PRAY About That Man For These 3 VERY Important Reasons

PRAY About That Man For These 3 VERY Important Reasons

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  • @LoveSiggy says:

    I pray that too!!! 🙏 My faith it is so strong, I know ABBA got me n don’t make mistakes

  • @loushaydavis464 says:

    Time and patience 🙏🏿❤️

  • @daniellewegrecki8342 says:

    I pray for him and his family almost every day. He needs faith, patience, strength and love. He cares for his Mother that has dementia. We were separated for 25 years and came back together and I believe God brought us back to each other. It just so happens to be that I am a career caregiver 🤷 Also he has cared for me like no other man. We all need God with us🙏💗

  • @Cindy_Love_2025 says:

    My prayer… Praying for my future forever love🙏🏼❤️

    You’re absolutely right!💯
    Ask God!👏🏼👏🏼💯💯
    Pray about everything!💯
    Valuable information!💯
    Great quote!💯
    Excellent video!💯
    I love it!❤️

  • @RoyalSweetness22 says:

    I once was blind, but now I see. I completely understand this video, best friend. 😊❤

  • @fridahmachilima6940 says:

    I pray for him almost every day thank you God is faithful

  • @thobekamantshongo4458 says:

    Love your videos,they are insightful.Thank you🇿🇦♥️

  • @GodsObedientChild-Deuteron6262 says:

    God is SO AMAZING and FAITHFUL✨♥️

  • @T-Shaun4850 says:

    Amazing nothing works better than 🙏🏾 in life in general..Love this ❤❤❤

  • @angelaevoe597 says:

    Every time you make a point the way you say the final point really comes off so calm, kind, and respectful…you make your point honestly and firmly, yet in such an encouraging way…I’m a woman and we take things wrong and perceive things wrong all the time right? So I’m sayin I respect that so much and I like the way you speak…❤❤❤❤

  • @lucybyrd1810 says:

    I asked God when he is ready to allow me to be the person that I need to be for that man. 👌

  • @user-fh1tr9zp3l says:

    Hats off to you and your team for compilation of such topics Stephan
    God alone can put together a loving couple who can honestly love each
    other ,hence the reason i allow him to total controll of my LIFE 🙏

  • @JoyandTaNaFaith says:

    I must say… This video is truly led by Holy Spirit; not that the others weren’t. The part about the nice guys is so true! You cannot get with them just because they are nice and have material things. No attraction, no passion, not equally yoked. That dog won’t hunt as my granddaddy used to say…However, this is spot on. Thank you…

  • @jamesha_j says:

    I pray for my husband and the traits I’d like him to possess. Whoever he is and wherever he is, I want him protected and to keep God as head of his life. I know I’m almost 47, but I’m believing our paths with cross one day. 🙌🏾

  • @Mickeyann-ub5rk says:

    Thank you

  • @gloriab110 says:

    Wow this came at the right time as I’m fasting for 3 days. This is truly led by the Holy Spirit. Thank you Stephen🙏🏾

  • @CapriceMiller-hh9my says:

    ❤❤❤ preach I just love your positivity

  • @the-gr8ful-ones says:

    Thank you. I understand and will take a step back, do my due diligence, and remain in prayer until I receive next step directions from God/Spirit.

  • @PatriciaMcCottry says:

    Amen.. I completly and totally agree and I pray to recognize the answer because I expect God to answer!!! I alsol wait for the CONFIRMATION by the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses. Shalom 🙏

  • @fantasiaroberts5157 says:

    Thank you Stephan! God bless you always 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏽💛

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