

    Drink at home with friends or your partner! It’s seriously way more fun 🔥

    • Kevin Ng says:

      That’s called depression…you will learn later on in life…remember and mark my words from today…you will pay big price in the end when anything goes with Alcohol related….no matters where you go…

    • The A Train says:

      ​@Kevin Ng maybe for you, nothing better than a few beers at pub with mates.

    • Kevin Ng says:

      @The A Train I have been alcoholic over 25 years…Have been sober for over 12 months and go back to school to complete my Mechanical Engineering and Maths…I learned a hard to get through life…you will know when you get…it is not for everyone…it is understandable…Good luck…

    • The A Train says:

      @Kevin Ng I understand that you have a problem but that doesn’t mean everyone else does also, most can enjoy a rew drinks and still function in life perfectly.

  • Brother Cody says:

    Yes bro, THANK YOU! A woman that wants to go to a bar or club IS NOT EVEN ON MY RADAR

  • Mickey3finger says:

    A woman who drinks for fun, and is not an alcoholic, and doesn’t lose control AND who is matched well with a man who is the same, is a treasure. When there is reason and moderation, a fun night buzzed makes for awesome fun and creates great fond memories.

  • FatChanceTheCouchDog says:

    Solid advice.

  • Jennifer Perizzolo says:

    I’ve said this same thing for years! The bar is no place for anyone involved with another person. Even going together causes problems as the bar is for hook ups and nonsense that committed ppl don’t need.

  • Mark Funair says:

    awesome and refreshing! my woman don’t drink either! great guy!

  • Simon says:

    There’s a big difference between having a drink and getting totally drunk.
    It’s called self control and moderation!

  • Jillian Taylor says:

    When I’m out with friends or date night, I’ll have a drink before and after my mains, but that’s it, I’ll get dessert and have a tea to finish up. I don’t need to get plastered to have a good time.

  • Joe Roberts says:

    he seems such a fun, happy man

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