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Responding to Pooper Scooper Cooper’s Black Pilled Crying – IWAM Ep. 734

Today I'm responding to a hilarious video of Dick Pooper himself crying about how his feelings are hurt and how "the red pill and manosphere is bad".

For someone who "walked away" years ago, why is he still crying about it?

I'll explain why his take is self serving with only one agenda:
To make money.

Stay tuned as I clear my name of his BLATANT lies!

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  • I don't know what started it but I've been aware that both of you really hate each other now. Rich is wrong for spreading misinformation about you but I understand some of his other points. It's true that a lot of people aren't really qualified to talk about these subjects or are scum like he says. But they do so because its a subject that makes money. Rollo says that all the time too. Tate is is the same too. It's this philosophy that just because he talks about women he has to be part of the community and everyone needs to be part of the community. I understand all of the terms and jargon are used so we can differentiate things but it doesn't mean we belong to a label. Tate had always had his own philosophies but they attached the Red Pill label on him too like you have to be part of the community. So I understand why Rich doesn't want to belong in any group and just do his own thing. In regards to Fresh and Fit, if you don't know he went to Miami for an event held by George Gammon and Fresh and Fit made sense since he was finally in town. People have been asking for him on the Fresh and Fit podcast for a while and Myron and Fresh wanted him to come too. Both of you have your good and bad points but I'll admit Rich is more fake in a lot of ways.

  • For someone who gloats about being unplugged he sure loves to pay the 9th highest income tax rate in the world.

  • He wants to distance himself from the manosphere and is critical of it but goes on F&F and other red pill podcasts recently for publicity is hilarious.

  • Rich Cooper isn't blackpilled. In manosphere, blackpill means Looks matter most in dating and with women, and that if you don't have the looks you're doomed. Cooper doesn't believe that.

    Blackpill in the general sense of the word means hopelessness and nihilism, that's more what Rich Cooper's attitude fits.

    Good video

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