Sad Truth About American Lifestyle πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Charlie Page

  • @johngonzalez4298 says:

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Marina ❀

  • @electrohousemusic166 says:

    “Dating” across borders. We know what you are doing.

  • @mattwalters6834 says:

    True; my family and I have traveled around plenty, now we just like small trips out of town, nothing wrong with that. Weekends should be productive but also fun, take it easy.

  • @vocativusss says:

    yeah, that’s what we are fighting with now in central Europe. After 1989 we adopted this productivity stuff from USA and it’s a total disaster. Essentially, productivity is the opposite of having a rest. Thankfully our labour law require to take all of 26 days of vacation annually until 30 Sep of next year. It can’t be skipped or paid, company will get a fine otherwise. Without it, health costs would be even bigger.

    • @willstarbridge says:

      Well, fucking imagine that. The cool kids got 200 years experience and figured out a way that we here in the US just refuse to acknowledge alternatives.

    • @TheAirlock says:

      Corporate greed is an international language.

  • @CiaobellaAmour says:

    She’s not lying

  • @sbd119 says:

    Sounds like slavery to me – 2 weeks holiday – no one in Europe or UK Ireland would tolerate that.

  • @Erik_Emer says:

    Hit the nail on the head. I hate the idea that you always have to do be doing something. My cousin’s like this, and even though I’m not in his shoes, listening to things he does (real estate, product business, golf, work out), it tires me hearing it.

  • @Candrade_33 says:

    It sounds awful.

  • @ruthzimmer6708 says:

    I really love her sunglasses!

  • @someoneelse6934 says:

    As an American, I can not relate to this at all. I hate prepackaged vacations (including cruises). I’ve lived in 5 countries and have been to 22 so far. My 23rd will be in May to Costa Rica. I am intentionally staying in an Air BnB in a non tourist spot to brush up on my Spanish. I started leaning Spanish during COVID. It is my 7th language. My teenagers also speak multiple other languages even though they were born and raised in the U.S. The danger of painting pictures with a wide brush is that you paint over quite a bit of details that you missed in your assumptions.

    • @TheAirlock says:

      I have a similar experience, but you have to realize that our experience compared to the majority of Americans is very very rare.

  • @willstarbridge says:

    Are you sure? Because I’m pretty sure I’m good with whatever you choose to allow the chains you find super important… but I’m gonna pass.

  • @TheAirlock says:

    Marketing 101: induce anxiety then introduce worry-free solutions at a premium.

  • @TheAirlock says:

    Her vocal fry is killing me.

  • @Re4perZer0 says:

    I’m American and this is true for me. The cruise thing not specifically, but here in the bay area we are always on the go. Everything is so expensive and we are always working. Always in traffic. I don’t usually take vacations either because it makes me look bad to my employer and my team in addition to putting more work on them. And corporate politics is a thing. Especially in an at-will employment state where you can get fired for any reason as long as it isn’t discrimination, sexual harassment, or anything obvious like that.

    • @TheAirlock says:

      I see this all the time –it’s horrible. This is no way to live, my friend. I’ve been there. Escape while you can!

  • @thesmileybangle says:

    Omg sounds sad

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