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Signs You’re Dating an Emotionally Unavailable Guy | Dating Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

Mat Boggs shares dating advice for women and Signs You're Dating an Emotionally Unavailable Guy

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Mat Boggs Bio:
Mat has helped millions of people around the world attract love and develop fulfilling relationships. He’s also the founder of a revolutionary system of attracting love called Manifest Your Man.
In addition to running a highly successful coaching business, Mat is also the co-author of the best-selling Project Everlasting, which received a major, six-figure advance from Simon and Schuster publications.
Mat has been featured on CNN, Oprah & Friends, The Today Show, Good Morning America, and many other media outlets, as well as shared the stage with some of the industry’s biggest names, including; John Gray, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Bob Proctor and Brendon Burchard, and more.

#dating #adviceforwomen #relashionship #relationshipcoach #datingcoach #understandingman #understanding #howmenthink #whatmenthink #howtoattractaspecificpersonintoyourlife #lastinglove


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  • These are great signs to look for. I was with a narcissist who started out with everything good for a month or two. Then it was irritability and picking fights and realizing there was no way this guy is mature enough or stable enough to have a relationship period. He was not emotionally available and never would be.

  • Thank you for saying “do not try to fix them.” I made the mistake of thinking i could love a man enough to fix his problems. And in the end, they are the cold, hard rock that you crash up against. You end up damaged yourself. When a man is behaving this way, he has to want to fix it himself. Why would he fix anything when he’s already being showered with love? Men who are like this usually operate from a very simple state. “Am i getting everything i want from this woman?” The fact that you’re not getting your needs met isn’t a factor for them. At all. Do not try to fix them or love them enough. My ex soaked it all up and then cheated while telling me he was on work trips. He wanted his cake and to eat it, too. Because i was that good to him. Why should he leave, when he can lie and have everything? Don’t make that mistake. By learning from coaches like Mat, i’m with a great guy. He doesn’t hesitate be there for me.

  • My mom passed and he wouldn't even sympathize with me when he called, he'd avoid the topic when he could clearly see that am sobbing every time he calls 😢

    • I found my cat dead when coming home. He once lived with him. Nothing. Wouldn't even come to say goodbye or support me. I had to call a vet in the middle of the night, to perfom emergency euthanasia on my cat. Nothing. 3 months later I had my eldest cat, scheduled for euthanasia the day after. He knew. Nothing. A few days after he finally send a text.. 😅 and then acted surprised and defensive when I was angry at him 🙄
      I think grief is the most difficult emotions for them to handle. It's so big, full of love and emptiness.. they can't deal with that at all..

  • Great advise! I stopped trying to fix them and allowed myself to fix me! The wait is long but I don’t give up that one day I’ll meet the right one!❤😊

  • I wish I had known this before I was married. You just described my husband perfectly. My husband has been emotionally unavailable our whole marriage(17 years). He tries, but he was raised by emotionally unavailable parents and he has no way of connecting to me. I have learned to live with it because I made a vow, "Till death do us part," but it is lonely at times. We just went to dinner last night and try as I might to talk to him about things he just sat there and let every conversation die out. He then took out his phone and started looking at TikToks. He then said how his dad never took his mom out because he always wanted to be with his children, and he thought maybe he should do that too. He said that he missed the interactions of the children, and I can understand that, but it hurts that he cannot connect with me after all this time. He feels that after we talked about the highlights of the day we have discussed all there is to discuss, and we have no more to say to each other.😢

    • Same! I've been working really hard on this. And the funny thing is, with every step you take and heal a bit, people around you change. Heck, even online content changes and responses on dating sites. It's wild! Such a cool reflection though, seeing that you're succeeding with your inner work and become whole and available. Wishing the same for you ❤ I'm sure you'll get there, acknowledging this is a BIG step 💪🏻👍🏻

  • So true and trying to fix or believing he has a good a heart or showing emphathy to his terrible childhood led me to be with a narcissist and my child suffer from that. I am finally out of the relationship but having spent 10 years in that every day you sometimes forget how valuable you are and either put walls up or end up with not narcissist this time but workaholic or emotionally unavailable guys. I find it hard to balance so I have been out of dating for years and find it difficult to get back to it really. These videos are encouraging.

  • Another sign of emotional unavailability is talking all the time but only about a certain topic (e.g. work). An emotionally unavailable person craves connection but is also deeply afraid of it so they'll get it in very small bite sized chunks here and there, while also keeping the person at arm's reach. Additionally when the emotionally available person pulls away, the emotionally unavailable person chases them because they care.

  • There are a lot of videos about the other person being emotionally unavailable, but not many about when it’s actually yourself.

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