The 12 TYPES Of Men You Should AVOID DATING

The 12 TYPES Of Men You Should AVOID DATING is a dating advice for women you definitely want to listen to. As a dating coach for women I provide the dating tips for women that will help women know the types of men to avoid dating.

Be sure to like and share this dating tips for women video. It's worth it… Furthermore, don't ignore the red flags, and be sure to avoid dating these types of guys mentioned in the video.

Now, remember, don't just run at the first sight of a red flag. Address it, and if isn't corrected, then proceed with avoiding these types of men.

As a certified life coach, dating coach, and relationship coach who provides dating advice for women and men, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you. If you are asking any of the following questions:

5 types of men to avoid
Type of men to avoid
Red flags
Types of men to avoid dating
Should I keep dating him
Types of guys to avoid dating
7 types of men to avoid dating
Dating coach for women
Dating expert
Relationship coach for women
Relationship expert
Online dating
Dating help
Dating advice for women
Dating tips for women and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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I hope you enjoyed my video: The 12 TYPES Of Men You Should AVOID DATING

Watch this video next dating advice video: Why Men Start DATING YOU When They're Not Ready For A RELATIONSHIP


#TypesOfMenToAvoidDating #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingTipsForWomen #Dating #DatingAdvice #TypesOfMenToAvoid #RedFlag #DatingTips #RealLove #StephanSpeaks

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  • @lisacovington611 says:

    He can have money, but if he’s lazy all by itself I wouldn’t want a man like that.

  • @FisumeSoft says:

    thanks ❤

  • @analegon5739 says:

    The Fake Christian OMG you hit the nail on the Head Wow I needed to Hear that I taught I was going crazy ❤ thank God for this Video and Sign💯♥️🙏

  • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

    Great video! I want to add that if he doesn’t have a genuine relationship with The Father (Elohim/God) then none of the other attributes are worthwhile. My mentor used to tell me that “a man that doesn’t love God will NEVER love you”.

    • @MeetStephanSpeaks says:

      Thank you for your feedback

    • @herintrovertlife says:

      Or his mother or even distant with family isn’t good

    • @annepennington1230 says:

      @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 For those that dont identify spirituality with a particular religion it could be described as its very healthy to find anyone whoconnects with a/ higher purpose, the force of good in this world/ the power of love. I agree that someone in touch with this force is connecting with the forces of growth and want to do good with themselves!

  • @CherryBerryFashion says:

    In my country many Christian men say „I am a believer but I don’t practice”. You can imagine how that one goes down. The last guy I was seeing said that to me and when I told him that I don’t date men who smoke he first begged me to give him a chance and later on when his pride got hurt eventually he texted me a whole scroll of a message „oh sorry, I wasn’t in my right mind because I didn’t eat that day. Actually you are a lesbian and you must be someone who sleeps around and I would never want a wife like you. But I still gave us a chance. Also it you who needs therapy” Boy got me heated with his immaturity and audacity. Even though I was so nice when I told him he needs therapy for his emotional and life issues because honestly he was a mess. Dating is sometimes very tiring but I will not give up because of one bad apple.

    • @WarriorMichelle57 says:

      Ew, he sounds like a narcissist!! You escaped that trap!!

    • @cleftheart1969 says:

      I went through something similar he was broken and expecting me raise him and just except him as he was…when I told him he needs man up and grow up he pulled away…WASTING BOTH OUR TIME so I cut him lose. Never again will I fall for manipulations he put me through.

  • @TeeHolmes532 says:

    Sad to say I learned these things so late in age. I wish I would’ve heard these sooner could have avoided a lot heartache

  • @chiquitam.williams3814 says:

    This was very informative!👏🏽👏🏽 💯
    Thank you.

  • @terri-annebless4726 says:

    Amen this good 💯💯💯

  • @kcinaaj says:

    If you don’t love God, you can’t love me!

  • @Blessed8dys-ie9wi says:

    You had me at Mr fake Christian…. Word!!
    😂😂😂 😡😡😡😠

  • @jesuisvanessawilkerson7011 says:

    38:46-39:00 … EXCELLENT POINT! When I’m dating you i am always intentionally keeping an eye out for husband/leadership qualities. If i see that you have a pattern of mishandling your $ that’s a major red flag.

  • @RoyalSweetness22 says:

    You know I love watchin’ your videos, Counselor. 💯 😊

  • @JStig12 says:

    In terms of broke, I am the same way about women. It is not about the status of being broke or in debt, it is about lifestyle habits.

  • @Plop_I says:

    “Let him flow by himself” XD

  • @banigoimiebam4048 says:

    Thank you Stephan, this video is amazing and came at the right time, you’re a blessing. God bless you 🙏

  • @kimburger917 says:

    I dated a guy for 5 years who would only take part time gigs. He was whining he’s always broke. I’m not rich but I can pay my own bills and eventually it just got old. He broke up with me believe it or not and that was a blessing in disguise.

  • @andrea48103 says:

    Ladies listen to what he is saying…the top 4 reasons he listed are why my marriage didn’t last …be forewarned and find the right partner who can lead and you can build with

  • @Luvdogs3 says:

    Great advice. 😊

  • @msdemeanour says:

    No more dating mummy’s boys or “projects.” I’d rather be single ✨

  • @johannedesyr6402 says:

    So true, if he show you who he is, you better believe it

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