The 7 DANGERS Of Dating A Married MAN
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The 7 DANGERS Of Dating A Married MAN …is a dating and relationship advice video laying out seven dangers of dating married men. Many women don't plan to end up in a situation like this, but many have found themselves in it. I want you to know what you need to be aware of when dating married men.
As a relationship coach and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this relationship advice video helpful and that it will help you in identifying your soulmate and that you will receive the man or woman who is truly best for you.
If you are asking any of the following questions:
– Dating a married man relationships
– Dangers of dating
– Dangers of dating a married man
– Dating married men
– I'm in love with a married man
– Dating married men
– Married men
– Why you should not date a married man
– Dating help
– Dating advice for women
– Dating coach for women
– Relationship advice for women
– Dating expert
– Relationship expert
– Relationship coach for women
and more, well, I believe this relationship advice and dating advice video will give you the clarity you need.
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I hope you enjoyed my video: The 7 DANGERS Of Dating A Married MAN
Watch this video next dating advice video: 5 CLEAR Signs A Man Doesn't RESPECT You (Let Him Go!)
#DatingAMarriedMan #DangersOfDating #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingHelp #RelationshipAdviceForWomen #RelationshipCoach #RelationshipAdvice #DatingAdvice #DatingCoachForWomen #DatingCoach #StephanSpeaks
God will never give you someone else’s husband…or wife.
Thank you for this comment.
God won’t. I got pregnant the married man lied about his Wife/kids GOD loved me so much I miscarried.

i thought about that but tell that to: steve harvey, dwayne wade, alicia keys, lionel ritchie etc….
all of whom left for the side person and married them…..
So crazy that this came through my feed. I recently started dating someone who had been separated for 2 years. I know better, but this was great confirmation. Thanks Stephan.
You’re welcome
And on that note, leave him or her where they are. They will bring you no good.
@@stephaniecobb1497 I don’t want no woman to date my husband so I don’t dare date a married man
Disrespect to date someone married
Thank you from a married woman!
Thank you
I am married and am going through a similar situation
You asking for a whole world of hurt if you are dealing with a married man!
that’s the way i see the wife…..
you sitting in nothing but pain while you let your hubby sleep with diff women….
As the son of the other woman…I lost mad respect for my mama as a boy and at 46 still working towards learning how to be in an honoring relationship with her. Moral of the story…adults must think beyond the moment and consider what you’re modeling before your children…i.e. disloyalty, manipulation, lack of self respect/value, untrustworthy, betrayal, abandoning, neglectfulness and the list goes on and on
Thank you for sharing this with us
@@MeetStephanSpeaks I have your dialogues with Iyanla Vanzant on repeat. I’ve gained so much clarity and insight. Ur a blessing beyond measure my brotha
This comment should be pinned!!
This is just 1 of the reasons I’ve always turned down married men advances. I always thought…If I ever had a child with a married man, how would he/she feel about me??
I hope things continue to progress with you and your mother.
I don’t dare married most times before I have a conversation with a man I look for the ring
and a lot of them will take off the ring
Yes but there’s an imprint if he normally wears it.
Separate is not divorce
Separated or not…it’s not okay. Wait until the divorce is final y’all. WOMEN ESPECIALLY DO THIS. And then brag about it !
Thank You Steph! I went through this when I was 22. He lied to me for TWO years about EVERYTHING. He had a Wife AND Kids.
You’re welcome
I have a strong faith in God and your videos,books,really speak to me. I pray every day about my situation. I need help. Is there a way to do online coaching with you?
I dated a married man briefly and prior to that I said I would never do that. I beat myself up about it. I ended it with a broken heart. I went against my better judgment knowing I shouldn’t. I will never in my life put myself in that position again!
Me too. That was 8 years ago and still struggling to forgive myself. I know God forgave me but still carry the shame.
Thanks for sharing this with us
I avoid anyone who is “separated” and am wary of anyone who has only been single for a few months
This it’s an instant no
eysy G’s 

16:57 16:57
yeteteiyywuy try


You’d be surprised how many men say they’re separated but are still sleeping on the couch etc “for the kids/money issues” – such BS – AVOID
It needs to be discussed, helped, etc.
God help us all to try and do the right thing always.
The fact we are even having this discussion shows how far society has fallen.
A married man will never leave his wife. However, if he does, he will probably cheat on you, just like he did with his ex wife. Why are people blaming the woman, when it is the married man who is cheating,he knows exactly what he is doing. Most of them tend to lie anyway, so they can get what they want from the lover. Peace

I always say it’s never the other woman fault REGARDLESS if she knew or not…if it was the sister or best friend that’s different…
@@cleftheart1969 preach!!!!!!!!!!……damn right!!!!
the married man dosen’t have to leave his wife, she made him feel entitled and above reproach!!!!
He chose not to tell me until he “told on himself” i ended it soon after .. he was so disrespectful to me telling me i wasn’t qualified to be a wife just a person to you know the rest … He wasn’t honest with me or himself
Stephan the counsellor was all over this video, he was speaking facts from what he had personally seen and heard . Take note
Thank you
The way you get them is how you lose them. If you cheat with, you will get cheated on. Dating a married person is a recipe for disaster. Thanks Steph!
You’re welcome
I am so used to you cracking me up, Stephan, but today you’re going to make me cry!!! I can feel the care and love that you have for your viewers and it’s so touching. You are looking out for us like a loving big brother. That’s why we love and respect you so much.
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