Texting that Attracts Vs. Repels Women

It's A LOT easier to screw up your chances with a woman via text messaging that it is to build attraction with her…So, in this presentation, we cover 8 simple attractive texting principles that put the odds in your favor.

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  • Piesces Piesces says:

    This is one of the best videos ever made on this subject !
    Big thank you !!

    • My Cloud says:

      Zbynio Piesces he is probably copying original material from someone named Coach Corey Wayne. YouTube him.

    • My Cloud says:

      please stop copying coach Corey Wayne content

    • Cheese Face says:

      My Cloud – He’s not copying Corey. Corey encourages us to ask when the girl is free, then arrange the date by being direct. This guy says be direct by picking the day, time, etc. first. Corey says NOT to send her a text after the date, to let her wonder. This guy encorages us to send just ONE text. Also, in another one of Jims videoes, he says to not ask a girl out again for several days, even if she texts you. Corey says when she reaches out assume she wants to see you and make a date (unless it’s the same night after the date). So quite different.

    • Paul Brown says:

      Piesces Piesces Q

  • Dave C says:

    When first starting a friendship with someone you really have a connection with and want to go further? Yeah,you do need to follow by these rules. Never bombard with text. Try to make it even,back and forth. One maybe two at a time and not every time during a conversation.

  • Mike Sadovich says:

    Love this stuff. Really helped me to get some nice dates via texting. I applied all the rules and it worked. Thank you bro!

  • Alan Woller says:

    The first principle is to not repeat yourself. The first thing you want to do is not repeat yourself. What you don’t want to do is repeat yourself.

  • Chrizzle Piasecki says:

    This is different when you actually both care for each other and building connection

    • Midou says:

      Of course, this is mainly to make a girl attracted to you even more but this would still work in your case.

    • Ryan Weston says:

      You’re on stage 2. Stage 1 sadly consists of these games to increase your chances of success. Keep in mind, it works both ways. Some women have been way too needy and has made me take a step back.

    • Mike Knight says:

      Funny but nowadays women have options you are not the only one .

  • max stoner says:

    God I feel stupid. I’m young, inexperienced. I’ve literally done all the things he described as repelling. I can still get myself out there and learn.

  • max stoner says:

    Thank you for the video. It has shown me that I am an un attractive texter. I will learn from my mistakes.

  • Black Monk says:

    Yep! I’ve been my own worst enemy, acting “captain sabotage”. Hard lesson learned. Thank you bro.

  • Soto Loco says:

    That would be great if you could make videos about long distance relationships. Appreciate your work a lot and i am very curious to read your book. Eventhough if somebody is good enough by interacting with the opposite sex, there is always space for improvement. Thank you

  • Video Czar says:

    In my experience, one should take things by ear. every woman i have met we would spend the entire night texting back and forth. I do have to admit that it does get boring because after a while one runs out of things to say and it become tiring to have to think of answer

  • VoldeMart says:

    1. Be direct. Figure out a fun activity and the logistics, then say, “Join me.”
    2. Do NOT double text. She got your initial one. Give her space; that’s how she knows your inner strength, which makes her more attracted to you. Double texting can ONLY lower her attraction. Waiting can ONLY raise it. Maybe 1 week later is okay.
    3. Send her ONE SIMPLE TEXT after a great date instead of texting all night. That one text is very powerful and says everything you want to say: “Hey ____, I had a great time.” Use fewer words.
    4. Let her’s be the last text.
    – also, try to text her a little less than she texts you. Give her a chance to chase and be attracted.
    – try to keep them short and clear. No paragraphs when an emoji will do!
    5. Don’t try to build rapport / relationship through texts! Nothing deep. Few questions. These should be in person. Just be playful and use texts to set up the next date.
    6. Keep your texting light and playful! Use emoticons to soften when teasing (men who do are more successful). Very easy to misinterpret a text message. In-person contact provides context.
    – do NOT use “j/k” or “sorry” or emoticons otherwise, or very much at all. It’s weak.
    – do not escalate relationship, give ultimatums, show a ton of interest or emotion, etc.
    – don’t use all caps
    7. Send text and then go do something else.
    – waiting for her text will erode your self-confidence
    8. Do not text her something like, “Good morning, Beautiful” every morning. Especially before you’re her boyfriend. She’ll just show that to the guy she’s actually dating.
    – kills interest

    Don’t worry too much about this. Don’t worry about being super accurate. Just follow the general guidelines. Texting is a only tool to arrange the next meet-up!

  • Tal says:

    Well this has been eye opening. I’ve been texting a couple of girls this past week and I’ve been making at least half of these mistakes lol. One of them has agreed to meet up but flaked twice already (giving her one last chance), and the other is keeping me hanging and won’t say yes or no when I ask her out. I’ll try to implement this advice more.

    • Mike Knight says:

      Stop chasing women its a waste focus on yourself and be a G sorry we are losing men game tight soldiers

  • Philip Schachtner says:

    The double text is honestly my biggest struggle 🙁 working on it though!

    • Mike Knight says:

      Here’s a fast way to still double text get money and you can write a book and they will throw themselves

  • Adam Wumbila says:

    The point of texting is to setup your next meet up with her..
    1. Be DIRECT when you are asking her to meet up with you. Eg. ” i am going on a hike will you join” or ” hey, lets meet for coffee at 7:30 am monday morning”.
    Don ask her things like, when is our next date, when should we meet….
    2. Dont Double Text Her.. one text per time, and in that case just wait. Dont give too messages at a time. And do let her text always be the last. This will make her feel that you are freaking out or over obsessed about her. Just incase she doesnt reply, may be a weak later, you can send one more text. This is to keep her interest high in you. Remember Captain Sabotage will love to send her 1000 text..
    3. Send her ONE text after your date…. do not send more than one simple like text. Eg. ” I was a nice time with you …….” remember keep your text within base and let the relationship be physical and text being just a means to meet up.
    4. Let her text be the last one if you can…… try to keep your text a little less and a little bit shorter. Be clear, simple and short. Don’t send a lot of text when a smilies images could do. Simple, clear , straight forward and concise.
    5. Dont try to build RAPPORT via texting. Let those be in person. Dont ask her questions over text.
    6. Keep it LIGHT. Let her know if it is a joke. It should be followed with an emoji and dont be overly sexual or important matters over texting. dont want to escalate the relationship over texting. Reserve your emotions and judgements over text. Keep it light.
    7. Send a text and then go do something else. Dont keep the phone waiting for her reply. Go continue your awesome life and come back later on her. This will help you with your internal strength and make her feel you are good with or without her..
    8. DO NOT TEXT her, ” Good Morning Beautiful” every morning =) she likes you because she likes you..
    Dont send sensitive messages online…. TREATING TEXTING AS A TOOL TO ARRANGE YOUR NEXT MEET UP WITH HER..

  • Ben-Driving says:

    This is extremely comprehensive video on texting. Good job. Oh! One caveat, I do not add emoticons or “ha ha‘s” or “LOL”. It has led to me looking like a cornball a goofy guy a nice guy.
    It’s important to remember that women form attraction/feeling through wondering about the guy.
    We think that giving the woman reassurance, comfort, and stability will lead to deep attraction from her.
    The reality is, they form it through anxiety when you’re away and cool calm masculinity when you are with her. Seriously, it’s freaking weird. Women require all the emotions to feel alive/ in love. They need the roller coaster.
    Also, put a girl you have high attraction for on silent mode in your messaging app. This will keep you from texting too quickly.

    • Rachel Gerrard says:

      You’re so right about the emojis. And….Cornball 😂😂😂😂

    • Rachel Gerrard says:

      The anxiety when you are away will not keep a high value woman attracted to you though just FYI. Our feeling of safety comes from knowing you are interested but you are self sufficient and not reliant on us. If we feel anxiety when we are away from you, that’s not a good sign.

  • Eric_ Martindale says:

    These are always on point. Trying to crack girl code never ends. There are no one size fits all solution’s, and whenever I have a challenge on my hands, I always end up back at this channel.

    • Mike Knight says:

      So I will help money ,mind,body,knowledge, power, then you can crap on all these women and they will love it be a Chad or Tyrone they do not do any of these silly games

    • Eric_ Martindale says:

      @Mike Knight, you might just want to work on your grammar and punctuation a bit. It seems to me that women like guys that can read and write. You may increase your income level as well. Just a recommendation.

  • Charlene Maeder says:

    If this sounds complicated, just call her, set a date, and meet. Texting allows for all kinds of miscommunications.

    • Charles O'Connor says:

      Charlene I love your advice more than this whole video. Be direct. Problem solved

    • Craig says:

      @Charles O’Connor – If only it were that simple. A lot of women don’t like talking on the phone. And most women will text you inbetween dates, even if you have a date set up. This advice is a great way to handle texting.

    • U-Day designs says:

      Yes most of the time girls don’t want to get on the call with the guy they just met !!!

    • Mike Knight says:

      Tried that but maybe I was to needy I doubt it since we both were vibin,but it’s hard to see when timing is everything she could like you but be busy or say she’s busy when really she has Chad on the side.i can’t play these society games of like me but oops to much, I am the last human being, it’s easy to smash when so many give it away where it has no value so sad society…

    • Mike Knight says:

      @Craig  there are always several they have one for the stores one for sex one for a friend it’s endless ..game tight men focus on yourself

  • Titus Bell says:

    Thank you. I now realize how horrible I have been with texting and dating women. Wow.

  • Rachel Gerrard says:

    Yes you’re right about the double texting thing – it’s very pressurising. Saying you’re going out for a meal anyway and inviting me to join is kind of odd and unnecessary though. I would feel like you were afraid to take risks, which is a big turn off. Just ask us on a date.

    • Craig says:

      Hi. Would you prefer the man to just say something like “hey lets grab a drink. When are you free?” Then after you tell him he then decides on a place and time?

  • Mu Mu says:

    As a woman, I can confirm ESPECIALLY the “good morning beautiful” daily text.

    1) Be direct with your texts. No vague “what are you doing this weekend” if you’re asking her out.
    2) Use texting to set up the next face to face meet, not to have long drawn out “conversations”
    3) Choose the logistics about your next date (Jazz club 7pm wednesday) and invite her
    4) Don’t double text
    5) One simple text after the date rather than text all night
    6) Let her be the last text of the night. Resist the urge to respond to her winky face.
    7) Text playfully and light (it’s very easy to misinterpret tone on text)
    8) Send your text to her and then go do something else. Take your mind off it.

    1) Be ultra vague like “WYD” instead of asking her out on a specific date and time
    2) Ask her out without having something specific in mind
    3) Make her decide and plan the dates
    4) Don’t build your relationship over texting
    5) Ask “get to know you” over texting (it’s very easy to misinterpret tone on text)
    6) Be overly sexual over text or on the first few dates
    7) Over-escalate the relationship (so are you going to be my wife or what?)
    8) Use all caps when you text
    9) Don’t text the same thing every morning (good morning beautiful)

    • Caio Botelho says:

      Guess I’ve been messing up on multiple occasions. Screenshotting this to have as a forever reference. I’m done with losing ppl because of texts.

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